********************************************************** WINDOWS 2000 MAGAZINE SECURITY UPDATE **Watching the Watchers** The weekly Windows NT and Windows 2000 security update newsletter brought to you by Windows 2000 Magazine and NTSecurity.net http://www.win2000mag.com/update/ ********************************************************** This week's issue sponsored by New for Windows 95/98/NT/2000 http://www.execsoft.com/execsoft.asp Network-1 Security Solutions – Embedded NT Firewalls http://www.network-1.com/eval/eval6992.htm (Below SECURITY ROUNDUP) |-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+- March 1, 2000 - In this issue: 1. IN FOCUS 2. SECURITY RISKS - TelnetD Subject to Denial of Service - Windows Media Services Denial of Service - Systems Management Server Might Allow Elevated Privileges - Wordpad Can Execute Embedded Code - Internet Explorer Allows Component Regression 3. ANNOUNCEMENTS - Join the 60,000 Professionals Who Read SQL Server Magazine UPDATE! - Enterprise Storage UPDATE - Free Email Newsletter - Conference: Windows 2000 in the Enterprise - Security Poll: Do You Think The NSA Uses Echelon Illegally? 4. SECURITY ROUNDUP - News: Echelon: Nothing Sacred - Feature: Add Fuel to Your Firewall - Feature: Backups Are Bad News - HowTo: Is Your RAS Server Listening? 5. NEW AND IMPROVED - Extended Integration of Popular Security Products - Identify Security Deficiencies 6. HOT RELEASES (ADVERTISEMENT) - Controlled Migration Suite for Windows 2000 Migration - AXENT’s FREE Denial of Service Attack WebCast 7. SECURITY TOOLKIT - Book Highlight: Intrusion Detection - Tip: Disable Source Routing on Windows NT - Review: Hackershield 2.0 8. HOT THREADS - Windows 2000 Magazine Online Forums: * Exchange Password Change - Win2KSecAdvice Mailing List: * Classic Buffer Overflow Explanation? * Troj_Trin00 and ZZ - HowTo Mailing List: * Logging and Monitoring Traffic at the Firewall * Deny Source-Routed Addressing ~~~~ SPONSOR: NEW FOR WINDOWS 95/98/NT/2000 ~~~~ Diskeeper 5.0, the market leading network defragmenter, has just been officially recognized as ‘Windows 2000 Certified.’ “We’re pleased to announce that Executive Software’s Diskeeper 5.0 has become the first and only utility to pass the stringent requirements of being Windows 2000 Certified,” says John McVay, Microsoft Certified Logo Program Manager for VeriTest. After passing each point of Microsoft’s 500-page certification checklist, Diskeeper 5.0 has been judged to provide the safety, manageability and reliability required in any product that wears the coveted ‘Windows 2000 Certified’ logo. Experience first hand the benefits of increased system performance across your entire site. Test new Diskeeper 5.0 today at http://www.execsoft.com/execsoft.asp ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Want to sponsor Windows 2000 Magazine Security UPDATE? Contact Martha Schwartz (Western and International Advertising Sales Manager) at 212- 829-5609 or mschwartz@win2000mag.com, OR Tanya T. TateWik (Eastern Advertising Sales Manager) at 877-217-1823 or ttatewik@win2000mag.com. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. ========== IN FOCUS ========== Hello everyone, By now you've probably heard the rumors about the National Security Agency's (NSA) alleged communications spy network called Echelon. In case you aren't aware, Echelon allegedly can monitor almost every type of communication, including telephone conversations; faxes; email messages; radio, satellite, fiber optic, and microwave transmissions; and even face-to-face conversations in many instances. The public first heard about Echelon years ago as a tool in the Cold War. Echelon was supposed to help America keep an eye on our alleged enemies. During the Cold War, people didn't seem to care about such electronic eavesdropping--they'd do anything to prevent another world war. But today's widespread use of the Internet and other forms of electronic communication make the concern over Echelon a different ball game. Privacy is one of the hottest topics associated with electronic technology, and people take extreme measures to secure their privacy. With Echelon in place, you probably can't achieve total privacy in electronic communication. But strong encryption protects your data and communications, you say? I don't think that matters anymore. If a loosely organized group cracking effort (such as the ones organized by distributed.net) can crack a 56-bit Data Encryption Standard (DES) encryption key in only 22 hours using personal computers, imagine what a boat load of state-of- the-art supercomputers can do to your supposedly secure 1024-bit Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) key. Logic dictates that with enough money to buy the necessary processing power, malicious users can crack even large keys in a reasonable time period. People such as British author Duncan Campbell have consistently drawn attention to Echelon, and the TV program 60 Minutes aired a show about Echelon last Sunday. These ongoing reports allege that the NSA and other global spy organizations have run an Echelon-type operation for years. In the past, the NSA would have denied the existence of Echelon; today the NSA focuses on fending off claims that personal privacy is being abused using the Echelon network. The NSA claims that government agencies aren't using Echelon to invade the privacy of citizens, but who is accountable to ensure that claim remains true? Where are the necessary checks and balances, and how can we, the public who funds such activities, inspect these checks and balances to arrive at some level of comfort? The answer is that we currently have no public controls over this clandestine operation. Without proper government oversight and public disclosure about Echelon operations, we can only hope that the spy network is being properly used, and that's not good enough when it comes to our privacy. Where there is secrecy, there is also suspicion, so when the NSA asks American citizens to accept on faith that it isn't violating our constitutional rights, I have to wonder whose track record we're supposed to base our faith on. Can Echelon operators resist the temptation to abuse such technology? Are the rights of citizens truly respected during the NSA's foreign intelligence gathering activities? We simply don't know for sure. I'm interested in what you think. Stop by our home page (http://www.ntsecurity.net), and cast your vote in our new security poll regarding Echelon. We'll print the results in a future issue of this newsletter. Until next time, have a great week. Mark Joseph Edwards, News Editor mark@ntsecurity.net 2. ========== SECURITY RISKS ========= (contributed by Mark Joseph Edwards, mark@ntsecurity.net) * TELNETD SUBJECT TO DENIAL OF SERVICE UssrLabs reported a problem in older builds of TelnetD in which the code that handles the logon commands for a telnet session contains an unchecked buffer. An intruder can overflow the buffer and run arbitrary code on the server. Pragma Systems recommends upgrading to the latest build, which does not contain this error. UssrLabs also found a bug in TelnetD Build 7, in which the code that performs the client connection procedure has an unchecked buffer that can cause the TelnetD service to crash, leading to a Denial of Service (DoS) attack. Pragma Systems responded immediately by issuing a patched version of the software. http://www.ntsecurity.net/go/load.asp?iD=/security/telnetd2.htm http://www.ntsecurity.net/go/load.asp?iD=/security/telnetd3.htm * WINDOWS MEDIA SERVICES DENIAL OF SERVICE If client-side handshake packets are sent in a particular disordered sequence, with certain timing constraints, the Windows Media Services server will attempt to use a resource before the resource is initialized, causing the Windows Media Unicast Service to crash. Microsoft has released patches that correct this matter. http://www.ntsecurity.net/go/load.asp?iD=/security/media1.htm * SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT SERVER MIGHT ALLOW ELEVATED PRIVILEGES According to a Microsoft report, if a user has installed and enabled the Systems Management Server (SMS) 2.0 Remote Control feature, the folder in which the remote agent resides has its permissions set to Everyone Full Control by default. If a malicious user replaces the client code, the new code will run automatically in a system context the next time someone logs on. Microsoft has released patches for Intel and Alpha platforms that correct this matter. http://www.ntsecurity.net/go/load.asp?iD=/security/sms3.htm * WORDPAD CAN EXECUTE EMBEDDED CODE Georgi Guninski reported a vulnerability in Wordpad that lets an intruder run arbitrary programs, without warning the user, after activating an embedded or linked object. Wordpad executes programs embedded in .doc or .rtf documents without any warning if a user double-clicks the item. An intruder can exploit this vulnerability under Internet Explorer (IE) for Windows 9x using the View Source: protocol. Microsoft has made no public comment regarding this matter. http://www.ntsecurity.net/go/load.asp?iD=/security/wordpad2.htm * INTERNET EXPLORER ALLOWS COMPONENT REGRESSION Juan Carlos Garcia Cuartango discovered that under normal operational circumstances, a Web-based installation process running under Internet Explorer (IE) will inform the user about any authentication signature found in a software package before letting the user install the software. However, this procedure doesn't apply to programs with Microsoft authentication signatures; these programs install without user notification. Microsoft has made no comment at the time of this writing. http://www.ntsecurity.net/go/load.asp?iD=/security/ie512.htm 3. ========== ANNOUNCEMENTS ========== * JOIN THE 60,000 PROFESSIONALS WHO READ SQL SERVER MAGAZINE UPDATE! More than 60,000 SQL Server professionals subscribe to SQL Server Magazine UPDATE--a FREE and fast way to get the latest SQL Server information. The email newsletter is delivered every Thursday and provides you with what you need to know to get your job done. Written by experts, SQL Server Magazine UPDATE is for anyone working with SQL Server. You can't afford to miss the next issue! And for those of you who work with XML, become a charter subscriber to the new XML UPDATE, which is scheduled to launch in late March. Click below to subscribe today! http://www.win2000mag.com/sub.cfm?code=up00inxsqp * ENTERPRISE STORAGE UPDATE - FREE EMAIL NEWSLETTER Storage has become a dynamic and vital industry, with new products and new approaches to managing and storing data, the enterprise's lifeblood and most tangible asset. Enterprise Storage UPDATE, the newest offering from Windows 2000 Magazine, will cover new developments, technological advances, and important products in the Windows 2000 (Win2K) and Windows NT storage market. Subscribe now at http://www.win2000mag.com/sub.cfm?code=up99inbiup. * CONFERENCE: WINDOWS 2000 IN THE ENTERPRISE Will Windows 2000 (Win2K) be your server platform of choice? This thorny question is the reason more and more organizations are turning to The GartnerGroup to evaluate the promise and pitfalls of this new technology. GartnerGroup analysts offer an in-depth, yet independent, assessment of Win2K and give you the information you need to make an informed decision. You can experience GartnerGroup's expertise at our conference, "Windows 2000 in the Enterprise: Off the Shelf and Into the Fire," to take place April 26 to 28, 2000, in San Francisco, California. For additional information about this exciting conference, just use the link http://www.gartner.com/nt/usa. * SECURITY POLL: DO YOU THINK THE NSA USES ECHELON ILLEGALLY? The global spy and data gathering network known as Echelon is attracting heated attention. We've posted a new survey asking whether you believe the NSA's claim that it does not break the law when it uses Echelon to snoop on communications worldwide. Stop by our home page and submit your answer today. http://www.ntsecurity.net 4. ========== SECURITY ROUNDUP ========== * NEWS: ECHELON: NOTHING SACRED British author Duncan Campbell spoke at a hearing of the European Parliament (EP) on February 23 and stated that his new report on Echelon is the first real proof that such a network actually exists. Campbell claims that Microsoft, IBM, and an unnamed "large American microchip maker" are participating in Echelon through the provision of certain features in their products that allow the interception of any information that flows from an affected system. http://www.ntsecurity.net/go/2c.asp?f=/news.asp?IDF=218&TB=news * FEATURE: ADD FUEL TO YOUR FIREWALL To secure an Internet-connected network, firewalls are a necessary component in your arsenal of tools. However, firewalls alone are no longer sufficient protection because they're static devices that enforce a particular rule set. This setup means that intruders can use valid, legal packets to attack your network and compromise your security. Read the rest of Gary C. Kessler's article on our Web site. http://www.ntsecurity.net/go/2c.asp?f=/features.asp?IDF=152&TB=f * FEATURE: BACKUPS ARE BAD NEWS Mark Minasi's new assistant started her first backup the other day. After Mark ran her through the backup options, he turned her loose to do a full backup of the main servers. She fired up Windows NT Backup, which promptly locked up the whole system, including Task Manager. She did the right thing and left NT Backup running. Read the rest of Mark's article on our Web site. http://www.ntsecurity.net/go/2c.asp?f=/features.asp?IDF=151&TB=f * HOWTO: IS YOUR RAS SERVER LISTENING? When Windows NT, Windows 9x, or Windows for Workgroups (WFW) clients use RAS to connect to an NT network, what subset of functionality do they have vs. local LAN-connected clients? To answer this question, Sean Daily delved under the hood and determined how NT limits RAS client connectivity, and what you can do to change this behavior. Be sure to read the rest of Sean's article on our Web site. http://www.ntsecurity.net/go/2c.asp?f=/howto.asp?IDF=118&TB=h ~~~~ SPONSOR: NETWORK-1 SECURITY SOLUTIONS – EMBEDDED NT FIREWALLS ~~~~ Don’t let your network become a target of denial of service attacks. Defend it with CyberwallPLUS - the first embedded firewall designed specifically to protect NT and 2000 servers. It is the only firewall that gives system administrators the network access control and intrusion prevention needed to secure valuable servers and cost- effectively scale to preserve performance and reliability. CyberwallPLUS gives NT a whole new meaning – No Trespassing. Visit http://www.network-1.com/eval/eval6992.htm for a free CyberwallPLUS evaluation kit and white paper. 5. ========== NEW AND IMPROVED ========== (contributed by Judy Drennen, products@win2000mag.com) * EXTENDED INTEGRATION OF POPULAR SECURITY PRODUCTS e-Security announced extended integration of 29 popular security products with its Open e-Security Platform (OeSP). The integration is specific to 10 separate categories of information security: firewalls, intrusion detection (network- and host- based), OSs, antivirus, Web servers, databases, policy monitoring, vulnerability assessment, and authentication. OeSP integrates multivendor security software and other security devices so that companies can conduct real-time surveillance of their distributed enterprise security environment from one console with an graphical display. http://www.esecurityinc.com/ * IDENTIFY SECURITY DEFICIENCIES Harris released Security Test and Analysis Tool (STAT) 3.0, security software that helps you identify and eliminate security deficiencies. The AutoFix feature lets you automatically detect and repair security problems. Other features include enhanced screen navigation and the ability to access hidden network machines. With a mouse click you can perform analysis of one machine or an entire domain. A monthly update service provides information about the latest security threats and defense techniques. STAT 3.0 runs on Windows NT systems. For pricing, contact Harris, 800-442-7747 extension 700. http://www.statonline.com 6. ========== HOT RELEASE (ADVERTISEMENT) ========== * CONTROLLED MIGRATION SUITE FOR WINDOWS 2000 MIGRATION Eliminate help desk calls during migration! Aelita Software's Controlled Migration Suite is the FIRST and ONLY solution offering PASSWORD SYCHRONIZATION, migration of NT user passwords to Windows 2000. Other unique features: SIDhistory Cleanup and AD planning. Visit: http://www.aelita.com/Products/cms.htm * AXENT’S FREE DENIAL OF SERVICE ATTACK WEBCAST Learn how to protect your e-business against Denial of Service attacks by transparently monitoring traffic in real-time and instantly reacting to attempted attacks. Free one-hour webcast on March 22. Space is limited - register today: http://www.win2000mag.com/jump.cfm?ID=15 7. ========== SECURITY TOOLKIT ========== * BOOK HIGHLIGHT: INTRUSION DETECTION By Rebecca Gurley Bace Special Price: $50.00 Hardcover; 339 pages Published by Macmillan Computer Publishing, December 1999 ISBN 1578701856 With the number of intrusion and hacking incidents on the rise, the importance of having dependable intrusion detection systems in place is greater than ever. Offering both a developmental and technical perspective on this crucial element of network security, Intrusion Detection covers - Practical considerations for selecting and implementing intrusion detection systems - Methods for handling the results of analysis, and the options for responses to detected problems - Data sources commonly used in intrusion detection and how they influence the capabilities of all intrusion detection systems - Legal issues surrounding detection and monitoring that affect the design, development, and operation of intrusion detection systems For Windows 2000 Magazine Security UPDATE readers only--Receive an additional 10 PERCENT off the online price by typing WIN2000MAG in the referral field on the Shopping Basket Checkout page. To order this book, go to http://www.fatbrain.com/shop/info/1578701856?from=SUT864. * TIP: DISABLE SOURCE ROUTING ON WINDOWS NT (contributed by Mark Joseph Edwards, mark@ntsecurity.net) A user recently asked how to disable source routing on his Windows NT system. (Source routing can fool routers into thinking that the packets originated from within their own borders, when in reality, they came from outside the network borders. Intruders can use source routing to help penetrate a network by injecting particular packets into the network.) To prevent source-routed packets from traversing your network borders, disable that functionality on your router equipment. If your router can't block source-routed packets, it's time to get a new router! In some cases, people use NT as a router to control traffic flow. If you must disable source routing on an NT system, perform the following Registry modification, which requires Service Pack 5 (SP5) or higher. Locate the following key in the Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters Under that key, add a value with the following parameters: Name: DisableIPSourceRouting Type: REG_DWORD Value: 0, 1 or 2 A value of zero enables source routing; 1 disables source routing when IP forwarding is also enabled; and 2 disables source routing completely, which is the recommended setting for the best security. You'll find a copy of these instructions in Microsoft's Support Online article Q217336. http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q217/3/36.asp * REVIEW: HACKERSHIELD 2.0 Bindview's HackerShield detects and tests for security vulnerabilities in NT hosts. It checks for more than 450 potential problems and can automatically update itself with new security checks from BindView. HackerShield can also repair some vulnerabilities automatically and reverse any changes made, if necessary. In addition to common Web server vulnerabilities, the scanner also tests for potential Denial of Service (DoS) problems. It tests and scans all TCP/IP devices, but this review focuses on HackerShield's performance and features when scanning NT-only environments. Be sure to read the rest of Steve Manzuik's Web exclusive review on the NTSecurity.net Web site. http://www.ntsecurity.net/go/ultimate.asp 8. ========== HOT THREADS ========== * WINDOWS 2000 MAGAZINE ONLINE FORUMS The following text is from a recent threaded discussion on the Windows 2000 Magazine online forums (http://www.win2000mag.com/support). Exchange Password Change February 28, 2000 12:48 PM I have a problem with Exchange and was hoping someone out there could help. Our Exchange Server is a BDC and when I changed the password to administrator for our domain, Exchange services no longer start up. Where else do I have to change the password and such for everything to work? Thread continues at http://www.win2000mag.com/support/Forums/Application/Index.cfm?CFApp=69&Mess age_ID=92861 * WIN2KSECADVICE MAILING LIST Each week we offer a quick recap of some of the highlights from the Win2KSecAdvice mailing list. The following threads are in the spotlight this week: 1. Classic Buffer Overflow Explanation? http://www.ntsecurity.net/go/w.asp?A2=IND0002D&L=WIN2KSECADVICE&P=3994 2. Troj_Trin00 and ZZ http://www.ntsecurity.net/go/w.asp?A2=IND0002D&L=WIN2KSECADVICE&P=3903 Follow this link to read all threads for Feb. Week 5: http://www.ntsecurity.net/go/win2ks-l.asp?s=win2ksec * HOWTO MAILING LIST Each week we offer a quick recap of some of the highlights from the HowTo for Security mailing list. The following threads are in the spotlight this week: 1. Logging and Monitoring Traffic at the Firewall http://www.ntsecurity.net/go/L.asp?A2=IND0002D&L=HOWTO&P=3805 2. Deny Source-Routed Addressing http://www.ntsecurity.net/go/L.asp?A2=IND0002D&L=HOWTO&P=2951 Follow this link to read all threads for Feb. Week 5: http://www.ntsecurity.net/go/l.asp?s=howto |-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+- WINDOWS 2000 MAGAZINE SECURITY UPDATE STAFF News Editor - Mark Joseph Edwards (mje@win2000mag.com) Ad Sales Manager (Western and International) - Martha Schwartz (mschwartz@win2000mag.com) Ad Sales Manager (Eastern) - Tanya T. TateWik (ttatewik@win2000mag.com) Editor - Gayle Rodcay (gayle@win2000mag.com) New and Improved - Judy Drennen (products@win2000mag.com) Copy Editor - Judy Drennen (jdrennen@win2000mag.com) |-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+-|-+- Thank you for reading Windows 2000 Magazine Security UPDATE. 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