The 2006 Continuity Security Convention Continuity '06 1st December - 3rd December 2006 Manchester, UK Continuity is a free security convention open to anyone with an interest in computer security, hacking, phone phreaking, telephony, cryptography, warez, internet security/privacy, urban exploration and related subjects. One of our key aims with Continuity is to gather together as many people as possible who were on the old school BBS's like DaC, Terminal Boredom, Unauthorised Access, Urban XTC, 1066, and the many others, or attended hacker conferences like Access All Areas, Controversy, Conspiracy, Catastrophe and DNSCon, along with people who have attended any of the monthly UK 2600 meetings. We would also like to see anybody there with a current interest in computer security and related subjects even if they have never been on a BBS or to a conference before. COST Continuity is a completely FREE event SCHEDULE It has always been our contention that security conventions are for socialising and with that in mind our programme is firmly based around meeting new people and having interesting conversations over drinks. It will of course also be an excuse for a massive piss up and party. All our venues have now been booked and continuity will take place on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of December 2006. We will be having a buffet at 7:00pm on Friday night in a city centre pub to celebrate 11 years of Manchester 2600 Meetings and to welcome Continuity guests to Manchester. While Continuity is firmly based around socialising John Wignall is running his DNSCon 9 conference in Manchester during the day for those of you who want to see some talks at your convention. We believe there is a 5 pound registration fee for DNSCon 9. On Saturday evening we have the main Continuity event in a large city centre venue where we will be holding a free party from 7:00pm until 2:00am with a fully licensed bar. Due to licensing restrictions this event is only available to those over 18 years old. Lastly for any stragglers on Sunday we will be meeting for final drinks and brunch before everyone makes their way home. ACCOMMODATION See the web page for full details on accommodation: TRANSPORT See the web page for full details on transport: FURTHER INFORMATION If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to email us at