Date: Sun, 6 Sep 1998 00:53:24 +0200 From: Michal Zalewski To: Subject: Sendmail, lynx, Netscape, sshd, Linux kernel (twice) Now, some DoSes on Netscape 4.0x browsers: ------------------------------------------ Meta refresh or href to URL "'300k times A');" causes netscape to waste whole memory / CPU, then crash. This URL could be gziped to about 500 bytes, netscape will uncompress .html.gz web page in the fly. Btw. by using 'mocha:' or 'javascript:' protocol in addresses, you could do really interesting things, including "mocha:while(1)open();", but it's nothing really uncommon - javascript extensions are harmful at all. Want more? Insert meta refresh or href to "about:(300k times A)". Netscape under Xwindows will hang up due to out-of-range draw request. More and more tricks. With nethelp installed, URL 'nethelp:../../../../../anyfile%00' will cause netscape to seek through any specified file looking for help (what about /dev/urandom?). 'view-source:' protocol is also really interesting. Samples: Solution: (sorry, I haven't sources) _______________________________________________________________________ Michal Zalewski [] [ENSI / marchew] [ SYSADM] [] <=--=> bash$ :(){ :|:&};: [voice phone: +48 (0) 22 813 25 86] ? [pager (MetroBip): 0 642 222 813] Iterowac jest rzecza ludzka, wykonywac rekursywnie - boska [P. Deutsch]