/*! File(),Fgets(),Fgetc() Local File Disclosure (LFD) Paper */
/*! Author : hexon */
/*! Tested On: Windows XP Home Edition SP2 & SP3 */
/*! Contact : hkhexon@gmail.com */
/*! Date : 19th January 2010 */
As you can see , this is a paper about Local File Disclosure (LFD) , you may have asked that why did I wrote this paper as there are people who also contributed in this method like:
Malaysian Script Kiddy(as requested) Ahlspiess - file_get_contents() , readfile()
Romanian Hacker Sirgod - file_get_contents(),readfile()
Lebanon Hacker Moudi - readfile()
French(if not mistaken) Hacker 599eme Man - readfile()
and now
(Unknown) Pentester Hexon - File() , Fgets() , Fgetc()
Well, since they had introduced those LFD methods,I will introduce another method which is very unlikely to happen but may still happen(but it also applies to the methods shown by the other four person).
NOTE : I do not hold any responsibility on what you do after learning the skills available at my paper.
Local File Disclosure is a flaw where the attacker can read the source codes of a particular file on the webserver.With the application of directory transversal skiil,Attackers can read important files like config.php where important information like usernames,passwords are stored and attackers can perform attacks on the webserver.
Proof Of Concept(POC)
A Proof Of Concept(POC) would be needed to to prove that my theory does work.
NOTE : You will need a webserver to read php codes so install a webserver like xampp (http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html).
Open a text editor and copy paste the codes.
PUT ALL THE FILES AT the specified folder like /www/ at vertigo or /htdocs/ at xampp.
Save the following codes as fgets.html
/*! Code Start */
Fgets() POC
/*! End Code */
Save the following codes as fgets.php
/*! Code Start */
/*! End Code */
Save the following codes as fgetc.html
/*! Code Start */
Fgetc() POC
/*! End Code */
Save the following codes as fgetc.php
/*! Code Start */
/*! End Code */
Save the following codes as file.html
/*! Code Start */
File() POC
/*! End Code */
Save the following codes as file.php
/*! Code Start */
/*! End Code */
NOTE : Make sure that your apache server is running and the files are at the right location.
Try to open the fgets.html at your browser (do not open it directly by clicking at the file)
A textbox will appear and type the "filename" with "extension" that you want to read at it and click "Submit".
The method is the same for the other two.
just put the filename and click Submit.
After you click Submit, you will be redirected to the fgets.php/fgetc/php/file.php(depending on which did you use)
Example :
Further Exploitation
Skills Required : Directory Transversal(compulsary),Full Path Disclosure(FPD) or even Partial Function Disclosure(PFD)(optional)
Directory Transversal
We can read files from other folders with the application of Directory Transversal technique.
By applying "../" , we can locate files at parent folder to read.
We can read other folders by increasing the "../".
Example of a exploitation with directory transversal (Only for Windows):
NOTE : There are a lot of files that you can read , use your imaginary skills.
Partial Function Disclosure
We can apply Partial Function Disclosure(PFD) Skill which is by adding a [] infront of "=" to make the name as a array.
This will cause an error as it is not an array and the directory of the folder will be revealed (in the error) .
Example: (fgets.php is used)
Warning: fopen() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in I:\xampp\htdocs\test\fgets.php on line 3
I will not discuss on how to fix it as it is quite irrelevant , maybe I will include it in my next paper.
POC Test
This POC has been tested by me and Ahlspiess on Windows XP SP2 and SP3 but I do believe it works on all types of OS.
Since we have a way to exploit it , there must be a way to patch it.
This is a section for webdevelopers/webmasters as well as pentesters who do not know about this flaw.
Apparently, I have two ways of patching it.
REMOVE IT !! Most web applications do not need to allow file read function as it is usually not used.
Webmasters can read source codes of the files without using those functions.
If you insist on not removing it , then use switch or if logical statements to limit users from reading important files.But in this case , I will use switch as switch is more suitable for this.
Edit the codes or make a new file and delete the old ones.
/*! Code Start */
default: // for those who read files not in the list
echo "You do not have the permission to read this specific file";
/*! End Code */
/*! Code Start */
/*! End Code */
/*! Code Start */
/*! End Code */
/*! My mind , feel free to contact me if you have something to ask/contribute */
/*! Ahlspiess for testing my LFD theory and give ideas eventhough I didn't used it*/
/*! w3schools(www.w3schools.com/)*/