.topic NoContext=0 DDI SOFTWARE All the menus are accessed by pressing Alt-Z, where Z is the first letter of the menu. For example, the "Modes" menu is pulled down by Alt-M. Press F1 when any menu is selected for help. Further help may be obtained from a help menu by selecting a highlighted item. Further help is available from here on the following topics (TAB selects next topic): {Modes} {Port} {GoTo} {Select} {Log} {Write} {Functions} {Keys} {Changing-Help:Help} {Files} {Status} {-Commands:Dash} Press ESC to put this help screen away. .topic Help CHANGING HELP The file DDI.TXT contains all the help messages used in the DDI program. Some users may wish to add help information or to re-word the messages so that they are most helpfull to them. The DDI.TXT file may be updated and then the NEWHELP program must be run. The NEWHELP program will read DDI.TXT and generate a DDI.HLP file. The DDI.HLP file is used by the DDI program to display help messages. A file DDIHLP.PAS is also generated. This file is not used unless you purchased the full source code. .topic Files FILES The DDI program (DDI.EXE) reads two files: DEFAULT.DDI and DDI.HLP. The first has the menu selections to be used on start up as last saved using ALT-W. The second file has the help messages displayed using F1. The program will first look in the current directory for these files and if not found it will check the directory that the DDI.EXE file is in. The program will write the log file to the file DDI.LOG in the current directory unless another file is specified. The DDI.TXT file is only used if you want to change help messages. .topic Keys KEYS The dialog windows used in the DDI software are all controlled in a similar manor. The following are general rules for using these dialog windows: Each window has a number of entry areas. The TAB key and SHIFT-TAB keys will move to the next and previous entry areas. The RETURN key will usually move to the next entry area as well. ALT-U will exit the window and all the selections will be entered. ALT-A or ESCape will exit the window and no changes will be made. There are two entry fields in each window (UPDATE, ABORT) that have the same effect as ALT-U and ALT-A when RETURN is pressed while these fields are selected. An entry field that is made up of a list of items each beginning with [ ] are selectable items. The cursor keys will move from item to item and the space bar will select/deselect the item. Any combination of items may be selected. Pressing TAB or RETURN will move to the next area when you are done. An entry field that is made up of a list of items each beginning with ( ) is a multiple choice selection. The cursor keys may be used to select only one of the items. Pressing TAB or RETURN will move to the next area when you are done. An entry field that is a solid block is asking for a text entry. You may enter data and use the BACKSPACE as required then press TAB or RETURN to move on. .topic Status STATUS The status area in the upper right corner of the screen will show the following: 1. Last frequency sent to a radio by this software. 2. Current mode V for voice or C for control. 3. If the log is enabled an L is displayed. .topic Dash -COMMANDS DDI commands may be issued from the DDI S/W by entering a Alt - (minus) A window will pop up for you to enter your command. For example enter - Y return return to issue a DDI Y command. .topic Modes MODES This window lists of all the DDI modes. Select the modes you need to be active and press RETURN twice. Move with the arrow keys and use SPACE to select/deselect. Be aware that some modes when not selected have an implied state. For example when "Voice" is not selected the "Control" mode is implied to be selected even though there is no "Control" mode in the list. {Invert audio:ModesInvert} {Voice channel:ModesVoice} {Odd phone numbers:ModesOdd} {SAT information:ModesSAT} {Report errors:ModesReport} {Hex mode:ModesHex} {Display controls:ModesDisplay} {Test mode:ModesTest} {Display RegInc:ModesReginc} {Display control filters:ModesConfil} {Show channel numbers:ModesChannel} .topic ModesInvert MODES | INVERT This mode is used by the DDI to determine the phase of the incoming audio. This mode will always be the same for a given radio hookup. Usually if this is not set data will not be received or it will have a very high error rate. .topic ModesVoice MODES | VOICE This mode tells the DDI if the currently tuned channel is a voice channel or a control channel. If this selection is not correct the data will not be correctly interpreted and in most cases lost. .topic ModesOdd MODES | ODD This mode only applies to control channels. Data sent on control channels is two streams of data interleaved on the one channel. One stream is for mobile telephones with an odd phone number, the other stream is for even numbers. The DDI can only pick up one stream at a time. .topic ModesSAT MODES | SAT One of three SAT tones is transmitted during cellular conversations. When digital commands are sent the digital command will indicate what the correct tone should be. The mobile can use this to determine if this command is a valid command for this channel. When the SAT mode is enabled the tone numbers are displayed with the digital commands. This is not recommended for the Control mode. .topic ModesReport MODES | REPORT ERRORS Normally the DDI will not display commands received with an error on the control channels. Setting this mode will cause the DDI to display all commands. Commands with an error will appear with a ? before them. This mode has no effect on voice channels since all commands are always displayed in the voice mode. .topic ModesHex MODES | HEX This mode will suppress the DDI translation of digital commands to text. Only the hexadecimal values of the digital commands will appear. This mode is generally only useful when you have written special PC software to make use of the digital commands. .topic ModesDisplay MODES | DISPLAY ALL CONTROLS Normally the DDI will not repeat key control information that is constantly repeated on control channels. When this mode is selected the repetitive information will be displayed. You may select this to ensure you audio connection still works if there is not much other activity. .topic ModesTest MODES | TEST This mode will collect 100 digital commands and report how many were received with an error. This will indicate how well your setup is receiving cellular commands. This command will run faster when the control filter mode is also selected since that data will be included in the count. Normal DDI text messages are not displayed while this mode is active. .topic ModesReginc MODES | REGINC Normally the DDI will display the "RegInc=" command when the data changes. When this mode is active all of the commands will be displayed. .topic ModesConfil MODES | CONTROL FILTER Between the more interesting digital commands on a control channel the site will fill with control filter messages. These are generally the same message over an over asking for the power to be set to a particular value. The DDI will normally display the control filter message if it changes. Selecting this mode will cause all control filter messages to appear. Be ready for a lot of data! .topic ModesChannel MODES | CHANNEL NUMBER GoTo commands normally display the new frequency. When this mode is selected the cellular channel number (0-1023) is also shown in the GoTo commands. .topic Port PORT This window selects the COM port on your PC that will connect to the DDI and optionaly a Radio. .topic PortDDI PORT | DDI This window selects the COM port on your PC that will connect to the DDI. You must choose either COM1 or COM2. Use the arrow keys to make your selection the press RETURN twice. You can then enter ALT-W to save the selection. The DDI software assumes the following about your COM port: Channel PC-Port Interrupt COM1 3F8 12 (IRQ4) COM2 2F8 11 (IRQ3) .topic PortRadio PORT | RADIO This window is used if you can control your radio frequency from the PC. If you can not, set the communications port to NONE to disable this function. This window will allow you to specify a radio type, baud rate, and communications port. {Radio:GoToRadio} {COM port:GoToCOM} {Baud Rate:GoToBaud} .topic GoTo GoTo This window will allow you to specify under what conditions the radio is to be directly controlled. There are seven conditions that may be programmed to cause the software to issue a frequency change to the radio. 1. Whenever a GoTo is received on a control channel. The software will switch from control to voice mode and will tune the radio to the channel in the GoTo. 2. Whenever a GoTo is received on a voice channel. The software will follow the conversation by tuning the radio to the new channel. 3. Whenever a GoTo is received in a control channel with a phone number on the phone number list (from ALT-S menu). Same as #1 except it will only happen if one of the specified phone numbers is found. 4. When the mode is changed from Voice to Control. When an F2 is pressed to switch from Voice to Control then the last tuned control channel will be sent to the radio. 5. When the mode is changed from Control to Voice. When an F2 is pressed to switch from Control to Voice then the last tuned voice channel will be sent to the radio. 6. When the mode is voice and a DISCONECT is detected. Then the mode is switched back to control and the last control channel is sent to the radio. 7. When the mode is voice and the signal is lost (some radios only) do F2. The mode will be changed to control and the last control frequency will be sent to the radio. 8. When the mode is voice and the signal is lost (some radios only). Then then next voice channel is sent to the radio (same as F5). Any combination of the above conditions may be selected (except 7 & 8). .topic GoToBaud GoTo | BAUD The baud rate from the PC to your radio can be set to either 9600 or 1200. .topic GoToRadio GoTo | RADIO The radio type may be selected here. Select additional help on your radio. {AR2500:GoToAR2500} {RWS:GoToRWS} {ICOM:GoToICOM} {DATAMETRICS:GoToDM} .topic GoToAR2500 GoTo | RADIO | AR2500 When selecting the AR2500 the value in the "Radio param" box is not used. The AR2500 must be powered up when the DDI program starts up or when you enter ALT-U to the GoTo window. At this time you will see a brief RS-232 on the AR2500 screen to show the communications is working. .topic GoToRWS GoTo | RADIO | RWS When selecting the RWS controller you must enter a channel number in the "Radio Param" box below these selections. This channel number will be used by this software when making a channel switch. The channel will be selected and then programmed with the new frequency. The RWS must be powered up when the software is started or when this window is updated (ALT-U). A $1 is sent to the RWS at these times. Note: I have not yet received feedback from any user as to if this option works with a RWS controller. .topic GoToDM GoTo | RADIO | DATAMETRICS When selecting the DATAMETRICS controller you must enter a channel number in the "Radio Param" box below these selections. This channel number will be used by this software when making a channel switch. The channel will be selected and then programmed with the new frequency. .topic GoToICOM GoTo | RADIO | ICOM When selecting the ICOM radio you must enter the radio id number in the "Radio Param" box below the selections. For example if you have an R7000 the id number should be 8. You can enter the number as a hex number by preceding it with a $. For example the R9000 would be $2A. .topic GoToCOM GoTo | COM This selects the PC communications port used from the PC to your radio. You may not use the same port you use to communicate with the DDI. The DDI software assumes the following about your COM port: Channel PC-Port Interrupts COM1 3F8 are not COM2 2F8 used. COM3 3E8 COM4 2E8 .topic Select SELECT The DDI software will allow you to select what kind of data to collect. Separate selection criteria may be specified for the screen and for the log. After entering ALT-S you must use the arrow keys to select the screen or log and then press return to get the selection menu. {Screen:SelectScreen} {Log:SelectLog} {Phone-Numbers:SelectNumbers} .topic SelectScreen SELECT | SCREEN Within the selection menu you can select each of the criteria for collecting data on the screen. When the last item "Only on match" is selected special action is taken to only collect data that applies to a phone number on the list. {Criteria:SelectCriteria} {Phone Number Match:SelectNumbers} .topic SelectLog SELECT | LOG Within the selection menu you can select each of the criteria for collecting data in the log. When the last item "Only on match" is selected special action is taken to only collect data that applies to a phone number on the list. {Criteria:SelectCriteria} {Phone Number Match:SelectNumbers} .topic SelectCriteria SELECT | SCREEN/LOG | CRITERIA The software will only display lines that meet one or more of the checked items on the criteria list. Note that if the "ONLY if match" is selected then the phone number must also match for the data to be displayed. For example if only the PAGE item is checked then the only commands you will see will be page commands. If both the PAGE and GoTO are checked then you will see both PAGE and GoTo commands. Note that some commands are sent twice from the cell site. If you select the DUPLICATE LINES item then you will see both copies of the command on the screen. Otherwise the second copy will be suppressed. .topic SelectNumbers SELECT | phone NUMBERS If you select the "ONLY on match" then you may enter phone numbers. The phone numbers must follow the format ###-#### (###) but you need not enter the whole number. For example 123-4567 will match the number without regard for the area code. If you enter the number 123- then any phone number beginning 123- will cause a match. Whenever a matched number is displayed the PC will beep if you check the BEEP box. When you have selected the phone number match entry then the only data that will be collected will be those phone numbers. Note that you must ALSO specify what kind of commands to collect for those phone numbers via the above criteria. For example if you have the GOTO selection checked and the MATCH selection checked the only data collected will be GOTO commands that match one of the phone numbers in the list. Note that the list of phone numbers is shared between the screen, log and Goto windows. .topic Log LOG The DDI software can insert collected data into a disk based log file. Data is appended to the end of the log file and each line has a time stamp. A date entry is added when a new day begins. Use NAME to select the log file name. Use ENABLE and DISABLE to start and stop log file collection. CLEAR will erase the entire log file. REVIEW will allow an on screen review of the log file. {Enable:LogEnable} {Disable:LogDisable} {Review:LogReview} {Clear:LogClear} {Name:LogName} .topic LogEnable LOG | ENABLE This selection will enable the log. All incoming data that meets the specifications in the SELECT LOG window will be saved to a disk file. .topic LogDisable LOG | DISABLE This selection will disable log file collection. .topic LogReview LOG | REVIEW Selecting REVIEW will bring up an on screen editor to review the log file. The log will be disabled as soon as review is selected. Use the arrow keys and PAGE-UP/PAGE-DOWN to move through the file. You may change or add text to the file at this time. .topic LogClear LOG | CLEAR This selection will delete all entries in the log file. .topic LogName LOG | NAME This window will allow you to enter a new name for the log file. .topic Write WRITE After you have selected options for your environment within the various windows you may save all your selections by entering ALT-W. The selections will be saved in the file DEFAULT.DDI. When the program begins the file is read and the selections will be restored to the last time you entered ALT-W. A message will appear to confirm the save completed. Press RETURN to clear the message. .topic Functions FUNCTIONS This menu allows the selection of several utility functions. Many of these selections may also be invoked by a hot key. {Test Cables:FuncTestCables} {Reset DDI:FuncResetDDI} {Swap Modes:FuncToggle} {Clear Display:FuncClear} .topic FuncTestCables FUNCTIONS | TEST CABLES This function will test the serial cable to the DDI from the computer. If you have a cable from the computer to the radio and have selected (from the GoTo window) a COM port for the radio this cable will also be tested. .topic FuncResetDDI FUNCTIONS | RESET DDI (F4) This function will reset the DDI and will re-transmit all mode commands to the DDI from the Modes window. .topic FuncToggle FUNCTIONS | SWAP MODES (F2) This function will change the Voice/Control mode. If the mode is Voice the mode will be changed to Control. If the mode is Control it will be changed to Voice. .topic FuncClear FUNCTIONS | CLEAR DISPLAY (F3) This function will clear the DDI software monitor screen. .topic FuncFind FUNCTIONS | FIND CONTROL CHANNELS This function will check each control channel and determine if a digital signal is present and if so how good the reception is. The data collected from this function is saved for future review if you enter ALT-W after exiting from this window. This function will only operate if your radio can be directly controlled by the DDI software. See GoTo menu for setting up the communications port to your radio. .topic FuncNext FUNCTIONS | NEXT CHANNEL This function (F5) will select the next channel. In the voice mode the next sequential voice channel is sent to the radio. In the control mode the next control channel that had good reception when ALT-F F was executed is selected. .topic FuncColor FUNCTIONS | COLOR This function allows you to select the colors used by the DDI program. The left column shows the major display items. Use the arrow keys to select an item. Press TAB to get to the center list. These are the specific different fields colors are used for the selected item. Select the field using the arrow keys. Press TAB to get to the right column. Use the arrow keys to select the forground color then press TAB and select the background color. .topic Exit EXIT (ALT-X) This function will exit the DDI program.