Example program ------> DISCRIM1.ADA
Examine the file named DISCRIM1.ADA for our first example of a record with a discriminant. It will take a little time and study before we get to the discriminant and what it does, but we will take it a step at a time.
We begin by defining an unconstrained two dimensional array type in line 10 of the declaration part, and an unconstrained one dimensional array type in line 13. Next we define a record type, beginning in line 15, with a discriminant, the discriminant being a variable named List_Size which is of type POSITIVE. The record is composed of four fields, each of which is defined in part by the discriminant. The variable named Matrix is a square array whose size is given by the value of the discriminant, while Elements is initialized to the square of the discriminant. Likewise, the other two fields are defined as a function of the discriminant. Keep in mind that the discriminant still does not have a value, it is only used as a part of the pattern of the record.
For later use, we define a derived type in line 23, and a subtype in line 25. The subtype is defined as being of type STUFF but with the discriminant being fixed at 5. We will have more to say about these two types later.
In line 27, we declare a variable named Data_Store to be of type STUFF with the discriminant set equal to 5. Therefore, the Matrix variable which is a part of the record named Data_Store will have two subscripts, each of which covers a range of 1 through 5. The variable named Elements will be initialized to the square of 5, and the other fields will likewise be defined. The variable Big_Store will have larger arrays, and the value of its subfield, named Elements, will be initialized to a value of the square of 12. Since these two variables have different numbers of elements, they are not assignment compatible, nor can they be compared for equality or inequality.
The variable Extra_Store is declared as being of type ANOTHER_STUFF with a discriminant of 5, but since the types are different, this variable is not assignment compatible with the first variable named Data_Store. More_Store is declared as being of type STUFF with a discriminant of 5, so it is assignment compatible with Data_Store. Five_Store, because it is a subtype of STUFF, and its discriminant is 5, as defined in the subtype declaration, is assignment compatible with Data_Store. Finally, it should be clear that the last example, Name_Store, is assignment compatible with Data_Store, since its only difference is that it uses the named method of discriminant selection. This is a hint to you that additional discriminants can be used, and there is actually no limit to the number that can be a part of a discriminated record type. We will have an example program soon that has three discriminants.
As mentioned before, the variables named Data_Store, More_Store, Five_Store, and Name_Store, are all of the same type and can be freely assigned to each other. They can also be compared for equality or inequality with each other. The other variables are of different types and cannot be assigned as a complete record to each other, or compared for equality or inequality.
The discriminant, once declared, is considered to be a constant, and cannot be modified. The discriminant of the variable Data_Store is accessed in the program as Data_Store.List_Size for purposes of reading it. The executable part of the program should be clear. One of the declared Matrix variables is assigned values using the RANGE attribute for the loop limits. The entire record is then assigned to some additional record variables, and a single data point is displayed as an example.
When you understand the program, compile and execute it to prove to yourself that it works as shown. Notice that, as always, the elements of the record cannot be anonymous types but must be named.
Example program ------> DISCRIM2.ADA
Examine the example program named DISCRIM2.ADA for a few examples of how to use the discriminated record. The type declarations are identical to the last program, but only two records are declared this time, Data_Store and Big_Store, which are of different types because they have different discriminants.
The declaration part of the program has a function declaration and a procedure declaration added to it in this program. If you look closely, you will see that the type used for the formal variable in both subprograms is of the record type STUFF, but there is no discriminant defined for either. These are unconstrained records and add flexibility to the use of subprograms. The loops within the subprograms use limits that are dependent upon the limits of the actual type as defined in the calling program, and the subprograms can therefore be used for any record variable of type STUFF regardless of the value of the discriminant.
The nested loop in lines 48 through 53, assigns the elements contained in the array variable Data_Store.Matrix to a multiplication table for later use. In line 55, we call the procedure Set_To_Ones with the record Big_Store to set all of its Matrix values to 1. Finally, we display the sums of all of the elements by calling the function Add_Elements once for each record. Even though the records are actually of different types, the function works correctly with both, because of the flexibility built into the function itself. Note that even though the record is unconstrained in each subprogram, it is constrained when the subprogram is called since the discriminant is constrained to the value of the actual parameter in the call.
Be sure to compile and execute this program and study the output until you are sure you understand the results.
Example program ------> DISCRIM3.ADA
Examine the program named DISCRIM3.ADA for an example of a discriminant that can be changed dynamically. This program is nearly identical to the last example program, but there are two very small changes. The discriminant is initialized to a value of 2 in line 15, which will be used for the discriminant if none is given in the variable declaration. This is illustrated in line 25, where the variable Var_Store is declared to be of type STUFF, and is defaulted to the initialization value of 2 for its discriminant. There is one other property that it has acquired, and that is the ability to have its discriminant changed to any legal value during execution of the program.
The two variables named Data_Store and Big_Store have their discriminants fixed at 5 and 12 respectively and cannot be changed during program execution.
The discriminant can only be changed by changing the entire record in a single statement as is illustrated in line 56 where the entire record named Data_Store, with a discriminant of 5, is assigned to the variable Var_Store. The variable Var_Store can then be used anywhere it is legal to use a record of discriminant 5 as shown in lines 57 through 63. Note that prior to the assignment in line 56 the variable Var_Store can be used as a record with its discriminant set to 2 as the default.
In line 67, the variable Var_Store is assigned the entire record of Big_Store which effectively changes it into a record variable with a discriminant of 12. The fact that it is changed is evidenced by the output which you can see after you compile and execute this program. Note that all of the values contained in Big_Store are copied into Var_Store. Be sure to compile and execute this program.
Example program ------> DISCRIM4.ADA
Examining the example program named DISCRIM4.ADA gives you an example of how to use a multiple discriminant in a record type. The first difference is in lines 15 through 17 where three discriminants are defined for the record type, and the next big difference is in lines 25 through 31 where 5 variables are declared with this type illustrating the various kinds of discriminant initialization described in this chapter.
Since we have studied all of these in the last few example programs, we will not elaborate on them, except to mention that the variable named Variable can be assigned the value of any of the other variables. It will then have the entire set of discriminants assigned to it that the assignment variable possesses and it will be assigned all of the current values stored in the source record. This is exactly the same as what was illustrated in the last program.
Be sure to compile and run this program after you understand the concepts it is meant to convey to you.
Example program ------> VARIANT1.ADA
Examine the file named VARIANT1.ADA for our first example of a variant record. A variant record must have a discriminant, by definition, since the discriminant will define which of the various variants each record variable will be composed of. If you are a Pascal programmer you will find the variant record to be much more confining than in Pascal where you can change the variant at will. If you remember that Ada is a very strongly typed language, and will accept no deviation from its defined standard in order to detect errors inadvertently introduced by the programmer, you will appreciate the terse definition and restrictions.
The discriminant for our example record is declared in line 10 as an enumerated type with four allowable values. A variable named Engine is declared, which is of type POWER, which will be used as the discriminant and two variables are declared as the first part of the record. The variant part of the record begins in line 16 with the reserved word case followed by the name of the discriminant variable, which is Engine in this example. The four variants are declared in much the same way as a normal case statement with variable declarations in place of the executable statements. There must be a clause listed for each possible value of the discriminant, and any number of variables may be defined for each, including none. If no variables are declared for a case, the reserved word null is used to indicate to the compiler that you really mean to include no variables there.
If there is a variant to the record, it must be the last part of the record with all common variables declared first. One or more of the variant parts of the record can have a variant part itself, provided it is the last part of the variant part. There is no defined limit to the nesting.
In line 25, we declare the variable Ford to be a record of type VEHICLE, and constrain it to be the GAS variant of the record. Because the Ford variable is constrained to the GAS variant, it can only use the variable declared as part of the GAS variant, and of course the two common variables. It would be illegal to assign data to the fields of the Ford variable which are declared in the other variants of the record type. Moreover, since the variable Ford has been assigned the discriminant value of GAS, it can never be changed, but is a constant. Likewise, the variable named Truck will always be a record of type VEHICLE with the variant DIESEL because that is what it is declared with. The same is true of the other two variables declared in lines 27 and 28. We will see in the next program, that it is possible to declare a variable in such a way that it can be modified dynamically to any of the variants as the program is executing.
Lines 32 through 34 should be familiar to you since this is the method used to assign values to a record with no variant, which we studied earlier. Line 36 illustrates value assignment by using a positional aggregate notation, and line 39 illustrates assignment of values using the named aggregate notation. In both of these cases, all four fields must be named even if some are not changed. Even the invariant discriminant must be included in the aggregate, which seems to be somewhat of a nuisance, since it is a constant. The reasons for these last two rules are probably well founded and have to do with ease of writing a compiler, which is certainly no small job.
The statements in lines 42 through 45 assign values to each of the subfields of the record variable named Stanley, and the mixed aggregate assignment is illustrated in line 47, where all five variables are mentioned even though the discriminant is a constant. Finally, the Schwinn and Truck variables are assigned values in lines 50 through 56. Compile and execute this program to assure yourself that your compiler will indeed compile it correctly.
Example program ------> VARIANT2.ADA
Examine the program named VARIANT2.ADA for an example of a variant record in which we can change the variant dynamically during program execution. A major difference here is that the discriminant is defaulted to the value listed in line 12, namely the value of NONE. If no variant is declared, it is defaulted to NONE in the declarations as is done in line 25, where three variable records are declared using the default value of the discriminant. The variable Stanley is once again declared to be of the variant STEAM, and this will remain constant throughout the execution of the program, because any variable declared with a discriminant value cannot have the value of its discriminant changed dynamically but is a constant, although the individual elements of the record can be changed.
In line 30, the variable Ford is assigned data such that it is of the GAS variant, using the positional aggregate notation, and is redefined in the next statement to be of the DIESEL variant, by using the mixed aggregate notation. This is done to illustrate to you that it is possible to change the variant of a variable if it was declared with the default variant. In line 33, the variable Truck is assigned the DIESEL variant with the positional aggregate notation, and two of the fields are changed in the next two statements.
Any of the fields can be changed individually with the exception of the discriminant variable, which can only be changed by use of an aggregate in which all values are listed. Remember that this is the aggravating part of this construct, that all of the fields must be mentioned in every record aggregate. Even though you can change individual values of the record, you are limited to using those variables that are part of the current variant. Pascal allows you to use variable names of other variants but Ada will not permit this. You are permitted to use the positional, named, or mixed aggregate notation, however. Be sure to compile and execute this program after you understand the concepts.
Example program ------> INFIX.ADA
The example program named INFIX.ADA could be placed in several different places in this tutorial, because it doesn't really fit anywhere too well. Since one of the most advantageous places to use operator overloading is with record type variables, this seemed like a good place for it. The program itself is very simple, but the concept is potentially very powerful.
We first define a record composed of three simple variables all being of type INTEGER, and use this definition to declare three variables of this type. The next declaration is of a function named "+", which we can define to do anything we wish it to do. In this case we input two variables of the record type THREE_INTS and return one record of the same type. Within the function, we add all three fields of one variable to the corresponding fields of the other variable, and return the record consisting of the sum of the two input records. To make it even more convenient, Ada allows you to use the overloaded operator in an infix notation as illustrated in line number 33 of the program where two records are added together and assigned to the record variable named Sum. This line is actually a call to the function we defined earlier and named "+".
It could be a bit confusing if you consider the addition in line 27 where the usual addition operator is used. Ada will decide which + operator to use based on the type of the constants or variables to be added together. If you were to try to use this operator on a record of some other type, such as the VEHICLE record from the last program, the system would generate a type error during compilation. As mentioned previously, it is only possible to overload existing operators. You cannot define a new operator, such as &=, and use it for some operation.
Recall the chapter named Advanced Array Topics where we overloaded the "+" operator in the example program named ARRAYOP2.ADA. Both overloadings of this operator could be included in a single program and the system would be able to find the correct overloading for each use by checking the types used. Be sure to compile and execute this program even though it has no output.