Facility Assignment and Control System GENERAL DESCRIPTION ------------------- FACS can be described as a full-featured outside plant and central office facilities assignment system. For the people who are unfamiliar with these terms, the outside plant is the portion of the telephone network that runs from a telco office (such as a class five end office (EO)) to the subscriber, including manholes and distribution/access points such as Serving Area Interfaces (SAI) which are large, double-door outdoor equipment cabinets which allow the repair craft to repair, test, and access a multitude of service lines in that area. FACS is made up of five component systems, or sub-systems, and some of these are also used as stand-alone systems (i.e. in an area that does not use FACS, COSMOS can be thought of as a stand-alone system). The component systems are: PREMIS - PREmise Information System SOAC - Service Order Analysis & Control LFACS - Loop Facility Assignment and Control System COSMOS - COmputer System for Main Frame OperationS WM - Work Manager FACS is used by many departments and work centers in the BOC network. A general example of telco interaction will be included later in the article. PREMIS ------ PREMIS supports the customer negotiation (i.e. while a customer talks with a BOC service rep, PREMIS is the computer system the rep has access to) and service order (SO) preparation process (a SO is basically a request for service). PREMIS is a computer-based information storage and retrieval system designed to support the Residence/Residential Service Center (RSC), and in some cases, the Business Service Center (BSC). The RSC is the center that residence customers deal with, and the BSC is the center that business customers deal with. PREMIS provides fast easy access to customer address verification for numbered and unnumbered addresses (information is stored by telephone number not address), telephone service status at an address (whether the phone is in service, disconnected, pending connect, pending disconnect, disconnected due to non-payment, etc.), telephone number assignment for customers (PREMIS can generate a list of available telephone numbers in a given exchange and the available TNs come from COSMOS) and facility assignment data for outward orders. The following PREMIS features are available to the service reps and have special significance to the LAC: Customer Negotiation: Provides customer service address check against a mechanized Street Address Guide (SAG). Provides customer status check to a mechanized facility address file which identifies potential Interfering Station (IS) conditions. Provides new telephone number assignments through an available TN (Telephone Number) file. Service Order Preparation: Provides SAG data. Provides correct address spelling. PREMIS, as far as I know, does not have any direct dialups so don't get your hopes up high. There may be other ways to access information in PREMIS however. SOAC ---- The SOAC system is what interfaces FACS with the BOC SOP (Service Order Processor). The SOP is what the service reps enter SO information into and the SOP sends the data entered to the SOAC system. The SOAC system interprets and validates this input data. SOAC generates Assignment Requests (ARs) which are sent to LFACS and COSMOS (see respective sections of this file) to request outside plant (OSP) and CO facility assignments, respectively. SOAC receives AR Responses (ARRs) from LFACS and WM/COSMOS and merges this data and formats the output into a Universal Service Order (USO) assignment section. This USO is returned to the SOP after SOAC has processed it. SOAC returns status information and error notification to the SOP. Status information is what tells the service rep who entered the data into the SOP whether or not FACS can process that Service Order. Error notifiers are sent back to the SOP when part of the SO is in error. SOAC keeps record of status and control information on all SO requests, as well as the input image and specific data that came from processing. This information, along with the input image and processing results are referred to as the pending assignment data. SOs do not automatically flow through SOAC in all cases. SOAC can analyze an order to determine if manual assistance is required, and if it is, a Request for Manual Assistance (RMA) notice is sent to the LAC. LAC personnel will use SOAC, and possibly other systems in FACS, such as COSMOS/WM and LFACS, to complete the assignment on that SO. SOAC also may receive COSMOS system output from certain commands. One such command may be the IJR command, which sets up a circuit for jeopardy status. Jeopardy status means that the assignment looks as if it will be (or already is) behind schedule for completion. An example of this is as follows (showing COSMOS messages). WC% IJR H ORD nxxxxxxxx/TN nxx-xxxx/JR nx RMK NEED TIE PR FOR nxx -. **ORDER nxxxxxxxx HAS BEEN GIVEN JEOPARDY STATUS CKTID: TN nxx-xxxx **JEOPARDY REASON: nx mm-dd-yy hh:mm OUTPUT SENT TO SOAC **IJR COMPLETED mm-dd-yyy hh:mm The H-line input is the SO number, where n can be alphabetic and x can be numeric. TN is the affected telephone number, JR is the Jeopardy Reason, which is a one alpha/one numeric code, RMK is a ReMarK, in this case, a tie pair is needed. The section that starts and ends with two asterisks is the COSMOS output, and the rest of the information should be self-explanatory. LFACS ----- The LFACS system keeps an inventory of outside loop plant facilities, such as cables (CA), cable pairs (CP), serving terminals, interconnecting points, cross-connecting terminals, and things of that nature which should be known to the serious phreak. By the way, if you want to get some very good information about the outside loop plant, look for Phucked Agent 04's article in the LOD/H Technical Journal issue number 1. These are excellent files and I recommend that every phreak read them if they haven't already. Anyway, LFACS also assigns the outside loop plant facilities to ARs received from SOAC as a result of customer SO activity. The assignment process is automatic on 95% of the service requests. LFACS provides a computerized version of DPAC and ECCR (Dedicated Plant Assignment Cards and Exchange Cable Conductor Records respectively) which were previously physical records that were stored at the LAC. The information stored in DPAC is information such as data about a Living Unit Serving Terminal, and Living Unit Dedicated Loop Facilities, and ECCR contains information such as Pair Selection, Add/Break count, Line and Station Transfer, as well as Work Order (WO) information. Some of this information may be used by the LAC Field Assistance Bureau to assist the outside plant craft in obtaining necessary information. When conditions necessary for LFACSS to automatically respond to a SOAC AR are not met, a RMA noticed is generated in the LAC. Appropriate people in the LAC will interact with LFACS, and maybe SOAC and WM/COSMOS to complete the process of assignment. COSMOS ------ COSMOS has been written about many times, so I will not go into deep detail about this system as many people are already familiar with it. COSMOS keeps a database inventory of CO facilities (such as TN, CP, OE, CS, BL - telephone number, cable pair, office equipment, class of service, bridge lifter respectively) and assigns these facilities to ARs received from SOAC as a result of customer SO activity. COSMOS assists the Network Administration Center (NAC) and Frame Control Center (FCC) in managing, controlling, and utilizing the MDF and COE, as well as CO facilities and circuits. COSMOS does assignment of TNs, line equipment, jumper use/reuse, TP management, frame work management, and other things of that nature. When the conditions are not met for COSMOS to respond to a SOAC AR, a RMA is generated in the LAC (as with the other systems mentioned in this article). The LAC can then use WM/COSMOS, SOAC, and LFACS to complete assignment. WM -- The WM is what links one set of SOAC/LFACS systems with one or more COSMOS systems. All input to COSMOS from the LAC is directed through the WM. The WM provides message switching, load control, and other functions to the LAC. -EOF- RC:LINE;CHNG!/ORD 1/TN LOD-LOD-LODH/ESM YES/ESX YES/ESL YES/RC:TRK!/TNN $LOD$.