Vista 350 New phone, New Features (ADSI, ACMS) ~~~~~~~~ Written by: Wildman August 13, 1999 Vista 350 is one of the new phones out in Canada. This is not an ordinary phone, this phone has many unique features, some are listed below. - 8 line Display Screen - Display Keys - Function Keys - Call Waiting Display - Call Waiting Select - ADSI - ACMS Well a lot of the new phones have some of these features but the features which are new that I will be talking about are ADSI and ACMS. The Vista 350 is ADSI-compatible, which means it is capable of offering a wide variety of services such as home banking, travel information lines, and community bulletin boards. ADSI... ADSI stands for Analog Display Services Interface. ADSI is a protocol. The ADSI protocol is backward compatible with the transmission of caller identification and related display data from a Stored Program Controlled System to an off-hook phone. The ADSI Protocol allows voice and data information to be transmitted to a telephone using existing telephone lines. It provides a two-way exchange of information. An example of an ADSI service is Call Waiting Select. The Vista has ADSI and contains a screen on your telephone that lets you see your voice mail selections, among other things. You can also send e-mail messages through your telephone, using the built-in screen and keyboard. (Vista 350 does not have a keyboard but the new Vistas do.) And you can complete banking transactions all done through your home telephone. A vision of the future? Not at all. The ADSI protocol was developed for the use of Calling Identity Delivery on Call Waiting. In Calling Identity Delivery on Call Waiting, an audible alerting tone generated by the network "wakes up" the telephone, prepares it to receive data, and instructs it to mute the voice path. The Caller ID data message is then sent via Frequency Shift Keying and displayed on the screen. ADSI substantially expands this protocol structure by defining a complex syntax, a set of messages, and rules for both the phone and servers to follow when using the interface. ADSI permits the transmission of either voice or data, with a very short train-up period required to begin data transmission or "downloading," and by defining a set of ADSI-resident script components. The phone (Vista 350) receives data via Frequency Shift Keying and responds via Dual Tone Multi- Frequency (DTMF) tones. The ADSI further expands the Calling Identity Delivery on Call Waiting concept by identifying two types of network-to-the- phone communications that can be downloaded to the phone from a server and run independently by the phone. The first type of ADSI network-to-the-phone communications is known as Server Display Control (SDC). Server Display Control provides temporary downloading for the current transaction, or SDC Session. The server sends messages through the analog Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) which provides instructions for the Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) on how to display information and user interface control mechanisms. The Vista transmits user input for the session by transmitting DTMF tones to interactively provide the user's response to the feature. This is an interactive connection PHONE <><><><><><><><><><><> ADSI server <>=Session is established ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~=DTMF The second type of network-to-the-phone communications is known as Feature Download Management (FDM). FDM provides semi-permanent downloading of a resident script server into the Vista. A Vista resident feature script executes on the phone itself to display information to the customer and to react to the customer's responses. The script provides the functional logic of the features it supports, as well as instructions on how to display information and user interface control mechanisms, such as dynamic soft keys. This is scripts being downloaded from server (ads, etc.) PHONE <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ADSI server ACMS... ACMS is an Advanced Call Management Server. The ACMS server runs on a Windows NT box. There are two types of ADSI network services, those which are provided by the switch (i.e. Call Waiting Select), and those that come from scripts stored on an Advanced Call Management Server. Scripts make features easier to use by adding visual displays and audio prompts. ACMS scripts have several advantages. There are soft keys that are used instead of remembering codes, reminders of available options, and context sensitive options... meaning you can only see the options that work in your situation. Downloading scripts from the ACMS takes a few seconds. This is done after installation of the vista 350, it downloads the features you have access to and your personal features like home banking, etc. If you get a hold of an ACMS/ADSI server you can do a lot and can program your own scripts. This might be useful for those ADSI Home Banking servers that ask you for a card number and pin number, now you can program it to brute force it. Or another idea is to make a script for wardialing and saving it to a file in the phone. Or you can have games. There are many possibilities. --------------- Edmonton, Alberta Vista 350 Server Numbers ----------------- Well here is a list I scanned by hand. The reason why I scanned by hand is because if you use a wardialer it would not pick up the ADSI tone. I will be working on a program that will pick up ADSI tones if possible. Most of these phone numbers belong to Call Mall and there is a lot of them. If you know of any 800 numbers to ADSI servers and/or a local phone number I missed, let me know so I can add it in. 310-8350 = Telus Vista 350 Setup 310-7353 = Telus Self Serve 310-4257 = to Delete those annoying adds 428-1116 = Ads 428-1117 = Ads 428-1118 = Ads 428-1125 = Ads 428-1129 = Ads 428-1138 = Ads 428-1139 = Ads 428-1143 = Ads 428-1147 = Ads 428-1148 = Ads 428-1149 = Ads 428-1150 = Ads 428-1151 = Ads 428-1152 = Ads 428-1153 = Ads 428-1154 = Ads 428-1156 = Ads 428-1158 = Call Mall 428-1160 = Updating records 428-1161 = Ads 428-1162 = Test Consumer Number =) 428-1165 = Home Banking Pin Number 428-1171 = Vista 350 Setup (Telus) 428-1172 = Call Mall 428-1176 = Call Mall (French) 428-1177 = Vista 350 Services 428-1178 = Home Banking Setup 428-1179 = Updating Phone (System problem at the end) 428-1183 = Canada Trust 428-1190 = Canada Trust (French) Wildman Email: