.Anti-Social Magazine. .Instalation. This is really easy and you will easily figure it out but just in case someone out there gets stuck here's a quick run through. 1.) Create a new Directory e.g. A-S 2.) Place the A-S.zip file into that directory 3.) Unzip the file e.g. with PKunzip 4.) Run by typing "a-s" from dos or Go to that directory and click on the A-S.exe icon. Notes: Anti-Social Mag is 3 files A-S.exe -the main program IssueX.dat -Essential DON'T delete register.exe -Reuseable from issue to issue. register.exe On its own this won't do anything at all but A-S.exe checks for its presence in its directory, if it ain't there then it won't run the mag. Once you've downloaded your first copy of the magazine -Issue 1- or have downloaded the viewing software on its own. You'll have a copy of a-s.exe & register.exe and you can just use those files over and over again with every issue you download. This will reduce your download time by 2/3's for future issues. Just put the register.exe & in a-s.exe the directory of the issueX.dat file of the mag you want to read and your ready to read. IssueX.dat Don't fuck with this because its where A-S.exe gets its infomation from. A damaged .dat file will result in a damaged copy of the magazine. X= the issue of the magazine e.g. Issue2.dat ---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Site owners who want to distribute the mag & people who want a subscription to the magazine. Email: NeuroSplicer at Neuro@wavenet.co.uk Writers with articles they want published, people wanting to send comments as to what you think of the mag or what you want us to cover & all questions Email: Armageddon Khorne@compuserve.com =============================================================================