1. GENERAL 1.01 The purpose of the Maintenance System for the DMS 100 Family of Digital Multiplex Switching (DMS) systems is to provide complete maintenance by detecting, analyzing, correcting and reporting errors in DMS software and hardware. 1.02 The Maintenance System consists of a number of functional areas, each having hardware elements and software resources, which interact through internal messages to perform the tasks involved in automatic maintenance. 1.03 Each functional area, referred to as a maintenance sub-system (SS) contains the software necessary for maintaining its own hardware. The functional areas correspond to the hardware and software components of DMS which are described in NTP 297-1001-100. Each maintenance SS locates and diagnoses errors occurring within the area of responsibility assigned to it. 1.04 The maintenance sub-systems are accessible to maintenance personnel through the Maintenance and Administration Position (MAP) or other terminal devices such as TTY. The MAP provides a Man-Machine Interface (MMI) through its Visual Display Unit (VDU) screen and keyboard. The VDU screen displays DMS status information in response to requests from maintenance personnel entered manually via the VDU keyboard. Refer to NTP 297-1001-110 for a detailed description of the MAP and its operating instructions.