3. MAINTENANCE CONCEPT 3.01 The basic concept of the DMS Maintenance System is that each maintenance SS has the responsibility to locate and diagnose an error condition which is presented to it. The maintenance SS must determine first if the error lies within its own area of responsibility. If the error is within the responsibility of the maintenance SS, the error is diagnosed to determine what item is causing the error, and a message is sent to the routing and reporting SS. If the error is not within the maintenance SS tself, the error message is passed to the next appropriate SS which takes similar action until the error is finally located. 3.02 MAN-MACHINE INTERFACE (MMI) 3.03 Maintenance personnel can access each of the maintenance SS via the VDU keyboard and obtain status information as a display on the VDU screen. An additional or alternative MMI can (c) NORTHERN TELECOM LIMITED, 1978 MAINTENANCE SYSTEM DMS-100/200 NTP 297-1001-106 PAGE 6 PREL., ISSUE 01D01 May 25, 1978 also be provided by TTY. 3.04 TELESCOPING 3.05 The MAP maintenance function uses the technique of 'telescoping' to examine the operation of the DMS. Telescoping permits ever-increasing details about system status or troubles to be obtained, starting at the maintenance sub-system level and descending to lower levels until the fault is eventually traced to a replaceable component level. 3.06 Refer to Figure 2-2. The screen of the VDU displays various levels of status information in the System Status and Command Interpreter areas. The Command Menu Area displays a list of possible functions or commands which the maintenance personnel can perform at each level of interrogation. The use of menus minimizes the necessity for memorizing the commands or refering to documentation. Commands entered are repeated in the Input Echo area.