They are used to move the contents of the operators. Each instruction can be used with different modes of addressing.
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Purpose: Data transfer between memory cells, registers and the accumulator.
MOV Destination,Source
Where Destination is the place where the data will be moved and Source is the place where the data is.
The different movements of data allowed for this instruction are:
*Destination: memory. Source: accumulator *Destination: accumulator. Source: memory *Destination: segment register. Source: memory/register *Destination: memory/register. Source: segment register *Destination: register. Source: register *Destination: register. Source: memory *Destination: memory. Source: register *Destination: register. Source: immediate data *Destination: memory. Source: immediate data
This small program moves the value of 0006H to the AX register, then it moves the content of AX (0006h) to the BX register, and lastly it moves the 4C00h value to the AX register to end the execution with the 4C option of the 21h interruption.
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Purpose: To move byte or word chains from the source, addressed by SI, to the destination addressed by DI.
This command does not need parameters since it takes as source address the content of the SI register and as destination the content of DI. The following sequence of instructions illustrates this:
First we initialize the values of SI and DI with the addresses of the VAR1 and VAR2 variables respectively, then after executing MOVS the content of VAR1 is copied onto VAR2. The MOVSB and MOVSW are used in the same way as MOVS, the first one moves one byte and the second one moves a word.
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They are specific register instructions. They are used to load bytes or chains of bytes onto a register.
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Purpose: To load chains of a byte or a word into the accumulator. Syntax: LODS This instruction takes the chain found on the address specified by SI, loads it to the AL (or AX) register and adds or subtracts , depending on the state of DF, to SI if it is a bytes transfer or if it is a words transfer.
The first line loads the VAR1 address on SI and the second line takes the content of that locality to the AL register. The LODSB and LODSW commands are used in the same way, the first one loads a byte and the second one a word (it uses the complete AX register). Go to the loading instructions section
Purpose: It transfers the content of the flags to the AH register. Syntax: LAHF This instruction is useful to verify the state of the flags during the execution of our program. The flags are left in the following order inside the register:
SF ZF ?? AF ?? PF ?? CF
The "??" means that there will be an undefined value in those bits.
Purpose: To load the register of the data segment Syntax: LDS destination,source The source operator must be a double word in memory. The word associated with the largest address is transferred to DS, in other words it is taken as the segment address. The word associated with the smaller address is the displacement address and it is deposited in the register indicated as destination.
Purpose: To load the address of the source operator Syntax: LEA destination,source The source operator must be located in memory, and its displacement is placed on the index register or specified pointer in destination. To illustrate one of the facilities we have with this command let us write an equivalence:
Is equivalent to:
It is very probable that for the programmer it is much easier to create large programs by using this last format.
Purpose: To load the register of the extra segment Syntax: LES destination,source The source operator must be a double word operator in memory. The content of the word with the larger address is interpreted as the segment address and it is placed in ES. The word with the smaller address is the displacement address and it is placed in the specified register on the destination parameter.
These instructions allow the use of the stacker to store or retrieve data.
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Purpose: It recovers a piece of information from the stack Syntax: POP destination This instruction transfers the last value stored on the stack to the destination operator, it then increases by 2 the SP register. This increase is due to the fact that the stack grows from the highest memory segment address to the lowest, and the stack only works with words, 2 bytes, so then by increasing by two the SP register, in reality two are being subtracted from the real size of the stack.
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Purpose: It extracts the flags stored on the stack Syntax: POPF This command transfers bits of the word stored on the higher part of the stack to the flag register. The way of transference is as follows:
BIT FLAG 0 CF 2 PF 4 AF 6 ZF 7 SF 8 TF 9 IF 10 DF 11 OF
These localities are the same for the PUSHF command. Once the transference is done the SP register is increased by 2, diminishing the size of the stack.
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Purpose: It places a word on the stack. Syntax: PUSH source The PUSH instruction decreases by two the value of SP and then transfers the content of the source operator to the new resulting address on the recently modified register. The decrease on the address is due to the fact that when adding values to the stack, this one grows from the greater to the smaller segment address, therefore by subtracting 2 from the SP register what we do is to increase the size of the stack by two bytes, which is the only quantity of information the stack can handle on each input and output of information.
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Purpose: It places the value of the flags on the stack. Syntax: PUSHF This command decreases by 2 the value of the SP register and then the content of the flag register is transferred to the stack, on the address indicated by SP. The flags are left stored in memory on the same bits indicated on the POPF command.
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They are used to perform logic operations on the operators.
Logic and arithmetic instructions
Purpose: It performs the conjunction of the operators bit by bit.
AND destiny,source
With this instruction the "y" logic operation for both operators is carried out:
Source Destiny | Destiny ----------------------------- 1 1 | 1 1 0 | 0 0 1 | 0 0 0 | 0
The result of this operation is stored on the destiny operator.
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Purpose: It generates the complement to 2.
NEG destiny
This instruction generates the complement to 2 of the destiny operator and stores it on the same operator. For example, if AX stores the value of 1234H, then:
This would leave the EDCCH value stored on the AX register.
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Purpose: It carries out the negation of the destiny operator bit by bit.
NOT destiny
The result is stored on the same destiny operator.
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Purpose: Logic inclusive OR
OR destiny,source
The OR instruction carries out, bit by bit, the logic inclusive disjunction of the two operators:
Source Destiny | Destiny ----------------------------------- 1 1 | 1 1 0 | 1 0 1 | 1 0 0 | 0
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Purpose: It logically compares the operators
TEST destiny,source
It performs a conjunction, bit by bit, of the operators, but differing from AND, this instruction does not place the result on the destiny operator, it only has effect on the state of the flags.
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Purpose: OR exclusive
XOR destiny,source Its function is to perform the logic exclusive disjunction of the two operators bit by bit.
Source Destiny | Destiny ----------------------------------- 1 1 | 0 0 0 | 1 0 1 | 1 0 0 | 0
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They are used to perform arithmetic operations on the operators.
Logic and arithmetic instructions
Purpose: Cartage addition
ADC destiny,source
It carries out the addition of two operators and adds one to the result in case the CF flag is activated, this is in case there is cartage.
The result is stored on the destiny operator.
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Purpose: Addition of the operators.
ADD destiny,source
It adds the two operators and stores the result on the destiny operator.
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Purpose: Division without sign.
DIV source
The divider can be a byte or a word and it is the operator which is given the instruction.
If the divider is 8 bits, the 16 bits AX register is taken as dividend and if the divider is 16 bits the even DX:AX register will be taken as dividend, taking the DX high word and AX as the low.
If the divider was a byte then the quotient will be stored on the AL register and the residue on AH, if it was a word then the quotient is stored on AX and the residue on DX.
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Purpose: Division with sign.
IDIV source
It basically consists on the same as the DIV instruction, and the only difference is that this one performs the operation with sign.
For its results it used the same registers as the DIV instruction.
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Purpose: Multiplication with sign.
MUL source
The assembler assumes that the multiplicand will be of the same size as the multiplier, therefore it multiplies the value stored on the register given as operator by the one found to be contained in AH if the multiplier is 8 bits or by AX if the multiplier is 16 bits.
When a multiplication is done with 8 bit values, the result is stored on the AX register and when the multiplication is with 16 bit values the result is stored on the even DX:AX register.
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Purpose: Multiplication of two whole numbers with sign.
IMUL source
This command does the same as the one before, only that this one does take into account the signs of the numbers being multiplied.
The results are kept in the same registers that the MOV instruction uses.
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Purpose: Subtraction with cartage.
SBB destiny,source
This instruction subtracts the operators and subtracts one to the result if CF is activated. The source operator is always subtracted from the destiny.
This kind of subtraction is used when one is working with 32 bits quantities.
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Purpose: Subtraction.
SUB destiny,source
It subtracts the source operator from the destiny.
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Jump instructions
Instructions for cycles: loop
Counting Instructions
Comparison Instructions
Flag Instructions
They are used to transfer the flow of the process to the indicated operator.
Go to the process control instructions section
Purpose: Unconditional jump.
JMP destiny
This instruction is used to deviate the flow of a program without taking into account the actual conditions of the flags or of the data.
Purpose: Conditional jump.
JA Label
After a comparison this command jumps if it is up or jumps if it is not down or if not it is the equal.
This means that the jump is only done if the CF flag is deactivated or if the ZF flag is deactivated, that is that one of the two be equal to zero.
Purpose: Conditional jump.
JAE label
It jumps if it is up or it is the equal or if it is not down.
The jump is done if CF is deactivated.
Purpose: Conditional jump.
JB label
It jumps if it is down, if it is not up, or if it is the equal.
The jump is done if CF is activated.
Purpose: Conditional jump.
JBE label
It jumps if it is down, the equal, or if it is not up.
The jump is done if CF is activated or if ZF is activated, that any of them be equal to 1.
Purpose: Conditional jump.
JE label
It jumps if it is the equal or if it is zero.
The jump is done if ZF is activated.
Purpose: Conditional jump.
JNE label
It jumps if it is not equal or zero.
The jump will be done if ZF is deactivated.
Purpose: Conditional jump, and the sign is taken into account.
JG label
It jumps if it is larger, if it is not larger or equal.
The jump occurs if ZF = 0 or if OF = SF.
Purpose: Conditional jump, and the sign is taken into account.
JGE label
It jumps if it is larger or less than, or equal to.
The jump is done if SF = OF
Purpose: Conditional jump, and the sign is taken into account.
JL label
It jumps if it is less than or if it is not larger than or equal to.
The jump is done if SF is different than OF.
Purpose: Conditional jump, and the sign is taken into account.
JLE label
It jumps if it is less than or equal to, or if it is not larger.
The jump is done if ZF = 1 or if SF is different than OF.
Purpose: Conditional jump, and the flags are taken into account.
JC label
It jumps if there is cartage.
The jump is done if CF = 1
Purpose: Conditional jump, and the state of the flags is taken into account.
JNC label
It jumps if there is no cartage.
The jump is done if CF = 0.
Purpose: Conditional jump, and the state of the flags is taken into account.
JNO label
It jumps if there is no overflow.
The jump is done if OF = 0.
Purpose: Conditional jump, and the state of the flags is taken into account.
JNP label
It jumps if there is no parity or if the parity is uneven.
The jump is done if PF = 0.
Purpose: Conditional jump, and the state of the flags is taken into account.
JNP label
It jumps if the sign is deactivated.
The jump is done if SF = 0.
Purpose: Conditional jump, and the state of the flags is taken into account.
JO label
It jumps if there is overflow.
The jump is done if OF = 1.
Purpose: Conditional jump, the state of the flags is taken into account.
JP label
It jumps if there is parity or if the parity is even.
The jump is done if PF = 1.
Purpose: Conditional jump, and the state of the flags is taken into account.
JS label
It jumps if the sign is on.
The jump is done if SF = 1.
They transfer the process flow, conditionally or unconditionally, to a destiny, repeating this action until the counter is zero.
Purpose: To generate a cycle in the program.
LOOP label
The loop instruction decreases CX on 1, and transfers the flow of the program to the label given as operator if CX is different than 1.
Purpose: To generate a cycle in the program considering the state of ZF.
LOOPE label
This instruction decreases CX by 1. If CX is different to zero and ZF is equal to 1, then the flow of the program is transferred to the label indicated as operator.
Purpose: To generate a cycle in the program, considering the state of ZF.
LOOPNE label
This instruction decreases one from CX and transfers the flow of the program only if ZF is different to 0.
They are used to decrease or increase the content of the counters.
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Purpose: To decrease the operator.
DEC destiny
This operation subtracts 1 from the destiny operator and stores the new value in the same operator.
Purpose: To increase the operator.
INC destiny The instruction adds 1 to the destiny operator and keeps the result in the same destiny operator.
They are used to compare operators, and they affect the content of the flags.
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Purpose: To compare the operators.
CMP destiny,source
This instruction subtracts the source operator from the destiny operator but without this one storing the result of the operation, and it only affects the state of the flags.
Purpose: To compare chains of a byte or a word.
CMP destiny,source
With this instruction the chain of source characters is subtracted from the destiny chain.
DI is used as an index for the extra segment of the source chain, and SI as an index of the destiny chain.
It only affects the content of the flags and DI as well as SI are incremented.
They directly affect the content of the flags.
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Purpose: To clean the cartage flag.
This instruction turns off the bit corresponding to the cartage flag, or in other words it puts it on zero.
Purpose: To clean the address flag.
This instruction turns off the corresponding bit to the address flag.
Purpose: To clean the interruption flag.
This instruction turns off the interruptions flag, disabling this way those maskarable interruptions.
A maskarable interruptions is that one whose functions are deactivated when IF=0.
Purpose: To complement the cartage flag.
This instruction complements the state of the CF flag, if CF = 0 the instructions equals it to 1, and if the instruction is 1 it equals it to 0.
We could say that it only "inverts" the value of the flag.
Purpose: To activate the cartage flag.
This instruction puts the CF flag in 1.
Purpose: To activate the address flag.
The STD instruction puts the DF flag in 1.
Purpose: To activate the interruption flag.
The instruction activates the IF flag, and this enables the maskarable external interruptions ( the ones which only function when IF = 1).