BUSY LINE VERIFICATION This file describes how a TSPS operator does a BLV (Busy Line Verification) and an EMER INT (Emergency Interrupt) upon a busy line that a customer has requested to be 'broken' into. I have written this file to hopefully clear up all the misconceptions about Busy Line Verification and Emergency Interrupts. BLV is 'Busy Line Verification'. That is, discovering if a line is busy/not busy. BLV is the telco term, but it has been called Verification, Autoverify, Emergency Interrupt, break into a line, REMOB, and others. BLV is the result of a TSPS that uses a Stored Program Control System (SPCS) called the Generic 9 program. Before the rise of TSPS in 1969, cordboard operators did the verification process. The introduction of BLV via TSPS brought about more operator security features. The Generic 9 SPCS and hardware was first installed in Tucson, Daytona, and Columbus, Ohio, in 1979. By now virtually every TSPS has the Generic 9 program. A TSPS operator does the actual verification. If caller A was in the 815 Area code, and caller B was in the 314 Area code, A would dial 0 to reach a TSPS in his area code, 815. Now, A, the customer, would tell the operator he wished an emergency interrupt on B's number, 314+555+1000. The 815 TSPS op who answered A's call cannot do the interrupt outside of her own area code, (her service area), so she would call an Inward Operator for B's area code, 314, with KP+314+TTC+121+ST, where the TTC is a Terminating Toll Center code that is needed in some areas. Now a TSPS operator in the 314 area code would be reached by the 815 TSPS, but a lamp on the particular operators console would tell her she was being reached with an Inward routing. The 815 operator then would say something along the lines of she needed an interrupt on 314+555+1000, and her customers name was J. Smith. Now, the 314 Inward (which is really a TSPS) would dial B's number, in a normal Operator Direct Distance Dialing (ODDD) fashion. If the line wasn't busy, then the 314 Inward would report this to the 815 TSPS, who would then report to the customer (caller A) that 314+555+1000 wasn't busy and he could call as normal. However if the given number (in this case, 314+555+1000) was busy, then several things would happen and the process of BLV and EMER INT would begin. The 314 Inward would seize a Verification trunk (or BLV trunk) to the toll office that served the local loop of the requested number (555+1000). Now another feature of TSPS checks the line asked to be verified against a list of lines that can't be verified, such as radio stations, police, etc. If the line number a customer gives is on the list then the verification cannot be done, and the operator tells the customer. Now the TSPS operator would press her VFY (VeriFY) key on the TSPS console, and the equipment would outpulse (onto the BLV trunk) KP+0XX+PRE+SUFF+ST. The KP being Key Pulse, the 0XX being a 'screening code' that protects against trunk mismatching, the PRE being the Prefix of the requested number (555), the SUFF being the Suffix of the requested number (1000), and the ST being STart, which tells the Verification trunk that no more MF digits follow. The screening code is there to keep a normal Toll Network (used in regular calls) trunk from accidentally connecting to a Verification trunk. If this screening code wasn't present, and a trunk mismatch did occur, someone calling a friend in the same area code might just happen to be connected to his friends line, and find himself in the middle of a conversation. But, the Verification trunk is waiting for an 0XX sequence, and a normal call on a Toll Network trunk does not outpulse an 0XX first. (Example: You live at 914+555+1000, and wish to call 914+666+0000. The routing for your call would be KP+666+0000+ST. The BLV trunk cannot accept a 666 in place of the proper 0XX routing, and thus would give the caller a re-order tone.) Also, note that the outpulsing sequence onto a BLV trunk can't contain an Area Code. This is the reason why if a customer requests an interrupt outside of his own NPA, the TSPS operator must call an Inward for the area code that can outpulse onto the proper trunk. If a TSPS in 815 tried to do an interrupt on a trunk in 314, it would not work. This proves that there is a BLV network for each NPA, and if you somehow gain access to a BLV trunk, you could only use it for interrupts within the NPA that the trunk was located in. BLV trunks 'hunt' to find the right trunks to the right Class 5 End Office that serves the given local loop. The same outpulsing sequence is passed along BLV trunks until the BLV trunk serving the Toll Office that serves the given End Office is found. There is usually one BLV trunk per 10,000 lines (exchange). So, if a Toll Office served ten End Offices, that Toll Office would have 100,000 local loops that it served, and have 10 BLV trunks running from TSPS to that Toll Office. Now, the operator (in using the VFY key) can hear what is going on on the line, (modem, voice, or a permanent signal, indicating a phone off-hook) and take appropriate action. She can't hear what's taking place on the line clearly, however. A speech scrambler circuit within the operator console generates a scramble on the line while the operator is doing a VFY. The scramble is there to keep operators from listening in on people, but it is not enough to keep an op from being able to tell if a conversation, modem signal, or a dial tone is present upon the line. If the operator hears a permanent signal, she can only report back to the customer that either the phone is off-hook, or there is a problem with the line, and she can't do anything about it. In the case of caller A and B, the 314 Inward would tell the 815 TSPS, and the 815 TSPS would tell the customer. If there is a conversation on line, the operator presses a key marked EMER INT (EMERgency INTerrupt) on her console. This causes the operator to be added into a three way port on the busy line. The EMER INT key also deactivates the speech scrambling circuit and activates an alerting tone that can be heard by the called customer. The alerting tone that is played every 10 seconds tells the customer that an operator is on the line. Some areas don't have the alerting tone, however. Now, the operator would say 'Is this XXX-XXXX?' where XXX-XXXX would be the Prefix and Suffix of the number that the original customer requesting the interrupt gave the original TSPS. The customer would confirm the operator had the correct line. Then the Op says 'You have a call waiting from (customers name). Will you accept?'. This gives the customer the chance to say 'Yes' and let the calling party be connected to him, while the previous party would be disconnected. If the customer says 'No', then the operator tells the person who requested the interrupt that the called customer would not accept. The operator can just inform the busy party that someone needed to contact him or her, and have the people hang up, and then notify the requesting customer that the line is free. Or, the operator can connect the calling party and the interrupted party without loss of connection. The charges for this service (in my area at least) run 1.00 for asking the operator to interrupt a phone call so you can get through. There is an .80 charge if you ask the operator to verify whether the phone you're trying to reach is busy because of a service problem or because of a conversation. If the line has no conversation on it, there will be no charge for the verification. When the customer who initiated the emergency interrupt gets his telephone bill, the charges for the interrupt call will look similar to this: 12-1 530P INTERRUPT CL 314 555 1000 OD 1 1.00 The 12-1 is December first of the current year; 530P is the time the call was made to the operator requesting an interrupt; INTERRUPT CL is what took place, that is, an interrupt call; 314 555 1000 is the number requested; OD stands for Operator Dialed; the 1 is the length of the call (in minutes); and the 1.00 is the charge for the interrupt. The format may be different, depending upon your area and telephone company. One thing I forgot to mention about TSPS operators. In places where a Remote Trunking Arrangement is being used, and even places where they aren't in use, you may be connected to a TSPS operator in a totally different area code. In such a case, the TSPS that you reach in a Foreign NPA will call up an inward operator for your Home NPA, if the line you requested an EMER INT on was in your HNPA. If the line you requested EMER INT on was in the same NPA of the TSPS that you had reached, then no inward operator would be needed and the answering operator could do the entire process. Verification trunks seem to be only accessible by a TSPS/Inward operator. However, there have been claims to people doing Emergency Interrupts with blue boxes. I don't know how to accomplish an EMER INT without the assistance of an operator, and I don't know if it can be done. If you really wish to participate in a BLV/EMER INT, call up an Inward Operator and play the part of a TSPS operator who needs an EMER INT upon a pre-designated busy line. Billing is handled at the local TSPS so you will not have to supply a billing number if you decide to do this. If you find any errors in this file, please try to let me know about it, and if you find out any other information that I haven't included, feel free to comment. The Verification Network ------------------------ In a TSPS office, a verification circuit is associated with a 4-wire OutGoing Trunk (OGT) and a 3-way/4-wire bridging repeater arrangement. This is the circuit that does the speech scrambling. The speech and other tones (like busy and re-order) are frequency shifted, but are still recognizable by a TSPS operator. TSPS verification trunks are connected via dedicated lines to incoming verification trunks in a toll office. The toll office provides either a link to an outgoing trunk and dedicated facilities to another toll office, or an outgoing toll connecting trunk and dedicated facilities to an incoming verification trunk in a local office. Each toll office has ways to check the security of verification trunks. In electronic toll offices (ESS offices), two independent office data translations provide security of the trunk. Electro- mechanical toll offices (Such as a CrossBar Tandem (XBT)) use an electrical cross-office check signal or a segregated switching train to control trunk connections. Verification trunks relay supervisory signals (such as answering supervision) to TSPS from the line being verified. Also, if verification trunks are busy, the TSPS operator will receive a re-order. The functions of the VFY key ---------------------------- When the operator presses the VFY key, several checks are made upon the number that has been entered. These are: A Check to see if the line is within the verification network accessible by that particular TSPS. If the line is not, the VFY key will flash. A check to see if the owner of the line wishes BLV to be possible or not. If the line is something like a police emergency line, then the VFY key will flash, similar to the first check. Important TSPS keys ------------------- When the VFY lamp lights steady (doesn't flash), indicating the process is acceptable, the operator puts the calling customer on hold and accesses an idle loop on the operator position. The ACS (Access) lamp lights steady if a verification trunk is available at that time. Then, the operator presses the ST key which sends out the complete number to be verified, in MF. The verification circuit activates, and the operator listens for scrambled speech and also watches the CLD (Called) lamp on her console. The CLD lamp is lighted when the operator loop was accessed, and will remain lit if the line being verified is on-hook. The operator has two ways of seeing if the line is in use, by listening, and by watching the CLD lamp. If the CLD lamp light goes out, then the line is off-hook. If a successful BLV/EMER INT is performed, the operator presses the REC MSG MSG (Record Message) key, which completes the verification. If the EMER INT lamp is lit, the charges for the interrupt and the verification are automatically billed. If the VFY key is pressed twice, it indicates the verification should not be billed. This could be due to a customer error or a customer disconnect. Charging capabilities --------------------- A customer can pay for a BLV/EMER INT in several ways. They can have the charges put on their phone bill, if they are calling from their home, they can bill the charges to an AT&T Calling Card, or pay directly from a coinphone. Details of the BLV/EMER INT function are recorded on AMA tape, which is later processed at the RAO (Revenue Accounting Office). The classes of charge are as follows: STATION PAID, which means exactly what it says, STATION SPECIAL CALLING, in cases where billing is handled by a Calling Card or third number billing, and NO AMA, in unusual billing cases. Also, for BLV/EMER INT calls that originate from a hotel, TSPS can send charges to HOBIS (Hotel Billing Information System), HOBIC (Hotel Billing Information Center), or a TTY at the hotel. AMA records for BLV/EMER INT are recorded in basically the same format that normal calls are recorded. The only difference is that a numeric data group is added. The leftmost digit in the data group is a 1 if only a BLV was done, but it is a 2 if both a BLV and an EMER INT were done. In case of an aborted BLV, the billing record is marked 'No charge'. Inward Operator differences --------------------------- When an Inward operator does BLV/EMER INT, the class of charge is always NO AMA, because billing is handled at the local TSPS site. Inwards also do not use the REC MSG key when a TSPS would, they use the VFY key in it's place. The Speech scrambling technique ------------------------------- The speech scrambling technique that exists to keep the customers privacy intact is located in the TSPS console, and not in the verification trunks. The scrambling technique can only be deactivated by an operator pressing the EMER INT key, or a craftsperson using the console in a special mode. When the scrambler is deactivated by an operator doing an EMER INT, the customer hears an alerting tone (as mentioned in the first BLV file) made up of a 440Hz tone. This tone is initially played for two seconds, and then once every ten seconds afterwards until the operator presses her Position Release (POS RLS) key. Operator trouble reporting -------------------------- When operators have trouble in handling a call, they can enter trouble reports that are technically called 'Operator keyed trouble reports'. These cause messages to be printed on the maintenance TTY and on the trouble report TTY channel. There are different trouble codes for different things, such as trouble with the speech scrambler, trouble in the verification network, or trouble in collecting charges from a customer. In my area there are 20 such TSPS trouble codes. These are done in MF. They are entered with the KP TRBL (Key Pulse Trouble) key followed by a two digit trouble code followed by an ST. A trouble code for beeper trouble could be entered as KP TRBL+62+ST, and speech scrambler trouble could be KP TRBL+89+ST. Some of the other reasons for trouble codes are: Crosstalk, No ring, Noisy, can't hear, improper supervision toward the called and calling parties, cutoff, positions crossed, coin collecting trouble, third re-order, distant operator no answer, echo, data transmission, no answer supervision, ST key lit for more than 4 seconds, and others for person-to-person and station-to-station completed collect calls. Maintenance and traffic measurements ------------------------------------ These reports can be output from a maintenance or engineering and service data TTY, daily or hourly. Each daily report contains data for the previous day. Some traffic counts are as follows: Total Verification attempts, VFY key depressions, VFY key depressions when the requested number is out of TSPS range, VFY key depressions in which the requested number wasn't verifiable, BLV trunk seizures which pass an operational test, and EMER INT attempts. Other traffic counts include the measurements for usage of BLV trunks, the amount of time BLV trunks were unavailable, and the number of times BLV trunks were seized.