# Date: 21/2/2012
# Exploit Author: G2 / Marusira
# Tested on:
[ Browsers ] - Chrome, Firefox , Internet Explorer , Opera , Safari
[ Environment] - Linux & IIS
# Demo : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zmr63mYiZu8
# Video Tutorial : http://youtu.be/zN_3AzKKnNs
# Description
Today We are going to use DATA URI's to bring back the old school Phishing
back to life again. What we will be doing is basically getting the content / source of a specific web page and encode them with base64 to use as a Data URI. To read more about data URI : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_URI_scheme
Just type the above uri in your browser to see uri's in action. now in the same way we could paste an entire web page source their. Since the plain html is readable to everyone easily we could encode the source using base64
Now this is harder to read and understood by a human while the same result is rendered in the browser, the same technique will be applied during the exploitation process so you know what the heck is going on.
If you are from earth you already know that coping an entire web page source even encoded with base64 is way too long , so I came up with a neat solution to use iframes instead ;-) Use of iframes on popular web sites are blocked using javascript and X-Frame. So a little bit of tweaking is required.
Today the demo will be on facebook but could be amended for any web site our their.
# Exploit Instructions
1) Download the modified source of facebook from here
2) If required, the entire phisher and source can be
downloaded from here :
3) Now upload the file to a prefered web host and grab the URL
of the phishing page ( Note : Make Sure you create a custom
phisher or download the entire package from [2] )
now repalce the iframe source where "ur link" is written with your phishing url
goto http://dopiaza.org/tools/datauri/ and generate your data uri by pasting the
modified exploit code
img 1 : http://i.imgur.com/us5QTx4.png
img 2 : http://i.imgur.com/WSr6Bpn.png
Now that you've got your data URI , Note that the data is set to
This should be changed to
After you've done that , try pasting the generated URI in the browser
img : http://i.imgur.com/54e4GwX.png
Now you can use http://tinyurl.com/ to generate a short URL to provide to your victims.
img 1 : http://i.imgur.com/0UC0zNu.png
img 2 : http://i.imgur.com/aOFCxad.png
5) Use Any SE Trick you prefer to fish ;) This is way harder to detect to
normal day to day internet users.
Good Luck ~!