THE TOP TEN SIGNS YOUR CO-WORKER IS A COMPUTER HACKER 10: You ticked him off once and your next phone bill was for $20,000. 9: He's won the Publisher's Clearing House sweepstakes 3 years running. 8: When asked for his phone number, he gives it in hex. 7: Seems strangely calm whenever the office LAN goes down. 6: Somehow gets HBO on his PC at work. 5: Mumbled, "Oh, puh-leeez" 95 times during the movie "The Net". 4: Massive 401k contribution made in half-cent increments. 3: His video dating profile lists "public-key encryption" among turn-ons. 2: For his welcome voice on AOL, you hear, "Good Morning, Mr. President". 1: You hear him murmur, "Let's see you use that Visa now, Professor-I-Don't-Give-A's-In-Computer-Science!" (#2 being the exception)