Hello from Malaysia! The Call for Papers (CFP) for the 6th Hack In The Box Security Conference in Malaysia (27th - 30th October 2008) is now open. We've got some really cool stuff lined up this year including an open-hack competition for charity, a third track in the conference (hitb-labs), 4 keynote speakers + 30 international experts, the usual team based capture the flag competition, a new wireless (bluetooth, rfid, 802.11) village and lock picking village! Summaries not exceeding 1250 words should be submitted (in plain text format) to cfp -at- hackinthebox.org for review and possible inclusion in the programme. Submissions are due no later than 30th of June 2008 TOPICS Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following: # 3G/4G Cellular Networks # Apple / OS X security vulnerabilities # SS7/Backbone telephony networks # Analysis of network and security vulnerabilities # Firewall technologies # Intrusion detection # Data Recovery, Forensics and Incident Response # HSDPA and CDMA Security # Identification and Entity Authentication # Network Protocol and Analysis # Smart Card and Physical Security # Virus and Worms # WLAN, RFID and Bluetooth Security # Analysis of malicious code # Applications of cryptographic techniques # Analysis of attacks against networks and machines # File system security PLEASE NOTE: We do not accept product or vendor related pitches. If your talk involves an advertisement for a new product or service your company is offering, please do not submit. Your submission should include: # Name, title, address, email and phone/contact number # Short biography, qualification, occupation, achievement and affiliations (limit 250 words). # Summary or abstract for your presentation (limit 1250 words) # Technical requirements (video, internet, wireless, audio, etc.) Each non-resident speaker will receive accommodation for 2 nights/3 days. For each non-resident speaker, HITB will cover travel expenses up to USD 1,000.00. HITBSecConf2008 - Malaysia - Sponsorship Options For an opportunity to position your company as a major supporter of this event, we have several sponsorship packages which offers an extensive variety of direct and exclusive mechanisms for pre-event exposure and direct business generation during the event. If you are interested in further details regarding sponsorship of HITBSecConf2008 - Malaysia, please contact us. === On a related note, the keynote presentation videos from HITBSecConf2008 - Dubai is also now available for download from here: Day 1 Keynote: http://materials.hitbsecconf.org/hitbsecconf2008dubai/videos/Keynote-1.mov Day 2 Keynote: http://materials.hitbsecconf.org/hitbsecconf2008dubai/videos/Keynote-2.mov See you guys in October! The HITB Team.