################################# # Call for papers - White Hack 06 # La Campana - Spain # Date: 18, 19 & 20 - August 06 # mail: info_at_whitehack.com ################################# Call for papers ##################### II White Hack 2006 - CALL FOR PAPERS Security congress "White Hack" will take place in La campana, a village sited in the countryside at 60km from of Sevilla and 85km from Cordoba, the 18th, 19th and 20th of August. Everyone is encouraged to send their presentations. - Papers can be: articles, tutorials/workshops, or discussion tables. - Language of presentations should be spanish or english. - Areas of interest for the presentations are: * Ethical hacking * Wireless devices: wifi, bluetooth, wimax, ... * forensic analysis * cryptography * new security trends * ... * Any other area related with security and free software Only original papers should be delivered, and should describe investigation performed in areas related with security. No published or waiting for approbal material will be accepted. Accepted papers will be published in the web page and the acts of the congress, so non exclusive copyright should be granted to the organization. Format of papers: - PDF or Latex format - In case not using Latex: * Paper size: DIN A4 (210x297mm) * Margins: Right: 5cm. Text width: 12.2cm. Top: 4cm. Text height: 19.3cm * Fonts: Arial, or equivalent (times); size 10pt. Sections in bold and 14pt size, while subsections in bold and 10pt size. * Title centered, in bold and 18pt size. * Authors, references, etc. - Submission deadline: July 15th 2006 For any question, send an email to: info@whitehack.com For more information about the White Hack congress, visit: www.whitehack.com Thanks,