The Foresight Computer Security Fact Forum is a critical discussion of issues in computer security. This discussion is intended to cover several competing protection models, including capabilities, access control lists (ACLs), and the Java security model.
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The discussion has been seeded with documents representing various views from invited experts. For the moment, it is organized in three parts:
Once oriented, participants are encouraged to mark up the seed documents and add new material.
The venerable Orange Book describing evaluation critera for military grade security
A Glossary of computer security terminology may be found here.
The current discussion addresses three models of protection: capabilities, access control lists, and the Java security model. In all cases, the views expressed are those of the author only unless explicity stated otherwise):
Jonathan is the architect of EROS, a high-performance capability system that runs on x86 machines. He has recently completed his Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania.
Introduction to Capability Based Security by Marc Stiegler.
An over-simplified explanation of capabilities by Chris Peterson.
More Advanced Documents:
Capability Theory by Sound Bytes by Norm Hardy.
Norm is the chief architect of the KeyKOS secure persistent operating system.
Other Contributions:
Ka-Ping Yee's Security Alert
Ping is the author of the Crit Mediator. Until recently at Xerox PARC, Ping has now returned to University of Waterloo.
We are actively seeking both introductory and in-depth documents on access control lists.
Java Security by Joseph A. Bank
Essential Reading:
Slides from JavaOne by Li Gong
Extensible Security Architectures for Java by Dan Wallach.
Now at Netscape, Dan will soon return to Princeton.
The Java Virtual Machine Specification. by Tim Lindholm and Frank Yellin.
Other Perspectives:
Microsoft's Introducing a Common Sense Approach to Security and Trust-Based Security for Java
Netscape's main Security page, and in particular their Signing Architecture
The Princeton Java Security Page
Notes on Java Security from the University of Washington
If you have a different model you would like to see discussed, add a link to the words different protection models.
Modern computers are infected with hostile programs (viruses or Trojan horses) with disturbing regularity. What requirements must be satisfied to prevent viruses from taking hold? Can the various proection models support these requirements? model?
ActiveX uses a Authenticodetm to authenticate software components, but this technology provides no protection against (unintentional) flaws or (intentional) attacks. A properly fault contained system would never crash because an erroneous application had been installed.
Confinement is a step up on Fault Containment. In the confinement scenario, we want to make sure that the component cannot give our secrets away to someone else. For example, a text box control should not be able to send credit card numbers to a third party.
Mutual suspicion is a twist on confinement. In this case, the user wants to know that the component is confined, and the component author wants to know that the user cannot steal and examine the code or data used by the component.
In 1977, the National Bureau of Standards made the following statement in the report from the 1977 workshop on the Audit and Evaluation of Computer Systems:
... The point is that internal control mechanisms of current operating systems have too low integrity for them to... effectively isolate a user on the system from data that is at a `higher' security than he is trusted... to deal with.
Multilevel security systems are designed to solve this problem. In a multilevel security system, a user must be of sufficient authority to gain access to documents. The main problem is ensuring that such a user does not transmit those documents to someone at a lower authority level. While a few such systems have been completed, neither the systems themselves nor the ideas they embody have seen widespread use.
Got another interesting challenge problem? Link it the words another challenge problem and we'll incorporate it.
Work by Jonathan Shapiro and Sam Weber at the University of Pennsylvania has proven mathematically that capability systems can support confinement. The paper, entitled Verifying Operating System Security is available online. We are working on making this proof available in commentable form.
Got another solution? Link it to the words another protection solution and we'll add it.
The Foresight Fact Forum was inspired by the Science Court concept, originated by Prof. Arthur Kantrowitz, an advisor to Foresight Institute now at Dartmouth College, combined with hypertext publishing concepts from Ted Nelson, Doug Engelbart, Eric Drexler, and others.
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