Hardwear.io Security Trainings and Conference Netherlands 2021 28-29 October 2021, NH Hotel Den Haag, The Netherlands https://hardwear.io/netherlands-2021/ It is a pleasure to invite you to bring forward your cutting-edge research at Hardwear.io Netherlands 2021: Important Dates Deadline for submission: 20 August 2021 Notification of acceptance: 3 September 2021 Security topics of interest (but not limited to): - Smart cards: identification, access controls, pay TV - IoT devices: automotive, medical, payment, connected devices - Trusted computing: mobile TPM, Trusted Execution Environments - Embedded systems: firmware, operating systems, memory, VMs - Trojans and backdoors: counterfeit detection and prevention - Attacks and countermeasures: - Side-channel, Fault Injection, EMFI, Tempest attacks and countermeasures - Reverse engineering, (anti-)cloning, (anti-)tampering, (anti-)counterfeiting For more information: https://hardwear.io/netherlands-2021/cfp.php SUBMIT your research: https://bit.ly/3eImDWV Queries: cfp@hardwear.io Looking forward to seeing you at Hardwear.io NL 2021. Until then, stay safe! Team Hardwear.io -- Andrea Simonca Community Engagement Officer Payatu | Nullcon | Hardwear.io