NTP NTP 297-1001-100 PAGE 15 PREL., ISSUE 01D03 79 09 21 6. MAINTENANCE SYSTEM 6.01 The DMS maintenance system is designed to detect and analyze faults, to take corrective action, and to alert the maintenance personnel. The maintenance system is responsible for maintaining both the software and the hardware resources of the DMS switch. 6.02 The maintenance system is subdivided into several subsystems, each of which is responsible for its own level of hardware. The responsibilities of each subsystem include: a) routine testing, b) fault detection, c) fault analysis, d) error reporting, diagnostic reporting, and/or subsystem status reporting. 6.03 The Maintenance and Administration Position (MAP) provides an interface between maintenance personnel and the various maintenance subsystems. It provides maintenance personnel with the information and tools necessary for efficient diagnosis and identification of system faults at a level where the fault can be corrected by the replacement of a card. 6.04 Current status information about the system is displayed on a Visual Display Unit (VDU) associated with the MAP. Various levels of system status information can be accessed via commands input at the VDU. The requested information is displayed on the VDU screen. DMS-100 FAMILY SYSTEM DESCRIPTION (c) NORTHERN TELECOM LIMITED, 1978