CALL FOR PAPERS - DzHack Event 2015 The DzHackEvent is a security event that will be held May 9, 2015 at the CBA Sonelgaz Training Center - Benaknoun, Algiers, Algeria. The event will contain conferences, workshops, and a challenge (CTF). Aiming to bring together security professionals, students, searcher, ethical hacker enthusiasts or simply technology enthusiasts. The DzHack Event Call For Papers has been announced. 1. Introduction ======== Computer security nowadays, is a subject of actuality which the whole world does know or at least have heard about it. Moreover, our daily life is closely linked to the new technologies which are pirated either to have an access to the private life of people and their properties, or to get the sensitive informations of organizations. To share the experiences of professionals in the domain and sensitize the users to the risks of the security, ELIT organize for the first time, an event of computer security called “DzHack Event” which regroup the IT community and precisely those of the information security systems (experts, searchers, ethical hackers, which are professionals or amateur) within this thematic to discuss and share their experience. 2. IMPORTANT DATES: ======== Opening of the call for Paper : January 15, 2015 End of the call for Paper : February 28, 2015 Notification for the participants : March 08, 2015 Delivery of the final versions (Camera-Ready): April 01, 2015 3. THEMES: ======== Themes of the conferences or of the workshop are: - Protection of the cloud computing and of the virtual infrastructure - Prevention against the zero day attacks ( DDOS) - Computer criminality, the application of the laws and the forensic analyses - Malware analysis and the newest trends of the malicious codes - Cryptography - Security of the industrial control systems - Security of the business applications and ERP - Security of the networks communication - Exploitation and vulnerability searching - Reverse engineering - Hardware hacking: RFID ,GSM ,CONSOLES - Norms and compliance - Code audit Other themes maybe suggested, only if they are relevant to the current topic of IT security. 4. HOW TO SUBMIT: ======== To make a proposition for a conference or for a workshop, you have to fill the following details: - Surname and other names - E-mail address and other contacts - Personal informations: Phone number, Home address - Curriculum vitae - Type of participation: Conference / Workshop - Tittle of the subject - Summary of the participation: not more than 250 words, without abbreviations - Contribution of the subject to the security field - Language of the participation - The requirements that you will need (detailed list) Your submission will be evaluated and validated by the appropriate committee. All the details that you provide for your participation will be useful and permits the committee to judge your suggestion in its real value. You have to send your suggestions as soon as possible, so that you will be able to get a chance to be selected. Talkers and those in charge of the workshop will be offered: - Free Transportation - Free Feeding - Free Accommodation 5. INSTRUCTIONS: ======== - The conference makers (speakers) and those in charge of the workshop are invited to submit their subjects (topics) before 28th of February 2015. After this date no submission will be accepted. - Any participation may be done either in Arabic, English or French (by choice). - The coverage costs of the speakers and those who are in charge of the workshop will be based on each person’s theme presentation. Any extra demand (need, extension of the duration of stay or the coverage of any accompanying,) will be covered by the speaker or by those who are in charge of the workshop. - The duration of the conference is 30 to 40 minutes, plus 15 minutes of debates. - The duration of the workshops is 6 hours at least. - In case of acceptance, a mail will be sent to inform you that your contribution was accepted and as regards to this, you have to respect the details of the final versions delivery. Otherwise the validation committee will study the possibility of canceling your request and replacing you. - Any advertisement of a product, service or a company will not be accepted. - The first submission of documents must be in PDF format. 6. CONTACT: ======== Your submissions must be sent to the following email address: