[-]=====================================================================[-] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =: P H R A C K - F I N A L := +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ...a glorious era comes to an end. #63 will be our last PHRACK RELEASE -- EVER... FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS * FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS * FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS ----------------------------------- Deadline: 10 July 2005 at 11:59pm http://www.phrack.org/cfp_final.txt ----------------------------------- Phrackstaff is pleased to bring you our LAST EVER CALL FOR PAPERS for the FINAL RELEASE of PHRACK. We are preparing for a hardcover and ezine release at a major hacker convention near you! We ask everyone to submit a paper. Great care will be taken to ensure that only the best articles make it into PHRACK FINAL. As usual, papers can be on any topic related to the following: - hacking - phreaking - spying - carding - cybernetics - radio - electronics - forensics - reverse engineering - cryptography - anarchy - conspiracy - world news Since 1985, PHRACK MAGAZINE has been providing the hacker community with information on operating systems, network technologies and telephony, as well as relaying features of interest for the international computer underground. PHRACK MAGAZINE is made available to the public, as often as possible, free of charge. PHRACK STAFF <--- preparing for hex2005 phrackstaff@phrack.org Post Scriptum: - Phrackstaff will keep the website running for at least 2 years after PHRACK FINAL. - The last T-Shirts are sold for just $14.95 now. Enjoy it! - More about our decision in the release. Thanks and Goodbye. [-]=====================================================================[-]