CELLULAR SURVEILLANCE INTERFACE TEST SET The Cellular Surveillance Interface (CSI) decodes the digital data transmitted on cellular control channels. It interprets the data as cellular commands, displays it on your PC screen, and chages the frequency on your radio or the optional AMPS-only Radio Frequency Module (RFM). The CSI will work on cellular systems in North America, Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, etc. Anywhere there is a ceullar system using the AMPS, TACS or ETACS standards; including those international systems that use variable control channel starting points for different countries. In simple terms, the CSI read the control channel data in a cell and tunes your radio, or the optional RFM, to the specified voice channel when a cellular call is placed or received in that cell. This allows you to monitor the call for voice quality, etc. When the cell switches to a new voice channel, your radio of RFM now switches as well. In essence, the CSI turns your radio of the RFM into an extention of the phone you're monitoring. No more partial calls. You get it all. The CSI is a small, high tech, low-cost test instrument for cellular/electroni shops or commercial businesses requiring cellular testing/monitoring capability. It has additional application as a fixed or mobile surveillance unit for law enforcement, government or other investigative agencies. Customers must order on their letterhead. Complete professional one to 24 channel briefcase systems are also available. These are simultaneous AMPTS and ETACS units for usr word-wide. In addition we provide covert vehicle tracking systems, including read-time GPS for law enforcement, government and private agencies. Please contact us with your specific requirements. We provide surveillance consulting services to law enforcement, and investigative/consulting services to investigators and private industry. SAMPLE SCREEN DISPLAY CONTROL VOICE NAC=15 Ring Phone 555-4540 (312) Registration Stop Ringing 555-4540 (312) GoTo 869.880 Disconnect 555-4540 (312) GoTo 869.880 555-3238 (312) Paging Ring Phone 555-0186 (312) Paging Change Power to .25 W 555-8252 (312) Paging Change Power to 1.6 W 555-0186 (312) GoTo 891.090 GoTo 890.220 555-0186 (312) GoTo 891.090 The sample display on the left shows a control data channel message indicating that the number of access channels in the system is 15. A GoTo command shows a message for 312-555-4540 to switch to voice channel 869.880. This example also shows the system paging three cellular phones. Upon answering a page, the cellular phone, 312-555-0186 in this example, is instructed to GoTo the voice channel on frequency 891.090. This sample display has a number of software filter options selected tp avoid displaying numerous repetitive commands. You control these. Typical instruction on the voice channel, after a GoTo a voice channel, would be like that in the right box. The sample display on the right, shows systems control messages instructing a cellular to ring; then to stop ringing; and to disconnect. Another session follows, showing the cellular answering and engaged in conversation. During this conversation, the system instructs the phone to change power level twice. Eventually the voice channel is changed to 890.222 as the mobile moves into another cell. The radio or RFM will follow this change of frequency. This display also has some filtering options selected to reduce the vlume and type of commands displayed. CSI SPECIFICATIONS The CSI required audio input from a radio's 455 KHz IF (PRO or AR radios) or clean demodulated audio (Icom or RFM) containing the digital data from the cellular control channel. The CSI serial output will conect to any standard 9 pin PC serial port. The output from teh CSI is plain English text which is displayed on the PC screen. The CSI requires 12 volts DC @ 300 ma. It is portable for service and surveillance use with a laptop PC. The approximate dimensions are 5.5"L x 4.5"W x 2.25"H. The Icom R7000, R7100 and R9000; the AR-2500 and AR-3000A; the PRO-2006 radios; and the RFM can all be connected directly to the CSI. The CSI will automatically change the radio frequency to follow the cellular call from one voice frequency to another. We can supply Icom and AR radios, please enquire. A small, Radio Frequency Module (RFM-F) is available for AMPS forward control and voice channels for those who do not wish to use a commercial radio. No modifications are necessary. It receives cellular frequencies only, and wil power an 8 ohm speaker via the CSI. It includes an antenna and 12 volt DC power cord. The RFM can power the CSI when used in this configuration. A 1600 maH nicad battery pack and charger is optional. The RFM-F specifications are; 6.5" x 5.75" x 1.25"; 25 oz., and 12vdc @ 300 ma. Ideal for service and surveillance briefcase units with a small notebook computer. Complete PC or cell phone based systems are available. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ³* ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ÃÄÄÄ> SERIAL ÄÄÄ> ³ PC ³ ³* ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄ> AUDIO >ÄÄÄÄÄ> ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ RADIO ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³ / ³ <ÄÄÄ< CONTROL <ÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ CSI ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ RFM ³ ³ ³ ³* ³ ³ ³ ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ> ³ TAPE ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ POWER ÄÄÄÄÄÄ> ³ ³ ³ ³ 12vdc ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³ ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ> ³* ³ * user supplied ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³ SPKR ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ SOFTWARE The CSI comes with PC software that can be used to perform advanced tasks. For example, it can be used to wait for specific command or phone numbers, and take action only on those comands. It can be configured to keep a log of specific events. A radio that can be controlled over a serial link (RFM, Icom, AT, highgly modified PRO-2006) may be connected to the CSI and the software will issue frequency change commands to the radio. This will enable you to monitor the audio for voice quality, etc. A list of key software features follows: Supports AMPS, TACS, ETACS and international cellular systems. Tunes an additional radio to the Reverse Voice Channel (REVC). Two column display to maximize the data displayed. Separate selection of commands and numbers to dispaly and log. Select criteria for following frequency changes. Scans channels based on user criteria (act on specific numbers, etc.) Automatically tunes and analyses data quality on each control channel. Auto select active and best control channels at your location. Display and log DTMF (touch-tone) from voice channels. Presents detailed information on cellular system parameters, including digital. RECC display data includes dialed number and the phone manufacturer's name. ESN decode and display available to authorized purchasers. Separate software control of the speaker and tape recorder features. An excellent general purpose scanning module is included for non-cellular use. Complete with a built-in help menu that you can customize. The software is English only. Software to control multiple CSIs/radios/RFMs and monitor multiple cells with one PC is available, as is an EZ-Track software package designed specifically for law enforcement use. Version T firmware is required for EZ-Track, however it is installed in all CSIs shipped 95-01-01. RADIO INTERFACE & OTHER INFORMATION Use high quality co-axial cable if you're using a roof or attic mounted antenna. Common co-ax attenuates 800/900 MHz signals. Belden 9913 is recommended. It has 4db loss per 100 feet, compared to 20+ db loss for standard RG-58. A small antenna at your radio may perform better than poor co-ax running to a high antenna. High error rates may be caused by an improperly aligned radio. The recommended radio modifications will maek the CSI less sensitive to a radio of cell site that is off-frequency. Alignment problems are more noticeable with weak signals when you are on the fringe of a cell site. An additional software module is included to allow you to tune your radio for maximum data capture efficiency. Once you determine the required frequency offset for your radio, you can enter it in the operating porogram to automatically adjust all futher frequenct changes to match your radio. CSI performance is greatly enhanced by an internal connection to your radio. COnnection kits, instructions, and schematics are included with the CSI at no additional charge when you specify your radio. Soldering and some technical ability is required. Any radio or electronics shop can perform these modifications for you. R-7000 / R-7100 / R-9000 Solder a cable with a resistor and capcitor from a clean audio point to the facotry spare jack on the read of your radio. Replace the exiting NFM bandpass filter with a new 20KHz filter. This is a 40 minute job. A parts kit, instructions and schematics are included with the CSI when you specify an Icom radio. RECC/ESN works, but is not guaranteed on the R-7x00 radio. The R9000 required only the capacitor and cable, and perofrms faultless RECC/ESN capture due to improved 25 KHz ceramic filters and other circuitry. AR-2500 / AR-3000A Solder a cable with a resistor from the 455 KHz IF to a new jack mounted on the rear of your radio. This is also a 40 minute jobs. A parts kit, instructions and schematics are included with the CSI when you specify an AR-2500 or AR-3000A radio. PRO-2006 Solder a cable with a resistor from the 455 KHz IF to a new jack mounted on the read of your radio. This 40 minute mod allows your radio to supply control chanel data to teh CSI and your PC, for display of the information on the control and voice channels. You will still have to manually tune your radio. Make a small IC assembly (serial interface port) to mount in your radio. Connect 7 wires to a new connector, 8 wires to an existing cable, and 3 wires to other points. This more complex task takes 3 hours, or so, and allows the CSI to control your radio and tune it to follow cellular calls. A parts kit, instructions and schematics are included with teh CSI when you specify a Pro 2006 radio. Frequencies are not displayed on the radio. This modification is FOR EXPERIENCED TECHNICIANS ONLY. DON'T TRY IT IF YOU DON'T QUALIFY. Consider using our RFM instead. This mod does not affect your radio's normal operation when the CSI is not in use. PRODUCT REVIEWS We gratefully acknowledge the following published reviews of our previous and current CSI modules: Swimming the Cellular Data Stream, by Damien THORN, Nuts & Volts Magazine, August 1993 What's New?, by Larry MILLER, Monitoring Times Magazine, September 1993 New Products Review, National Scanning Report, July/August 1993 New Product News, Nuts & Volts Magazine, January, 1995 Full Duplex Communication, by Damien THORN, Nuts & Volts Magazine, February, 1994 Telephones Enroute, by Tom KNEITEL, Popular Communications, April, 1994 Telephones Enroute, by Tom KNEITEL, Popular Communications, May, 1995 SUPPORT For those of you with email access, we would be please to provide additional copies of this brochure, provide product support, and answer any questions you may have bvia email. The low price of this product reflects our assumption that you are technically competent to modify your equipment, operate a PC, and exhaust your in-house corporate resources before calling for assistance. Long distance calls are returned collect. Out INTERNET email address is; Bill.Fischer@T8000.com CSI DEMO PROGRAM A demonstration version of the software that controls the CSI and your radio is available by FTP from; FTP.FUNET.FI in the directory pub/dx/software/msdos/rx-control. The filename is celldemo.zip. It is also available in the HamNet Forum scanner library on Compuserve, or you can call our offices and make arrangements to download it from us. For those of you with Web access, visit our first efforts ar a home Page located at http://www.t8000.com/eci/eci.htm and download the demo and our latest brochure. Also, most computer retailers have Internet WWW acces, and will download the brochure and software demo to a disk for you if you give them our home Page address noted above. NEW PRODUCTS CSI-RFM sub-assembly. AMPS only interface board for simultaneous decoding of forward and reverse channels using one RFM-F and one RFM-R module. Supplies tape control output, tape audio output, and forward and reverse speaker outputs. Powered from the FRM units. Includes software and cables for the PC and RFMs. Does not include case, RFM modules or shipping. US$565. RFM-F module. AMPS only radio frequency module for cellular forward control and audio channels. For use with standard CSI or CSI-RFM sub-assembly. Includes cable assembly, antenna and 12 volt cord. Does not include shipping. US$495. RFM-R module. AMPS only radio frequency module for cellular reverse control and audio channels. For use with standard CSI or CSI-RFM sub-asembly. Includes cable assembly, antenna and 12 volt cord. Does not include shipping. US$495. CSI sub-assembly. Interface board including software and CSI to PC cable. Does not include case, power supply, radio kit or shipping. US$475. CSI miniature sub-assembly. A small interface board approximatly 3" x 3" with a 20 pin edge connector. Includes pin-out information and software. Supports audio input only; no 455 KHz IF. Does not include case, power supply, radio kit, Touchtone decode, relays for aduio/record switching, or shipping. US$415. CSI concentrator sub-assembly. Serial concentrator interface conects up to 8 CSIs to a combination of a single PC serial port (COM1) and a bi-directional EPP compatible parpallel port (LPT1). CSIs connect via three conductor 3.5mm-3.5mm cables. Includes software. Does not include case, power supply or shipping. US$520. PDI sub-assembly. Paging decoding interface. Supports 512, 1200 and 2400 POCSAG protocols. Auto baud rate selection. Includes software to determine numeric or alpha and display it properly, a PC cable, and a 455 KHz IF input kit/schematic for either a Pro of AR3000A radio. Please specify. Should work with other radios if you want to experiment and determine the 455 KHz IF connection point. Does not include case, power supply or shipping. US$385. CSI in a case with software, radio kit, power supply, all cables and UPS ground shipping. US$519. Complete simultaneous forward/reverse kit. This consists of the CSI-RFM interface, all cables and 12 volts cords, one RFM-F with antena, one RMF-R, software and user's guide. Does not include a case for the interface, RFM-R antenna, PC, speakers, tape recorder, 12 volt power supply or shipping. A high-gain mag mount is recommended for the RFM-R. IN addition to enhanced reverse reception, it allows the -R antenna to be placed four to size feet from the -F antenna, and eliminates interference between the two receiver modaules. US$1535. ORDERING INFORMATION PLEASE ORDER ON YOUR CORPORATE LETTERHEAD. The CSI commercial test equipment set is assembled, tested, and installed in case. It is hipped complete with an AC to 12 volt DC power supply and all cables to connect to your radio and IBM-type PC. A 368-16MHz or better is required. The CSI also includes the latest version of our PC software package, your choice of the listed commercial radio interface kits, and a user's guide. To make your purchase an even more pleasent experience, we pay the UPS group shipping on orders prepaid by money order, cashier's cheque, bank wire transfer, etc. ESN decode and display capability is available for cellular service shops, law enforcement, and government agencies. Please mail us an original letter from your network dial tone provider's Security Department (Cellular One, Bell, etc.) on their letterhead. It should endorse your use of the ESN technology, and must be signed by a management official. We will verify these endorsements. Oversease ESN is no longer available, unless you get a US telco or police agency to vouch for you, since we are unable to verify foreign ESN endorsements. Please allow six to eight business days from receipt of your order until delivery. This will allow us time to assemble, thoroughly test, and ship your unit. We use UPS ground. NOTE: We no longer ship small orders overseas. Please supply a U.S. addres (branch office, associate, customs, broker/exporter, etc.). You'll also need to purchase an AC to 12 volt DC power supply to match your country's electrical supply. RETURN POLICY The CSI may be returned within 14 days for a refund, minus our costs of handling and shipping the unit to you, and a maximum of US$30 if the radio parts kit is opened. [Order form not included. -- KF] The CSI is sold as commercial diagnostic test equipment to authorized purchasers only. The buyer assumes all responsibility to determine the legality of a specifc application of this product. All orders must be placed on your company's original corporate letterhead and mailed (not faxed) to us. The CSI will be shipped to your corporate street address. Money Order, Cashier's cheque, bank wire transfer, C.O.D. orders to: Electronic Countermeasures Inc. 65 - 31 Avenue South West Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2S 2Y7 (403) 233-0644 * Fax (403) 233-8849 Internet email * Bill.Fischer@t8000.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------