Although this chapter is titled "Dynamic Allocation", it may be more proper to title it "Sorting with Linked Lists", since that is what we will actually do. This chapter contains example programs that will illustrate how to generate a linked list with dynamically allocated entries. It is meant to illustrate how to put several programming techniques together in a meaningful manner. It will also instruct you in dynamic allocation and deallocation techniques.
One of the most important topics covered in this chapter is that of dynamic deallocation. After variables are dynamically allocated and used, they can be deallocated, permitting the memory space to be reclaimed for reuse by other variables. Ada uses two techniques, one being garbage collection, and the other being unchecked deallocation. We will have a good bit to say about both of these in this chapter.
Example program ------> LINKLIST.ADA
The program named LINKLIST.ADA contains all of the logic needed to generate and traverse a linked list. We will go through it in detail to illustrate how to build and use a linked list.
The first thing we need for a linked list is a record type containing an access variable which accesses itself. Line 9 is an incomplete record definition which will allow us to define the access type in line 11. After we have the access type defined, we can complete the record definition in lines 13 through 17 which includes a reference to the access type. The record type therefore contains a reference to itself. Line 9 is more properly called a type specification and lines 13 through 17 a type body. Note that the incomplete type definition can only be used to declare an access type.
We declare two additional access variables in lines 19 and 20, and two procedures to be used to generate and traverse the list as we will see shortly. Note that all of this is contained within the declaration part of the main program.
The program itself, beginning in line 56, begins with a for loop covering the range of the string variable named Data_String, defined earlier, and each character of this string is given in turn to the procedure Store_Character. It remains for us to discover what this procedure does.
THE PROCEDURE Store_Character
enter this procedure with the single character and wish to store it away
somehow for later use. We use a local variable, named Temp, which
is an access variable to our record type and use it to dynamically allocate
storage for a variable of the record type CHAR_REC in line 42, then
assign the single character input from the calling program to its field
named One_Letter. The field of this record named Next_Rec
is an access type variable, and according to the definition of Ada, the
system will set it to null when it is generated. Figure 25-1 is
a graphical representation of the record variable, the two access type
variables defined in lines 19 and 20, named Start and Last,
and the local access variable named Temp. Now we need to insert
the new record into our linked list, but there is a different way to do
it depending on whether it is the first record, or an additional record.
If it is the first record, or if this is the first time this procedure has been called, the value of the access variable Start will be null, because the system assigned a value of null to it when it was elaborated. We can test the value, and if it is null, we assign the value of the new record's access variable to the access variable Start and to Last. We have generated data that could be graphically depicted by figure 25-2, and we will see shortly just how this will be used.
If we find that the value of Start is not null, indicating that it has already been assigned to access another record, we need to add the new record to the end of the list. If it is the second time we have entered this procedure, we have data as pictured in figure 25-3, which includes the single record entered earlier, and the new record which is still disassociated with the first but accessed by the access variable named Temp.
We add the new record to the end of the list in lines 50 and 51, with the resulting list being pictured graphically in figure 25-4. Line 50 causes the access variable in the first record to access the new record, and line 51 causes the variable Last to refer to the new record which is now the end of the list. After entering the third element and adding it to the end of the list, we have the data structure pictured in figure 25-5. Further elements will not be diagrammed for this example, but it would be good for the student to draw a few additional diagrams.
Each time a character is added to the list, the Traverse_List procedure is called which starts at the input access point, Start in this program, and lists all characters currently in the list. It does this through use of its own local access variable named Temp which is initially assigned the address of the first record in the list. It checks first to see if the list is empty, and if it is not, it enters a loop where it outputs the character in each record until it finds a record with a value of null in its access variable field named Next_Rec, which is an access pointer. The variable Temp is used to work its way through the list by the assignment in line 32 where Temp is assigned the access variable's value from the next record each time through the loop.
Since the list is traversed each time a character is entered into the list, the list of characters output will grow by one character each time a character is added and the updated list is traversed.
We traverse the list one more time in line 65, then we free the entire list one element at a time. You will notice that we do not actually deallocate the free'ed elements, we only assign the access variables the value of null. We will depend on the garbage collector to do the deallocation for us.
We mentioned garbage collection in chapter 13 of this tutorial, but there is more to be discussed about this subject. An Ada compiler may include a garbage collection facility which will search through the access variables and the storage pool occasionally to see if there are any locations in the storage pool that are not accessed by access variables. If it finds any, it will return those locations to the free list so they will be available for allocation again. In this way, any memory that gets lost, either through faulty programming, or due to intentionally clearing an access variable, will be automatically restored and available for reuse as dynamic variables. Note however, that implementation of a garbage collector is optional in an Ada compiler. Check your documentation to see if a garbage collector is actually available with your compiler.
In lines 68 through 73, we execute a loop that will traverse the linked list, and assign all of the access variables the value of null. If there is a garbage collector, it will eventually find the locations in the storage pool that no longer have an access variable accessing them and return those locations to the available pool of usable memory. We used the word eventually because there is no predefined time when this will occur, but is at the discretion of the compiler writer. More will be said about this topic later in this chapter.
If your compiler does not have a garbage collector, the operating system will reclaim the lost memory when you complete execution of the program, so no memory will actually be lost.
As mentioned earlier in this tutorial, if there is not enough memory to provide the requested block of memory, the exception Storage_Error is raised. It is then up to you to handle the exception, and provide a graceful way to deal with this problem. You may want to suggest a means of recovery to the user.
Compile and Execute this program, observe the output, and then return to additional study if you do not completely understand its operation. You will need a good grasp of this program in order to understand the next program, so when you are ready, we will go on to a linked list that is a bit more complicated because it can be used to sort an array of characters alphabetically.
Example program ------> SORTLIST.ADA
The next example program, named SORTLIST.ADA, uses a different storage technique that results in an alphabetically sorted list. This program is identical to the last except for the Store_Character procedure.
In this program, the Store_Character procedure works just like the last one if it is the first character input as you can see by inspecting lines 74 through 77. If it is an additional input however, we make a call to the embedded procedure named Locate_And_Store. This procedure searches through the existing list looking for the first character in the list that is not less than the new character alphabetically. When it is found, the search is terminated and the new character must be inserted into the list prior to the located character. This is done by moving access variables around rather than by moving actual variables around. If the new character must be added to the starting point of the list, it must be handled in a special way, and if it must be the last element, it also requires special handling.
Figure 25-6 illustrates the condition of the data when the fourth element is to be added to a three element list.
The three element list is identical to the list described in the last example program and Temp is accessing the new element to be inserted alphabetically. Lines 64 and 65 of the program alter the access variables to do the insertion, and figure 25-7 illustrates the result of changing the access variables to achieve that goal. Note that the character data used here is not the same as the data used in the program, but is different for illustrative purposes. The cases where the new record is added to the beginning of the list, and when it is added to the end of the list will not be illustrated graphically, but is left for the student to diagram.
MORE ABOUT Unchecked_Deallocation
In chapter 13, we first mentioned the generic procedure supplied with your compiler named Unchecked_Deallocation and illustrated how to use it in example programs there. Since it can be used with any dynamically allocated data, it can be used with these programs also. In order to use it, you must first mention the name in a with clause as is done in line 2 of this program to make it available. Because it is a generic procedure, it must be instantiated before use. Line 22 is the instantiation of the procedure where it is named Free. Pascal and C each have a deallocator available named Free, and the name Free has become fairly standard in Ada because of the other languages. You would be encouraged to use the name Free also for ease of communication with other Ada programmers. It would be perfectly legal to name it any other name provided it obeyed the rules of naming an identifier.
HOW DO YOU USE Unchecked_Deallocation
When you use the Unchecked_Deallocation procedure, you are essentially taking on the responsibility for managing the storage pool yourself, and you must tell the system that you will be responsible for garbage collection, and that it need not concern itself with it. You do this by using the pragma named CONTROLLED as illustrated in line 25. This tells the system that you will be responsible for managing all areas of the storage pool that are dynamically allocated to any access variable of type CHAR_REC_POINT. The system will not attempt to do any garbage collection for this type, but will assume that you are handling the memory management.
You may think that it would be a good idea to let the system maintain the storage pool and do the garbage collection automatically but this can be a real problem, which will be evident after we understand what garbage collection is and how it is implemented.
There is no predefined method of how often garbage collection should be implemented, so it is up to each compiler writer to define it his own way. One of the most common methods is to wait until the storage pool is used up, then do a search of all access variables and all storage pool areas to find all areas that are unreferenced. Those areas are then returned to the free list and program execution is resumed. The biggest problem with this is that it may take as much as a full second of execution time to accomplish this during which time the Ada program is essentially stopped. This is not acceptable in a real-time system because it could occur at a very inopportune time, such as during final approach of a 747 into an international airport. In that case, you would do well to use the pragma named CONTROLLED to tell the system to ignore garbage collection, and manage the storage pool yourself as we are doing in this program.
The loop in lines 95 through 100 will traverse the list and return all of the allocated data to the storage pool where it will be immediately available for reuse. The observant student will notice that the access variable from each record is copied to the variable named Last prior to deallocating that particular record.
Compile and execute this program, so you can see that it really does sort the input characters alphabetically. It should be apparent to you that this very simple case of sorting single characters is not really too useful in the real world, but sorting a large list of records containing 23 fields, by last name, first name, zipcode, and place of birth, could be a rather large undertaking, but could also lead to a very useful program. Remember that in this program we are only changing access variables rather than moving the data around, so the efficiency of this technique when using it for a large data base will be very good.
Example program ------> BTREE.ADA
The example file named BTREE.ADA illustrates the use of dynamic allocation and recursion to perform a sorting function. It uses a binary tree method of alphabetization, which is thoroughly defined in Wirth's book, "Algorithms + data structures = Programs". The method will be briefly defined here.
sorting element is pictured in figure 25-8, where a node is composed of
the stored data within the circle and the two pointers, each of which point
to other nodes or to null values. Each of these nodes must have
something pointing to it to make the entire system useful, and we need
a few additional pointers to find our directions through the final overall
The definition of the node is contained in the program in lines 14 through 19, where we define the type of the node with 2 access variables pointing to it's own type. You will see that we have one access variable named Left and another named Right which correspond to the two legs out of the bottom of the node in figure 25-8. The node itself contains the data which could be any number of different variables including arrays and records, but for our purposes of illustration, will contain only a single character.
The main program begins in line 74 with a loop to call the procedure Store_Character once with each character in the input string named Data_String. We traverse the list one more time in line 82, and assign the root the value of null. The following description of operation will use Test_String as the string example. The first time we call Store_Character, with the character "D", we allocate a new record, store the "D" in it, and since Root is equal to null, we execute line 65 to assign the access variable named Root to point to the new record, resulting in the state found in figure 25-9.
next time we call Store_Character, this time with the character
"B", we allocate a new record, store the "B" in it, and since Root is
no longer equal to null, we call the procedure Locate_And_Store
from line 67, telling it to start at Root. The procedure Locate_And_Store
is recursive, calling itself successively until it successfully stores
the character. The first time it is called, the input character is less
than the stored character at the input node, which is "D", so the left
branch is chosen, and the statement in lines 45 through 49 is executed.
In this particular case, the left branch is null, so it is assigned
the address of the input record resulting in the state found in figure
25-10. The tree is beginning to take shape.
The next character is sent to Store_Character, this time a "C", resulting in another call to Locate_And_Store. On this pass through the logic, because the input character is less than the character at the root node, we select the left branch and call Locate_And_Store recursively from line 48. On this recursive call, we tell it to work with the node stored at the left branch of the present node. In the next procedure call, we find that "C" is not less than the "B" stored there and we find that the right branch of this node is null, so we can store the new node there. Our tree now looks like that given in figure 25-11.
Continuing through the remaining characters of our input stream, we finally have the structure as pictured in figure 25-12 with all 6 characters stored in it.
Traversing the tree is essentially the same as building it, except that we do not need to test for equality of the input data, only test each node's Left and Right access values. If the access values are not equal to null, there is a subtree where the access variable is pointing, and we recurse to that subtree and check each of its subtrees. With a bit of study, you should be able to trace your way through the tree to see that we actually do alphabetize the input characters by the way we built the tree, then traverse it for output.
Once again we use Unchecked_Deallocation and the pragma CONTROLLED to explicitly deallocate the tree. We do this by traversing the tree in a manner similar to when we printed the characters out. One important thing to keep in mind however is that you must free a node only after you have checked both subtrees, because once you free a node, its subtrees are no longer available.
B is character 2 in the string. C is character 3 in the string. D is character 1 in the string. F is character 6 in the string. G is character 4 in the string. I is character 5 in the string.Advance to Chapter 26
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