How About Those l33t d00dz?
                                    by Flaming Cow
     When is the last time that you were just hanging around on IRC when you encountered a very lame
   person. You know the type - they talk l1k3 7h1s; they think that the fact that they just downloaded
                   the newest ICQ flooder naturally means that they now rule the world.
   Most of you would probably have the same reaction that I used to: head straight for ye olde kick/ban
   button. Wait. What if that person you are about to kick could be crypto analyzing AES in six months?
   What if they were destined to be the next one added to that large group of people who found sendmail
                                    bugs? Who exactly are you kicking?
   I run a hacking website that attracts exactly these types. I can't count the number of times that I
    have received "Do you have the latest AOL scroller?" through the feedback form. My good friend and
    site sysadmin tells me that before we got the firewall, he had several users break in and start by
   trying to "dir". However, I don't ignore these emails, and I don't send back nasty "Go Away" notes.
     Yes its hard, hell, nearly impossible to imagine, but this is the way that a hacker today has to
      start out. These are not the kids who were as lucky as us to have the BBS scene and accepting
    "Mentor"s to teach us. Anyone who has the interest and the drive to learn about computers will be
               caught by the media hype and will end up searching Altavista for "hacking".
   When they do that, what do they find? Well--the last time I checked--I came up number 5. I'll admit
     it: by the standards of sites like this, mine is seriously lame. People constantly tell me: all
    these files are for attacking. This violates any kind of hacker ethics that exist, and they don't
      teach anyone anything. And they're right. So why do I keep this page running? Specifically to
                             attract those Altavista searchers. Confused yet?
       I run my site to get people interested. That is my goal. People come here and they use these
     programs. I get 2000 hits a day from people who want to nuke their friend off ICQ. They destroy,
                  they wreak havoc, and they generally cause a giant, unforgivable mess.
   However--maybe once a week--I get an e-mail that asks "Is this all there is? How can I go farther? I
    want to learn about computers, UN*X, etc. I want to stop destroying and start creating knowledge."
    By sheer math, that is 1 out of 14000 people, but it is still one person. I can guide that person
   away from their little GUI world. That one in fourteen thousand was ready to move on, and to expand
     themselves. Those that are weeded out by this bandwidth-wasteful process have the desire and the
     ability to learn. They all expand beyond my limited knowledge very fast. Several have gone on to
                      much better things. All of them have been well worth my time.
   So, you ask yourself, this letter started with some h^c&3r coming into my IRC channel. I definitely
    don't have 14000 people doing this to *me* a week, so why should I care if there are that few real
   possibilities out there? My response is: Can we afford to waste even a single questioning mind? The
   number of people who would call themselves "hackers" has grown exponentially on the 'net in the last
   several years. The number of true hackers that adhere to ethics and hack only for knowledge and not
    for publicity or bravado has dropped drastically. Do those few who are left want their only legacy
   to be a bunch of kids running around with WinNuke? If all the *real* hackers out there don't get off
     their high horses and start teaching a new generation, all that will be left eventually will be
                                         those "script kiddies."
    Even the newest hacker has read Mentor's Last Words. Some of us know them by heart, and have spent
    time analyzing how we can apply his writing to our actions. However, consider his name. He called
   himself Mentor for a reason: he taught people. His values still live on in some people, but his idea
              of raising the next generation is being lost, and we *must* fight to keep it.