From: (Raymond Moon)
Newsgroups: alt.lang.asm,comp.lang.asm.x86,news.answers,alt.answers,comp.answers
Subject: x86 Assembly Language FAQ - General Part 3/3
Supersedes: <6809h3$ris$>
Followup-To: alt.lang.asm,comp.lang.asm.x86
Date: 25 Jan 1998 19:43:54 GMT
Organization: MoonWare
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Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.EDU
Distribution: world
Expires: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 23:59:59 GMT
Message-ID: <6ag4lq$qnh$>
Summary: This is the FAQ for the x86 Assembly Language programmers for the alt.lang.asm and comp.lang.asm.x86 newsgroups. This particular section of the FAQ is part three of three parts that contain x86 assembly language information common to all assemblers.
Keywords: x86 Assemby Language ASM FAQ General
Archive-Name: assembly-language/x86/general/part3
Posting-Frequency: monthly (21st of every month)
Last-modified: 1998/01/25
Subject: 26. WWW Assembly HomePages
-Depth articles
SM Books with short reviews A few hints and tricks Complete source code to some of his programs A listing of EMS Professional Shareware products Ray Rose's Html For Assembler home page
An extensive list of ASM books without descriptions Links to alt.lang.asm, comp.lang.asm.x86, and alt.msdos.programmer newsgroups. Link to the Yahoo/Computers and Internet/Languages/Assembly page (see below) NASM: The Netwide Assembler Project A group of programmers are writing a new assembler. This home page describes the project and where to download the latest version. Michael Babcock's Programming Home Page This home page has links to: Optimizing 803/4/586 ASM Programming ASM Tutorial Utilities The Official Web Shareware Site This site appears to have a few asm files not on SimTel. Joe's Assembly Language Page Links to his own and other asm code. His own Assembly Language Search Engine Dr. ASM's Assembly Home Page Some answered questions and links to other assembly related sites. James Vahn's 80xxx Snippets - 80x86 Assembly Language Enthusiasts Download snippets & Booklist Kip Irvine's Assembly Language Sources Gavin Estey's Home His ASM tutorial, other ASM Links, FAQs and Optimizations Grzegorz Mazur's x86 CPU Stuff x86 CPU identification algorithms Cyrix/IBM5x86/6x86 (and 486) control program Links to other information on x86 family CPUs Heath Holcomb's x86 Assembly Page Some pointers on what is assembly language, what is assembly good for, and what do you need to get started. Pointers to ASM Tutorial, this FAQ, other ASM web pages Eric Isaacson's A86 Assembler and D86 Debugger Page Overviews of a86 and a386 assemblers, d86 and d386 debuggers, download and purchase of a86 and d86. Tore Nilsson's Assembly Tutorial Page VLA's Assembly and DMA programming tutorials, Asphyxia's VGA tutorials, and some graphics and sound programming information. Gerd Kortemeyer's 387/486DX/Pentium/Floating Point Processor Stuff A collection of assembler routines written for Turbo Pascal and C++. Most of the comments are in German after an English introduction. Cameron's 386+ Programming Page NOT CURRENTLY WORKING 32 bit DOS extender/Utilities/pmode extender File formats and specifications/Game programming Knowledge Base with ASM tutorials, Denthor's VGA Trainer and Univ. of Guadalajara ASM tutorial Peter's PMODE Home Page Pmode tutorials and programming related files Niko Komin's Assembler for PCs page Shareware, pmode, x86 mnemonics, ASM related links. Alexandre Zvenigorosky III's Programs for PC 386+ Zvenigorosky's assembler and debugger, currently documentation only in French. Rich Elber's ValArrow (286 Assembler) Page Links to Arrowsoft Assembler, ZD86 debugger, discussion of Arrowsoft's Assemblers deviations from MASM. Kurt I. Groenbech's Alab Homepage Home page for the Assembler Laboratory that is an IDE for assemblers Christian Kurzke's Advanced x86 Assembly Programming Excerpts from lessons given at Adalbert Stifter Gymnasium in 1989 Bob Richardson's PC Assembly Language Page Eighteen topics taken from his SELFIN PC Assembly Language Group. Jesper Pedersen's Processor Information Page List of instructions and opcodes used by Intel, AMD, Cyrix and Nexgen. Quantasm's x86 and Pentium Programming Tips and Info Steve Kemp's Assembly Language Programming Index Assembly Language Newbie information. A86 Source Code Ferdi Smit's Assemble It! Page His own source code, 3D programming, his own ASM tutorial, optimization and other information. Paul Hsieh's x86 Assembly Language Page Feature articles, Optimization and General Programming/References Jaap Harm's 80x86 Assembly Page Tutorial, source code and links Charles Winner s ASM Resources Contributor: Raymond Moon, Last changed: 24 Aug 97 Return to the Table Of Contents
Subject: 27. Common Reason Why Memory Allocation Fails
27.1 BACKGROUND A common error received when first learning to use Int 21h Function 48h, allocate memory, is error code 8, insufficient memory available. Usually, the programmer then writes a small program that only allocates memory, and the program still fails. This situation is quite puzzling because there should be hundreds of kilobytes of memory available but this function reports that there is insufficient memory for a few hundred bytes. The reason is that DOS generally allocates all available memory above the loaded program to that program. Therefore, there is no more memory to allocate, so the request fails. 27.2 .COM FILES Since a .COM file does not contain any header information, the DOS loader has no way of determining how much memory is required for a program beyond the physical size of the program. Even this number is deceptive because it does not include a stack. Therefore, DOS always allocates all available memory above the program to the program. To use the allocate memory function, the programmer must release that extra memory using Int 21h Function 4ah, Set Memory Block Size. Given that generally there is more that 64 Kbytes of memory, the DOS sets Stack Top to just under that value, it is generally safe to release all memory above 64 Kbytes. 27.3 .EXE FILES The amount of memory the DOS allocates to the loaded program depends upon a value in the .EXE header. This value is called Maximum Allocation and is a word starting at offset 12. This value specifies the number of 16-byte paragraphs beyond the image size wanted by the program to execute. This value must be equal or greater than the Minimum Allocation, which is the number of 16-byte paragraphs beyond the image size required by the program to execute. This space generally contains uninitialized variables and the stack. The value of Maximum Allocation is set by the /CPARM Option for the Microsoft Linker. By default, the linker sets this value to 0ffffh which will causes DOS to allocate the largest block of available memory. This memory can be used as a heap, print buffer, etc. 27.4 DETERMINING HOW MUCH MEMORY IS AVAILABLE TO A PROGRAM In the PSP, at offset 02h, DOS loads a word which is the segment address of the next Memory Control Block or Arena. Subtracting the PSP from that value at offset 02h will be the number of memory paragraphs allocated to the program. The number of bytes can be calculated by shifting that number to the left by 4 bits, multiplying by 16, the size of a memory paragraph. 27.5 HOW TO DEALLOCATE MEMORY AT THE START OF A PROGRAM If you want to load and execute another program, you must release memory to make room for the program. Also, since the largest chunk of memory is allocated already to the program, all requests to allocate memory generally fail. Again, to use the allocate memory function, the programmer must release the extra memory above the program use as for a .COM file above. The problem here is where is the end of the program. The answer is not as simple as with the .COM file. There are two basic solutions. 1. If you use the .dosseg option, the Microsoft Linker will define a label, _end, at the end of the DGROUP. Since the .dosseg option also places any FAR data segments between the code and DGROUP segments, you can release all memory above that label. 2. If you do not want or are unable to use the first option, use an include file which declares all segments used by your program. Define a label in the last segment and use it as the _end label in the first example. Contributor: Raymond Moon, Last changed: 26 Dec 95 Return to the Table Of Contents
Subject: 28. Volume Serial Numbers
28.1 VOLUME SERIAL NUMBER FORMAT The volume serial number was introduced with DOS 4.0 as part of an extended boot record and is created through you either FORMAT a disk or use DISKCOPY to create another disk. The serial number is a function of the time/date of the formatting or the diskcopying. Note that DISCOPY generates a new volume serial number so a DISKCOPY is not an exact image of the source diskette. 28.2 CALCULATING THE VOLUME SERIAL NUMBER For example, say a disk was formatted on 26 Dec 95 at 9:55 PM and 41.94 seconds. DOS takes the date and time just before it writes it to the disk. Low order word is calculated: Volume Serial Number is: Month & Day 12/26 0c1ah Sec & Hundrenths 41:94 295eh 3578:1d02 ----- 3578h High order word is calculated: Hours & Minutes 21:55 1537h Year 1995 07cbh ----- 1d02h Note that DOS interrupt 21h Functions 2ah, Get DOS Date, and 2ch, Get DOS Time, are particularily suited to getting the date and time for calculating the Volume Serial Number. 28.3 READING AND SETTING THE VOLUME SERIAL NUMBER To read the Volume Serial Number, use the IOCTL call, int 21h function 440dh Minor Code 66h, Get Media ID. To write the Volume Serial Number, use the IOCTL call, int 21h function 440dh Minor Code 46h, Set Media ID. WARNING! These IOCTL calls use a structure that also contain the volume label and file system type. So that you do not create errors with these values, I recommend that you always Minor Code 66h to initialize the structure before setting the Volume Serial Number to a new value and writing it back to the disk. Contributor: Raymond Moon, Last changed: 17 Feb 96 Return to the Table Of Contents
29.1 INTEL There are two sources for this information. The first is available from Intel. The Tools Interface Standards Committe has prepared the following documents: The readme file in each .zip file states that the document is the Relocatable Object Module Format Specification, V1.1. Unfortunately, both files unzip into documents formatted for Postscript printers. Adobe's Acrobat can not display them, but Ghostscript can. If you need GhostScript, you can get it from the following site. Read the 29.2 MICROSOFT The second is from Microsoft. This file is located at: This file expands into ascii text files that are the Microsoft Product Support Services Application Note: Relocatable Object Module Format. These files date from 1992. Also included is the .lib file format and the CodeView extensions. Contributor: Raymond Moon, Last changed: 9 Jan 96 Return to the Table Of Contents
Subject: 30. Rebooting from Software
30.1 WARM AND COLD REBOOT Within DOS, there are two types of rebooting. There is the warm reboot that is evoked by pressing the "Ctrl-Alt-Del" key combination. During this reboot, all Power On System Tests, POSTs, are performed with the exception of the memory tests. In addition to the POSTs, interrupt vectors are reinitialized and system timers reinitialized. In other words, the BIOS code initializes the computer system to such a state that the computer system is ready for loading the operating system. The loading of the operating system is done by issuing an interrupt 19h. The second type of rebooting is a cold reboot that occurs when the system is turned on. The only difference between a cold reboot and a warm reboot is the performing of the memory tests. 30.2 PERFORMING A REBOOT FROM SOFTWARE Whether a cold or warm reboot is performed depends upon the value if the the reset flag in the ROM BIOS data area. If this flag is set to 1234h, a warm reset is performed. An any other value results in a cold reboot. Usually a zero is loaded for the cold reboot. Code snippets to do this are: ROMBIOS_DATA segment at 0400h org 72h ResetFlag dw ? ROMBIOS_DATA ends ROMBIOS segment at 0f000h org 0fff0h Reset label far ROMBIOS ends In your code: mov ax, seg ROMBIOS_DATA mov ds, ax ASSUME ds:ROMBIOS_DATA mov ResetFlag, 1234h ; or 0 if cold reset is desired jmp Reset 30.3 WARNINGS! Neither the warm nor the cold boot flushes buffers, system, smartdrv, and EMM386, or notifies TSRs. This can lead to lost of data. The best source code that takes most of this into account is: Full souce code is available. 30.4 JUST USING INT 19H Using this interrupt alone will only reload the operating system onto a computer system that may not be properly initialized for it. The interrupt vectors are not reset but the TSRs that have hooks into the interrupt table may be overwritten. Obviously, this can lead to the system hanging if one of these hooked and overwritten interrupts is called. Other problems can be timers not reset or add-on cards not reinitialized properly. So, do NOT use int 19h to reboot the computer. 30.5 USING F000:E05B INSTEAD OF F000:FFF0 AS THE JUMP ADDRESS In the original IBM ROM BIOS, the instruction at f000:fff0 was a long jump to f000:e05b. Some programs skipped the jump at f000:fff0 and went directly to the second address which is the start of the reset procedure in ROM BIOS. I checked my 386 with non IBM BIOS, and the start of the reset procedure is at the same address. I believe that using the second address is dangerous because there is not any guarantee that it will stay the same. Also, if you are rebooting the computer what is the reason in saving a few cycles! Stay with the address f000:fff0 as the jump there always will take the execution path to the correct code. Contributor: Raymond Moon, Last changed: 20 Dec 96 Return to the Table Of Contents
31.1 COMP.OS.MSDOS.PROGRAMMER This excellent FAQ is posted every 20 days to comp.os.msdos.programmer, comp.answers and news.answers newsgroup. It is available from 31.2 COMMUNICATIONS FAQS The following websites contains many links to communication and hardware related FAQs, e.g., serial port, game port, keyboard, modem, and LANs. Most of these FAQs are not approved FAQs so are not found at but that is not to say that these are not quality FAQs. There is much good information. Contributor: Raymond Moon, Last changed: 17 Feb 96 Return to the Table Of Contents
Subject: 32. Pseudo Random Number Generator in Assembly Language
Mark Adler wrote a set or pseudo random number generators based upon algorithms from Knuth's "Art of Computer Programming", vol 2, 2nd ed. The file comes with full assembly source and .obj files for all major memory models. While written to link with Turbo C, the .obj files when linked with Microsoft C worked well, except for the procedure that return a double random number. The reason was because the return protocol is different between Borland C and Microsoft C. Once the code was modified to work with Microsoft C, the code worked well. To test the algorithms, I created an array of 100 random numbers and then generated random numbers and tried to determine if the original pattern was ever repeated. My program kept the length of the longest matching series. For real or double, the longest matching series was one after more that a billion random numbers. For ints, 0 and 1 as the only selections produced the longest matching series of 31 matches after more than a billion random numbers. Increasing the range of acceptable numbers quickly reduced the longest matching series to 2 in over 250 million random numbers. My short testing revealed that the longest matching series seldom increased after this number. Lastly, to test the distribution, I counted the number of hits for each number between 0 and 100. I collected about 100,000 hits for each number. The standard deviation was only 319 or less than 0.33%. While my testing was not a rigorous mathematical testing of the algrorithm and its implementation, I believe for most uses, these procedures are adequate. The file is available: Note that the description of this file is inaccurate. Contributor: Raymond Moon, Last changed: 4 May 96 Return to the Table Of Contents
Subject: 33. Command Line Arguments
33.1 WHERE IS THE COMMAND LINE DOS loads the command line into the PSP. The length of the command line is stored in a byte at offset 80h. The command line is stored in the next 127 bytes starting at 81h. As, generally, there is a space between the filename and the start of the command line argument, a space usually is the first character in this string. The string is terminated with a carriage return character, 0dh. At startup for both .COM and .EXE format programs, DS and ES point to the PSP. 33.2 HOW TO ACCESS THE COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS See Subject #8, How to Redirect Stderr to a File. I have written a demonstration program that contains assembly language startup code that parses the command line arguments onto the stack and provides them as argc and *argv[] to the main procedure. Anyone interested in accessing command line arguments should look at this code. Contributor: Raymond Moon, Last changed: 15 Jun 96 Return to the Table Of Contents
Subject: 34. Free 32 bit and DJGPP Assemblers
34.1 Brennan Underwood's Guide to Inline Assembly under DJGPP. This is an introduction to inline assembly under DJGPP and is based upon GCC. The AT&T/UNIX syntax is explained. The URL is: 34.2 DJGPP QUICK ASM PROGRAMMING GUIDE Andrew Ly has a web page covering: URLs to FAQs AT&T x86 ASM Syntax Some inline ASM information converting .obj/.lib files The URL to this page is: 34.3 FREE 32-BIT X86 ASSEMBLER FAQ/LINUX X86 ASSEMBLY HOWTO Francois-Rene Rideau has authored a FAQ on free 32-bit assemblers or Linus x86 Assembly HowTo. It is available: Contributor: Raymond Moon, Last changed: 19 Jun 96 Return to the Table Of Contents
Subject: 35. TERSE Programming Language
Jim Neil has just announced his TERSE Programming Language. TERSE gives all of the control available in assembly language with the look-and-feel and ease-of-use found in high-level languages. It is available: Contributor: Raymond Moon, Last changed: 19 Aug 96 Return to the Table Of Contents
Subject: 36. Assembly Language IDEs
36.1 ASMEDIT ASMEDIT is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Assembly Language programmers. This IDE has a build in editor that provides syntax coloring, editing of files up to 256 Mbytes, dissammembly of shourt code pieces, and shelling to run external assemblers, linkers, debuggers and make programs. The real benefit of ASMEDIT is its extensive help. This help covers: 80x86 ASM mnemonics up to 686 including FPU and MMX; Complete Opcode Tables; BIOS Interrupts; DOS Interrupts and DOS Functions; EMS and Mouse Functions; BIOS and DOS Data Structures; Diagnostic Codes; and VGA programming information. ASMEDIT is available from simtel or any of its mirrors: 36.2 ALAB Assembler Laboratory is an assembler IDE, packed with nice features such as: syntax and error highlighting proc,macro and data browsers tasm,masm, a86 and dlink support. heuristic scan opcode help, extended ascii chart, scan codes, calculator much more! The latest version is available from the author's homepage: 36.3 ASMIDE The latest version of ASMIDE, 4.01, has the following features: contains all the features of a conventional editor, such as Finding, Replacing, Cutting, Copying, Pasting. has the ability to open multiple files, allowing you to transfer text between the files. Multiple windows can be Tiled or Cascaded, and features Scroll bars. has mouse support. features a simple, 4 function, 3 mode calculator, and an Ascii Chart. has menu systems allowing you to assemble, link, run and debug your program. Short cut keys are also provided. allows you to specify your own assembler, linker and debugger in the configuration file. features setup dialogs that provide support for TASM, TLINK, MASM and LINK. ASMIDE is available: 36.4 NASMIDE NASM-IDE is a front end for NASM which allows multiple files to be worked on within the same editing environment. Written in Turbo Pascal and Turbo Vision, the NASM-IDE interface is clear and straightforward. Features include: Turbo Vision point-and-click style interface Automatic syntax highlighting of source code An ASM Assistant to guide users through the creation of assembler projects On-line help system Support for three main output file formats - flat file binary and DOS 16 bit and Win32 object files Learn more about NASIDE and download it from: Contributor: Raymond Moon, Last Changed: 6 Jul 97 Return to the Table Of Contents
38.1 Review of Disassemblers Jerzy Tarasiuk has reviewed some commercial and shareware disassemblers. The shareware assemblers are available in this directory. The review is available: Contributor: Raymond Moon, Last Changed: 13 Oct 96 Return to the Table Of Contents
Subject: 38. How to Optimize for the Pentium
39.1 PENTIUM OPTIMIZATION SITE The below site is updated as new information becomes available and contains information not found elsewhere. 38.2 LITERATURE AVAILABLE FROM INTEL Much useful literature can be downloaded for free from Intel's www site: The documents are in various different file formats. If a particular document is in a format not supported by your word processing software then you may seek an appropriate file viewer somewhere on the Internet. Many software companies are offering such file viewers for free to support their file formats. Tutorials for Optimizing the Pentium, and Pentium Pro/Pentium II can be downloaded from: Manuals for the Pentium and PentiumPro processors can be downloaded from: Detailed information on the MMX processors can be found in the documents: "MMX Technology Developers Guide", and "Programmers Reference Manual", both of which are available from: Many other sources other than Intel also have useful information. I would particularly recommend: Contributor: Ray Moon, Last Changed: 20 Dec 97 Return to the Table Of Contents
Subject: 39. Assembly Language Programming Style Guidelines
Randy Hyde has done it again. He has written a sytle guide that will help you write more readable and maintainable assembly language code. The URL is: Contributor: Ray Moon, Last Changed: 21 May 97 Return to the Table Of Contents
Subject: 40. Other Assembly-Related Newsgroups
I recently discovered two other assembly language newsgroups. news:fido7.talks-asm news:alt.os.assembly news:alt.os.development Contributor: Ray Moon, Last Changed: 26 Dec 97 Return to the Table Of Contents
41.1 DESCRIPTION ZD86 is a full featured Assembler Debugging Environment, that provides Symbolic Debugging for most common Assemblers, including A86, MASM, TASM, etc. The symbolic debugging capability displays and highlights your statement labels and variable names where you have placed them in your code. It is a powerful tool for the advanced assemblerlanguage programmer yet friendly enough for someone just starting with assembly language. 41.2 AVAILABILITY The ZD86 Debugger is available from: Contributor: Ray Moon, Last Changed: 22 Jun 97 Return to the Table Of Contents
Subject: 42. Acknowledgments REVISED
I would like to acknowledge all the people who have assisted me or any of the contributors. For their time and effort, this FAQ is a better product. David Boedicker, Barry Brey, Paolo Ciccone, Giuseppe De Marco, Morten Elling, Kris Heidenstrom, Alan Illeman, Don Krull, Chabad Lubavitch, Thanh Ma, Jeff Owens, Ed Parry, Keith Petersen, Michael Roberts, Russell Schulz, Rocky Seelbach, Janos Szamosfalvi and Cedric Ware Return to the Table Of Contents