Greetings from Hack in The Box -- We are pleased to announce that the Call for Paper (CfP) for HITBSecConf2006 - Malaysia is now open! Set to take place from September 18th - 21st 2006 at The Westin Kuala Lumpur, this years conference promises to once again deliver an International deep-knowledge security conference. HITBSecConf has been described as "the most intimate of hacker gatherings" and is the largest network security conference in Asia! SUBMISSION HITBSecConf is a deep-knowledge technical conference. Talks that are more technical or that discuss new and never before seen attack methods are of more interest than a subject that has been covered several times before. Summaries not exceeding 250 words should be submitted (in plain text format) to cfp -at- for review and possible inclusion in the programme. Submissions are due no later than 1st of May 2006 TOPICS Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following: · Analysis of network and security vulnerabilities · Firewall technologies · Intrusion detection · Data Recovery and Incident Response · GPRS, 3G and CDMA Security · Identification and Entity Authentication · Network Protocol and Analysis · Smart Card Security · Virus and Worms · WLAN and Bluetooth Security. · Analysis of malicious code · Applications of cryptographic techniques, · Analysis of attacks against networks and machines · Denial-of-service attacks and countermeasures · File system security · Security in heterogeneous and large-scale environments · Techniques for developing secure systems PLEASE NOTE: We do not accept product or vendor related pitches. If your talk involves an advertisement for a new product or service your company is offering, please do not submit. Your submission should include: * Name, title, address, email and phone/contact number * Draft of the proposed presentation (in PDF or PowerPoint format), proof of concept for tools and exploits, etc. * Short biography, qualification, occupation, achievement and affiliations (limit 150 words). * Summary or abstract for your presentation (limit 250 words) * Time (45-60 minutes including time for discussion and questions) * Technical requirements (video, internet, wireless, audio, etc.) Each non-resident speaker will receive accommodation for 3 nights at The Westin Kuala Lumpur. For each non-resident speaker, HITB will cover travel expenses (through our airline partner, Malaysia Airlines) up to USD 1,000.00. HITBSecConf2006 CTF Daemons/Flags As part of our annual conference, HITB organizes an attack and defense "hack-game" commonly referred to as “Capture The Flag” or CTF. As part of our continued efforts to improve on the game and raise the bar each year, we are inviting speakers to contribute a daemon and exploit for this years CTF competition. For further details on the submission process, kindly e-mail dinesh -at- or ctfinfo -at- On behalf of The HITB Team, we thank you and look forward to receiving your submissions! See you guys in September! HITBSecConf2006 - Malaysia: Deep-Knowledge Network Security _______________________________________________ Full-Disclosure - We believe in it. Charter: Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -