Date: Sun, 6 Sep 1998 00:53:24 +0200 From: Michal Zalewski To: Subject: Sendmail, lynx, Netscape, sshd, Linux kernel (twice) // greetings to kotka :> // ...and everyone who could stand this post Hello boys and girls - probably everyone yearn after me :~( So I decided to publish some more or less recent stuff, and increase traffic on this beautiful list. Sendmail x.x.x DoS ------------------ Take a look at this piece of code (src/daemon.c): t = accept(DaemonSocket, (struct sockaddr *)&RealHostAddr, &lotherend); if (t >= 0 || errno != EINTR) break; } savederrno = errno; (void) blocksignal(SIGALRM); if (t < 0) { errno = savederrno; syserr("getrequests: accept"); /* arrange to re-open the socket next time around */ (void) close(DaemonSocket); DaemonSocket = -1; refusingconnections = TRUE; sleep(5); continue; } What we have here? Hmm, if accept() fails and syscall return code != EINTR, Sendmail writes warning message and refuses connections for 5 seconds. Hmm... Cute, isn't it?;> What about 'Connection reset by peer'?:) Our algorithm is simple: 1. Send SYN from port X to victim, dst_port=25 (victim sends SYN/ACK) 2. Send RST from port X to victim, dst=port=25 respecting sequence numbers (victim got error on accept() - and enters 5 sec 'refusingconn' mode) 3. Wait approx. 2 seconds 4. Go to 1. So, by sending just a few bytes every two seconds, we could completely lock sendmail service. There's no reason to post any exploits. RFC + any source (teardrop is good) + 'tcpdump -x' + 15 minutes = exploit. Solution: remove this stupid sleep(...), and probably whole if (t < 0) handler. Replace it with continue; _______________________________________________________________________ Michal Zalewski [] [ENSI / marchew] [ SYSADM] [] <=--=> bash$ :(){ :|:&};: [voice phone: +48 (0) 22 813 25 86] ? [pager (MetroBip): 0 642 222 813] Iterowac jest rzecza ludzka, wykonywac rekursywnie - boska [P. Deutsch] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 21:24:09 +1900 From: Wietse Venema Subject: Re: Sendmail, lynx, Netscape, sshd, Linux kernel (twice) Michal Zalewski: > 1. Send SYN from port X to victim, dst_port=25 (victim sends SYN/ACK) > 2. Send RST from port X to victim, dst=port=25 respecting sequence numbers > (victim got error on accept() - and enters 5 sec 'refusingconn' mode) > 3. Wait approx. 2 seconds > 4. Go to 1. > > So, by sending just a few bytes every two seconds, we could completely > lock sendmail service. There's no reason to post any exploits. RFC + > any source (teardrop is good) + 'tcpdump -x' + 15 minutes = exploit. This attack is specific to LINUX. On UNIX systems with a BSD TCP/IP protocol stack, the accept() call does not return until the three-way handshake completes. Please do not blame Sendmail for every problem in the world. Wietse