/*Cross Site Scripting filtration Bypass
Arham Muhammad
rko.thelegendkiller@gmail.com */
Introduction To Xss(Cross site scripting):
'Cross-Site Scripting' also known as 'XSS' in short is a kind of vulnerability that exist in era of both web applications
as well as os based applications, but in most cases in web applications.You might be wondering why it's known as 'xss' not
'css' reffering to the full form.Well, basically css is already a reserved abbreviation of 'Cascade Style Sheets'.It allows
malicious code to be executed on a vulnerable server most probably session hijacking to gain administrator privileges.
Xss totally depends on cookies and session and though 'cookies' are known as the backbone of Cross-Site Scripting
Brief Description On The Paper:
The paper is based on the bypassing of filtration of a common web application security hole known as
Xss(Cross site scripting). Xss being a common hole is winning attention of webmasters and their concerns
about the afteraffects and the danger that can be exploited through a possible xss hole, and because of this
most webmasters are patching or acutally it can be said they are filtering and sanitizing common known xss injection
strings to deny a malicious input or request to overcome xss holes.
These people think that it's just enough to filter some common known strings and boom that's it, but it's not likely
to say that you have 'filtered' the holes with just some common known characters.
Common Xss Strings To Inject:
Basically, javascript and html and in some cases vbscript is injected through a xss vulnerability in a particular
server.Php can't be injected since it's server-side and is executed on the very moment.Thus we will first analyse some
common xss strings to inject.
1{ Pwned
This is a basic html injection and if you are able to execute it on a vulnerable server you will see the message
'pwned' somewhere on the vulnerable site.
This is a basic javascript injection which will display a pop-up box with the message 'xss' on it.
3{ ">
This is a secondary javascript injection to the vulnerable server, which is also mostly patched on most servers
being a common string.
Xss Filteration Pattern And Overcoming It:
Webmasters mostly filter common strings in javascript to prevent hijacking, which means a gurantee bypass on the server,
since javascript is client-side and once the page is saved and altered, the hacker comes to the scene!
We will now examine the filtration pattern in javascript.
Now we see that the javascript is sanitizing user's input and keeping in view the length of string, which if exceed the
length or input any malicious string, it will abort the request excluding unsanitized strings, remove the string and
generate an alert message.
How simple, if we just save the page with xss filtration and alter it and remove the javascript, save again and
inject some shit, bump! it works!
Now you might be wondering that if we alter the page, then save and inject, it's of no use, since the server side work is
finished, but you are wrong!
Lets take an example of a search form
FORM ACTION="search.php" METHOD="GET">
Now we see the server is making a 'GET' Request, which means our altered page will work for sure! Since it's sending a get
request to 'search.php' without any filteration and wow! what we have here is a nice old vulnerable server to hijack session
or exploit some other way!
Bypassing Xss Simple Filteration Without Alteration:
Now we notice, the above script we used for filtration is evolving only a few strings, knowing there are bunch of ways and
strings to inject a malicious request.
It's only filtering '< > /' means leaving hackers with a vast amount of other strings to inject a malicious code.
Now the question is since '<' and '>' are filtered, how we will be able to send a javascript or html code injection?
Well, the answer is quite easy, javascript can be executed using ' and " before the orignal script.
For instance,
This will generate an alert box again on a vulnerable server.
This will too generate an alert box on a vulnerable server.
Bypassing Advance Xss Filtration:
Some webmasters filter lot more than this, especially it's filtered on important sites like gov and org sites.
But all depends on their pattern if they are doing this in javascript, we will of course just alter the page but what if
the filtration is not in javascript, instead is in html or php or even asp.
There's nothing impossible, we will try to get as much info about the filtration as much we can.
Supposing a server that have filtered all strings just more than common in a way that it reads the malicious string in the
beginning or in the end to avoid and abort it, this of course can be bypassed too!
An example can be likely so:
The above script will bypass filtration for the server that reads the malicious string in the beginning.
This will bypass message filtration.
Now we will study some more advance filtration bypass.
Some webmasters just simply define a pattern of a cross-site scripting script that is possibly common.
In this case, I will mention here the full array of strings to inject, bypassing the filtration.
We will suppose injecting in a search form.
victim.com/search.php?query=abc//abc">alert(/hello world/);