Ada Tutorial - Chapter 27


We have covered most of the topics concerning tasking in the last three chapters, but there are a few more tasking themes that must be considered in order for you to use tasking to the fullest. The topics in this chapter are definitely advanced tasking topics and you may wish to ignore some of this material until you have gained considerable experience in the use of Ada. It would be worth your time to at least read through this material once to gain some exposure to it and to realize that these capabilities exist in the Ada programming language.


Example program ------> TASKTYPE.ADA

Examine the program named TASKTYPE.ADA for an example of the task type in Ada. This will seem like a very strange construct, but if you spend time thinking about it, you will see that it does have a place in an Ada program, and it can be very useful.

In all previous programs with tasking, we have declared a task specification followed by a task body, but that is not the general case. It is actually a shorthand notation for declaring tasking and is somewhat similar to an anonymous type. The more general case of task definition is to declare a task type specification, then the task body, followed by a task that is of the declared type. In fact, the task is declared in much the same way we have been declaring variables in Ada, the task name followed by a colon and the task type. In the present program we declare the first task type specification in lines 7 and 8, and the corresponding task body in lines 16 through 22. The task itself is declared in line 13 where Cow is declared to be of task type SHORT_LINE. In fact, there are three tasks declared in this line, the other two being named Dog and Pig.


If we declared a data type, then used the data type to declare three variables, you would have no trouble understanding what was happening, because you have been doing that all along in this tutorial. It may be a little more difficult for you to understand, but we are doing the same thing with the task, except that we are declaring a type of a section of code, then generating and executing three copies of that code. It is the same as if we declared a task specification named Cow that was identical to that given in lines 7 and 8, then a task body named Cow that was identical to that given in lines 16 through 22, and did exactly the same thing for the other two tasks named Dog and Pig. Instead of duplicating the code three times we declared a pattern for the task then told the system to run three copies of it.

The task itself is extremely simple, consisting of a loop with a zero delay, and a statement to output a message to the standard output device, the monitor. The tasks themselves are declared in line 13 before the task body is declared, but this should pose no difficulty for you since we have used partial declaration of subprograms and types before. You will recall that Ada is designed such that "small" declarations must all be declared before any subprogram or package bodies to keep the smaller entities near the beginning. It would therefore be a compile error to move the task declarations given in line 13 after the task body declarations.

A fine point should be mentioned here. A task type is always of limited private type, which means you can do no operations on it. Assignment and comparisons are not available with a limited private type, and it makes sense to prevent these operations with tasks.


In addition to the task type named SHORT_LINE, there is another named LONG_LINE similar to the first, which outputs only three lines until it completes, but outputs a much longer line of text. Two copies of this type are declared and executed.

The end result of all of this is the generation and execution of five tasks all running in parallel with no rendezvous between them except for the zero time delay statements as discussed in an earlier chapter.


We discussed in an earlier chapter how each of the tasks got started running and this is no different. When all five tasks have been completely elaborated and are all waiting at their respective begin statements, and when the main program arrives at its begin statement, then all of the tasks begin to execute. Remember that there are six tasks counting the main program as a task. Likewise, when all of the tasks, including the main program, reach their end points, an orderly termination is effected and the program ceases to execute, returning control to the operating system.

Compile and run this program and you will see that all five tasks do indeed run as described above. Add a few additional tasks in lines 13 and 14 to see how easy it is to add additional tasks once the task type is completed. It would be well worth your time to study this program until you understand this material, because it will be used in the next few example programs.


It will not be illustrated here, but it is possible to declare a task type variable as part of a record. Such a record can be used to declare a task variable along with a few other variables for use by the task.


Example program ------> TASKARRY.ADA

Examine the program named TASKARRY.ADA for an example of an array of task types. This program is identical to the last except for the addition of an array of tasks in line 13. The task name Cow is declared to be an array of tasks named Cow(1), Cow(2), ... Cow(4), so there are four tasks of this type running concurrently when execution begins. These four are in addition to the two of type LONG_LINE as in the previous program. Nothing more needs to be said about this program except for you to compile and execute it to see that you really do get all six tasks running in parallel with the task in the main program. There are actually seven tasks running in parallel. It would be a snap to increase the Cow array to 6 tasks and see nine running, the six in the array, the two which are the other type, and the main program.


Example program ------> TASKACES.ADA

Examine the program named TASKACES.ADA for an example of an access type which can be used to access a task. Once we have the ability to access a task through an access variable, we can also dynamically allocate a task and execute it. We will illustrate this operation in the present example program.

This program in nearly identical to the last two except that the variables named Elephant and Hippopotamus are not task type variables, but task access type variables because we declared the type LONG_POINT as an access variable in line thirteen.

When we execute this program, the three statically declared tasks begin executing when the main program does, but the two access type variables do nothing because they are simply access types that access nothing yet. The main program outputs a line of text to the monitor, then dynamically allocates a copy of the task type LONG_LINE in line 37 and the new task begins executing. Another task is allocated and begins execution in line 38. All five tasks will run to completion and there will be an orderly termination.

In this case, the main program is a parent task to the two dynamically allocated tasks and they are referred to as children tasks of the main program.


The biggest difference between this program and the previous two, involves when the respective tasks begin execution. All of the statically declared tasks begin execution when the main program begins, but the dynamically allocated tasks begin execution when they are allocated. This can be clearly seen by studying the result of execution of each of the three programs. In the present program, the first output of each of the two allocated tasks is delayed considerably behind the first output of the statically declared tasks.

Be sure to compile and execute this program and compare the output of your compiler with that generated by the author's Ada compiler. It would be a simple matter for you to add a few more access variables and allocate additional tasks just to gain the experience.


Example program ------> PARALLEL.ADA

The example program named PARALLEL.ADA is an example of a very poor way to solve this particular problem but is a meaningful example of a tasking solution to a problem. In this program we will declare eleven parallel tasks, start all eleven running, then retrieve the results of the eleven tasks.

We begin by declaring several types and variables, then declare a task specification in lines 20 through 23 with two entry points. Because the constant EMPLOYEES is declared as having the value 11, we declare 11 tasks in line 25, named Adding_Task(1), Adding_Task(2), ... Adding_Task(11), each of which will begin running when we begin execution of the main program. The task body, given in lines 28 through 42, consists of a local variable, and two accept statements, with a few calculations between them.

The main program is the most interesting part of this program, but we need to get through the initialization code before we come to the interesting part. The initialization code in lines 45 through 51, assigns values to the big array declared previously including a couple of funny data points which will show up in the results. Finally, we display a message that the array is filled.


The loop in lines 56 through 58 calls the eleven tasks at their first entry point and begins them executing so that they all are executing their respective for loops. If you had a computer with a large number of actual processors, each task could be assigned to a separate processor and all calculations could be done concurrently. In the present case of adding seven numbers, the calculations are trivial, but if each task required the performance of several million floating point operations, the time saved through the efficient use of parallel hardware could be very significant. This program serves to illustrate the technique that could be used and is the most practical illustration of tasking to be demonstrated in this course.


The loop in lines 61 through 64 once again calls all eleven tasks one at a time at their final entry point where it requests that the result of the summation be returned. All results are stored in the Weekly_Totals array, and the results are then displayed along with appropriate text. You will notice, when you examine the result of execution, that employees numbered 2 and 3 have the funny data reflected in their totals.

The point of interest you should have gleaned from this program is that all eleven tasks were operating in parallel, with the main program being a twelfth task. The logic of the main program requires concurrent tasks as opposed to eleven calls to a single subprogram. Keep in mind that this would actually be a very poor way to program this particular problem.

Be sure to compile and execute this program on your system to verify that the results are the same. After it does compile and execute correctly, change the number of employees to see how many tasks can be operated in parallel with your system. You will probably not be limited by some arbitrary upper limit on the number of allowable tasks, imposed by your particular compiler, but by the amount of memory required for each task.


Example program ------> PRIORITY.ADA

The example program named PRIORITY.ADA contains an example of establishing priority within tasks. The priority of tasks is indicated by the use of the pragma named PRIORITY as illustrated in the task specifications and the declaration part of the main program. An integer class variable is included in the parentheses with the larger numbers indicating the higher priority or the most urgent tasks. The range of allowable priorities are defined for your individual compiler in the System specification package definition as a subrange of INTEGER. According to the LRM, a range of 0..0 is legal. If your compiler only supports a single value for the priority, you will have to change the priorities in this program to the single value and you will, in effect, have no priority.

Compile and execute this program, then change the priorities and see what order of execution you can achieve. It is important to realize that the LRM does not absolutely define how priorities will be handled, but it only gives a rather vague definition. Priorities should be used with care in a production program.


Example program ------> FAMILY.ADA

The example program named FAMILY.ADA illustrates one more construct that can be used with the tasking rendezvous to achieve a user defined priority structure. In this case, there are three entry points which are very similar but have only a small difference between them. An enumerated variable is declared and used as the discriminator between the three entries. The only real advantage to using a family of entries is that they all use the same name and therefore add to the clarity of the resulting program.

The use of the family of entries is illustrated here and should be very easy for you to understand. When you do, compile and execute this program and compare your output with that given in the result of execution section.


  1. Increase the size of the array in TASKARRY.ADA to see how big you can make this array before the program no longer fits in memory. This will give you an idea of how many tasks can be run at the same time with your system.
  2. Add another access variable to TASKACES.ADA and initialize it as a part of its declaration. When will this task begin execution?

Copyright © 1988-1996 Coronado Enterprises - Last update, April 27, 1996
Gordon Dodrill - -
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