{Annnouncing CodeGate 2009 | hacking & defense contests} KOREAN VERSION - http://codegate.org/ CodeGate invites the best hackers out there to strut their stuff in Seoul, South Korea this spring. [Hacking Festival] A total of 40 million Korean Won (about USD $26,500) prize will be awarded to the best hackers from around the world. To win the prize, teams must first place in the top 7 in a qualifier round. This preliminary round will be held online from March 6th-8th (50 hours). The winners must then send teams of up to 4 members to Seoul, South Korea where they will compete in a Capture The Flag style competition. The top three teams from outside of South Korea will have travel taken care of by CodeGate. The final round lasts 24 hours and will take place in April 7th-8th. Registration page - http://hacking.beist.org (More information - http://www.codegate.org/Eng/H_Conf/?CodeFlag=0001) [The Defense Skills Contest] CodeGate will also be rewarding innovations in computer security. To compete, submit a two page abstract explaining your outstanding idea, its values and applications, and a proof of concept or demonstration of your project or idea. The defense skills contest seeks creative ideas which help advance the state of computer security in interesting ways. There is a total of 11 million Korean Won (about USD $7,300) of prize to be won for this contest. (More information - http://www.codegate.org/Eng/Contest/?CodeFlag=0002) [About CodeGate] This year marks the second ever CodeGate. The conference aims to foster a better understanding of information security in South Korea and in a global context. (More information is available here: http://www.codegate.org/ENG/) Contact Information - beistjin@yahoo.com