The concept of packages along with generic units gives Ada the capability to be used for general purpose software components. Utility routines can be written once and used in several programs eliminating the need to rewrite and debug the utility again and again. This ability would be greatly diminished without the generic capability of Ada.
Example program ------> SWAPSOME.ADA
A generic unit is a template for a subprogram or a package, but it cannot be executed directly. A copy of the generic unit can be instantiated, and the resulting unit can be executed just as any other subprogram or package. As with all other topics in this course, the best way to learn how to use this new technique is through use of an example, so examine the program named SWAPSOME.ADA.
The generic specification is given in lines 2 through 4 and the generic body is given in lines 6 through 12. A careful inspection of this procedure will reveal that there is no actual type defined for the type listed as type ITEM. The purpose of using a generic procedure is to allow you to use the procedure for any type you desire, within reasonable limits, without being forced to rewrite the procedure for each specific type. In order to use this procedure in a program, we will supply a type which will be substituted in the procedure each place where the type ITEM appears when we instantiate a copy of the procedure.
The reserved word generic is used to mark the beginning of a generic unit, which may be a package, a procedure, or a function. Between the reserved words, in this case generic and procedure, we include a list of formal generic parameters which define the optional types, variables, and other entities which will be used in the body of the procedure. In this case there is only one formal generic parameter named ITEM, and it is constrained to be any type of the integer class of types. An explanation will be given soon to define why the type of ITEM is constrained to be of the integer class of types. For the time being, simply accept the statement as true.
The procedure specification in line 4 and the procedure body in lines 6 through 12 are no different than any of the other procedures we have used throughout this tutorial, except for the fact that the type named ITEM is undefined throughout the procedure. Since the type ITEM is undefined, the procedure is unusable in its present form.
In order to use the generic procedure, we must first tell the system to get a copy of it which we do in line 18 using the with clause.
Referring to the main program, we declare a derived type of the integer class named MY_INT in line 24. In line 26 we declare a procedure named SwapInt and since we are using the reserved word new after the declaration, it is defining an instantiation of the generic package named Exchange_Data for use with type INTEGER. You will recall that instantiating the procedure means we create an instance of the generic procedure, and in this case we are defining a procedure that can swap INTEGER types of variables.
The type INTEGER is used in the resulting executable procedure each time the generic word ITEM is used in the original generic procedure. The result would be exactly the same as making a copy of the generic procedure, changing its name to SwapInt, then substituting the type INTEGER for each appearance of the word ITEM. A call to SwapInt with any two INTEGER type variables will result in exchanging their values.
Admittedly, we could have simply defined the procedure SwapInt in the first place and everything would have been just fine. The real benefit comes from the next line of the program where we instantiate another copy of the generic procedure named Exchange_Data, name it SwapNew, and tell the system to use the type MY_INT as the replacement for the formal generic type named ITEM. Line 27 is therefore equivalent to writing out the generic procedure once again for the new type we declared earlier.
If we had a large number of different types of the integer class of variables, we could instantiate a copy of this procedure for each with a single line for each, so the benefit would be very significant.
Once this procedure is written and debugged, it can be used in any number of programs because it does not have to be modified for each new type we make up. Different programmers can use the procedure in different packages once it is tested thoroughly, so each programmer does not have to write it anew. There is a new industry developing in the software community. This industry specializes in writing reusable software components in Ada that are written with the flexibility afforded by the generic units.
The remainder of the program should pose no problem for your understanding, so you will be left on your own to study it, then compile and execute it.
This program could be split into two separate files with the first including the generic procedure in lines 1 through 12, and the second including the using program in lines 16 through 56. The files can be compiled separately, and once the generic procedure has been compiled, it never needs to be compiled again, but can be included in the Ada library in compiled form. The generic procedure and the main program were combined here for the sake of convenience.
In some cases, the generic part can be split once again into two separate files, the first being the generic specification in lines 2 through 4 and the other being the procedure body in lines 6 through 12. If they are split in this manner, the order of compilation must be maintained so that the type checking can be done as described earlier in this tutorial. The Ada definition allows a compiler writer to require the generic specification and body be included in the same file for his convenience, so it depends on the particular compiler you are using to define whether or not you can split the generic procedure into two parts.
Of course, with such a simple procedure, it is difficult to grasp the magnitude of the benefits of this new Ada construct, but in a real programming situation, many cases of reusability will become apparent and the benefits will be appreciated.
Example program ------> SWAPMORE.ADA
Examine the program named SWAPMORE.ADA for two additional examples of generic subprograms. You will notice that the first is a generic procedure and the second is a generic function, indicating to you that either form of subprogram can be written as a generic unit. The first subprogram is nearly identical to the one in the last example program, the only difference being in the declaration of the formal generic type in line 3 which we will discuss shortly. The second subprogram, the function in lines 16 through 25, will be simple for you to comprehend if you substitute, in your mind, the type INTEGER for each occurrence of the type ANOTHER_ITEM. In fact, it averages the two values given to it and returns the result.
In line 3, we declare the type ITEM as private, and in the function named Average we declare the type ANOTHER_ITEM as a type of the integer class of types (we will show you how shortly, just be a little patient). As with so many things, the type selected is the result of a compromise. If we restrict the type to only the integer class, then in the generic subprogram, we can perform any operations that are defined for the integer class of variables, such as arithmetic operations, all six comparisons, and logical operations. On the other hand, we are restricted in the number of types that the generic subprogram can be used for, since it cannot be used for any real types, records, or arrays. In a sense, we have restricted the usage of the generic procedure by allowing more freedom of use within the procedure.
The first subprogram declares the formal generic type to be of type private which severely limits the operations that can be performed on the data within the procedure. The generic procedure is limited to assignment, and compares for equality and inequality. No other operations are allowed within the generic procedure. However, by limiting the type to private within the generic procedure, we allow a much greater flexibility in the calling program. This generic procedure can be instantiated with any type that can be assigned or compared for equality or inequality, which is essentially any type. By limiting the operations allowed within the generic procedure, we have made it much more usable to the caller.
Jumping ahead to the main program for a few moments, we see that the generic procedure Exchange_Data is successfully instantiated for the type INTEGER, MY_RECORD, and FLOAT, in addition to a few others. This procedure is extremely flexible because it was declared with a very restrictive (restrictive within the generic procedure itself) generic formal type. In addition, it makes sense to be able to swap two elements of record types, or two integers, or two real variables.
Continuing in the main program, you will see in lines 57 and 58 that there are not nearly as many uses for the function which was declared with the much more liberal (liberal within the generic function itself) type. Since arithmetic operations on integers were permitted in the function, a record type cannot be used in an instantiation of this generic procedure, because it makes no sense to add two records together.
You will note that because of the way we declared the generic formal type, real types cannot be used in an instantiation of the function. It would make sense to be able to take the average of two real numbers, but it cannot be done with this function because of the definition of Ada. The reason is because there is no generalized scalar type that can be of either integer or real. The addition of one would add lots of extra baggage to the language and would not add much to the utility of Ada. The language is already big enough without adding another burden to it.
Lines 52 through 55 each instantiate a copy of the generic procedure Exchange_Data, and each uses the same type for its instantiation, namely CHARACTER. This will result in four sections of code that each do the same thing, the only difference being in the name by which the procedure will be called. If there is in fact a basis for using different names for the same procedure the renaming facility should be used because it will only create an alias for each new name. Only one section of code will be required.
Line 59 contains an instantiation of the generic function Average that uses type INTEGER and names it Swap, a name that has already been overloaded five times in lines 48 through 52. The Ada system is smart enough to figure out what you really want to do by comparing types and recognizing the fact that this is a function call, and it will do exactly what you want it to do. It would be very poor practice to use a nondescriptive name for a function in any Ada program, but it would be especially bad to use a name that has already been used for a different purpose. The Ada compiler would handle this correctly, but you could have a really hard time deciphering it later.
As discussed earlier, this file could be separated into at least three different files and compiled separately, and with some compilers, it could be separated into five files.
Remember that when selecting the types for the generic formal parameters, if you select a type that is very restrictive within the subprogram, the subprogram can be used with many types by the user. If you select a type that is rather permissive within the subprogram, the resulting generic subprogram cannot be used with as many types by the user. Be sure to compile and execute this program after you understand the details of its operation.
Example program ------> ALLGENER.ADA
Examine the program named ALLGENER.ADA for an example of nearly all of the available formal generic types. We will study each one in succession in some amount of detail. Beginning with the limited private type illustrated in line 3, we have no freedom within the subprogram, but it can be used with any type in the calling program. The private type is very limited within the generic subprogram, but allows nearly any type in the calling program.
The discrete formal parameter type is declared with the reserved word type followed by the type name, the reserved word is, and the box "<>" within parentheses as illustrated. The type name used here can be matched with any actual type which is of a discrete class. These types are integer class types, enumeration types, the BOOLEAN, and the CHARACTER type. Within the generic subprogram, any operation can be used which can be done to an enumerated variable. This explains why it was necessary for the POS and ORD attributes to be defined for integer type variables as mentioned in an earlier lesson. Because these attributes are available, the integer types can be used with this formal generic type.
The integer formal parameter type, as illustrated in line 6, is declared with the reserved word type followed by the type name, the reserved words is and range, and the "box" as illustrated. The type name used here can be matched with any actual type that is of the integer class. Within the generic subprogram, the arithmetic operations are available, in addition to all of those operations available with the discrete generic formal parameter. But as you may expect, a generic subprogram using this generic formal parameter can not be instantiated with an enumerated type.
The real formal parameter types are declared as illustrated in lines 7 and 8, with the reserved words digits or delta indicating the floating or fixed variety of real types. Only operations permitted for those types are permitted within the generic subprogram, and only the respective real types can be used by the calling program when instantiating a copy of the generic unit.
A procedure that actually uses none of the types is given in line 9. The body for the procedure is given in lines 11 through 14, but it is not very interesting because it doesn't do anything. The second procedure, named ManyUsed, lists all of the types in a similar manner but declares a procedure that uses all six for formal parameters as an illustration. The program itself uses little of the declared interface.
The details of this program will be left for your study after which you should compile it. Because this is composed of only generic subprograms, it is not executable.
Example program ------> ARRAYGEN.ADA
Examine the program named ARRAYGEN.ADA for examples of array type generic formal parameters. The specification and body of a procedure with a constrained array type generic formal parameter are given in lines 3 through 17. There are actually three generic formal parameters listed here, one on each of the three lines numbered 4 through 6.
To define how this procedure is used, we will refer to the instantiation call in line 49 of this file which happens to be within the declaration part of the main program. The generic formal name SUBSCRIPT must be replaced with an actual parameter that is of any discrete type because the type mark contains a "<>" in parentheses. Furthermore, the first element in the actual parameter list will be substituted for this parameter because it is first in the formal parameter list. To begin our instantiation requested in line 49, we can replace every occurrence of the word SUBSCRIPT in lines 4 through 17 with the word LIMIT_RANGE and we are on our way to creating a usable procedure.
The second parameter of the actual parameter list is the type named MY_FLOAT, and it will be used to replace every occurrence of the generic formal type named FLOAT_TYPE listed in the second line of the generic formal parameters. You will notice that the required type is any floating point type because of the occurrence of the reserved word digits in line 5. The type of the actual parameter, as listed in line 50, and defined in line 46 is a floating point type.
The third line of the formal parameters, which is line 6, declares the constrained array with which a given instantiation can be used. You will notice that this formal parameter depends on both formal parameters declared previously, but since there is only one new parameter in this line, the Ada compiler can properly assign the actual type FLOAT_ARRAY as the replacement for the formal parameter named CONSTRAINED_ARRAY. If you actually make a copy of this generic procedure, and replace the formal parameters with their corresponding actual parameters, then change the name of the procedure to Sum_Array, you could replace the instantiation in lines 49 and 50 with the resulting procedure and the program operation would be identical. Lines 64 and 65 give examples of using the instantiated procedure and will be left to your study.
Lines 22 through 34 give an example of use of an unconstrained array as a generic formal parameter, and is nearly identical to the last example except that the index type is declared to be of type POSITIVE rather than being flexible as in the last example. The type of the index variable could be declared as a generic type parameter with another line added prior to line 24, and the instantiating statement would require three types instead of only two. Line 60 is the example instantiating statement and lines 67 and 68 give examples of use of the resulting function.
As mentioned several times before, each of these subprograms could be separated into separate files and compiled separately, then used by any calling program. Be sure to compile and execute this program.
Example program ------> ACCESGEN.ADA
Examine the program named ACCESGEN.ADA for our first look at the last generic formal parameter type, the access type. The first procedure, in lines 2 through 14 use an access type that matches only an access type which accesses an INTEGER, resulting in little or no flexibility since an access type to an INTEGER type variable is used infrequently. A copy of this generic procedure is instantiated in line 45 of the main program, and the procedure is exercised in line 76 as an example for your study.
The second procedure, given in lines 19 through 32 illustrates a much more useful procedure because this procedure can be used for any access type, including the composite types of arrays and records. Three copies of the generic procedure are instantiated in lines 64 through 68 and all three are exercised in the main program. Note that the more general procedure is used in line 77 to transpose the INTEGER type variables back to their original positions.
The details of this program should be simple for you to follow, so no additional comment needs to be made. Be sure to compile and execute this program.
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