# Exploit Title: Changing CHMOD permissions / Traverse Base FTP/MultiHosting # Date: 24/04/2010 # Author: GlaDiaT0R ######################################################################### # [+]Title: [Changing CHMOD permissions / Traverse Base FTP/MultiHosting] ######################################################################### # [+] About : ######################################################################### # Written by : GlaDiaT0R # Contact: the_gl4di4t0r[AT]hotmail[DOT]com # Team : Tunisian Power Team ( DarkGh0st.Net ) # Greetz: Allah, Boomrang_victim, M4rw3n_Neo, Alphanix & all my friends #in security Challenge days 2010 ######################################################################### # [+] Summary: # [1]-Introduction # [2]-Detection # [3]-Exploit ######################################################################### [1] Introduction Writing to a third party file (fopen), or upload a file desired function are already at risk for web applications, but they can also be certain that neglects Multihosting apache permissions CHMOD modified law. Indeed, a hacker with a acces a site Multihosting could then modify the right CHMOD file and directory based on other web application presents the breasts of the host then giving the opportunity for the attacker to write code intended to have access to the source, and uploading the file from its location due to pampers (vulnerable to changes in law chmod). 2 feat enough: the modification of law chmod a desired location (detection) and writing on a (fopen) (Or upload the file selected) through the designated FTP (although sour on the same host). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2] Detection chmod.php?path=../../other website in the server/index.php Now, we have "Operation not permitted" in case of failure, and of course "Permission editable file or directory. Permission to write" if successful ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [3] Exploit Once you find a write permission based on another FTP based on the vulnerable MultiHosting, it's all! Now , you have to upload or modify it contained a file. ================================================================== exploit.php : "); @fclose($fp); ?>