There are two ways of calling the Ceilidh system. Ceilidh may be used to support several courses in your department. You can either enter the system at a general level, and then choose the particular course you are studying, or you can enter directly into the particular course you are interested in.
To enter the system at the general level, the appropriate command (which should have been set up by your computer systems administrator) is
xceilidh (Xwindows version --- recommended)or
ceilidh (text based version)
Upon issuing the command xceilidh (or ceilidh) you will be greeted with the
menu shown in figure .
Note: Example menus are shown in this document. Menus seen in practice may vary slightly from those shown, since the actual menu you are offered reflects only those facilities available at the time.
xceilidh is the X-Windows based version which you should use as it is easier and more intuitive. However, the text based version ceilidh does have a few more features. These are not that important though. I will list features of both. ceilidh uses abbreviations for commands. xceilidh has buttons to press
(text version is like this) _________________________________________________________________ CEILIDH system level menu lc list course titles | sc move to named course vp view papers | pp print papers clp change printer | h for more help co make a comment to teacher | q quit this session fs find student | ft find tutees =========================================== System level command: _________________________________________________________________
Fig. System Level Ceilidh Menu
This is the "system" level of Ceilidh and represents a department wide view of the system.
The commands which are available at this point are as follows.
ASQA : Automated Software Quality Assessment CAL : The Ceilidh Courseware System CLI : The command line interface ceilidh Courseware : Courseware to support the teaching of programming Install : Installer's Guide Oracle : The "oracle" output recogniser Qu-ans : The question/answer marking program Student : Student Guide to Ceilidh Teacher : Teacher Guide to CeilidhChoose a paper :
which lists a selection of the available papers. If you reply with the short name of the paper (the first word on the line), the paper will be shown on the screen a page at a time through a paging command such as "more". Diagrams may not appear correctly.
It is possible to print a given paper which looks interesting using the pp command. Some papers containing diagrams may not view or print nicely on devices without appropriate facilities.
For courses with student registers, the following commands are also available
See below for discussion of the clp and co commands, both of which occur at many places in Ceilidh.
In general you will wish to move fairly soon to work on a specific course which you are studying. A particular course is entered using the sc (select course) command highlighting c course in window or by typing for example
followed by return to enter the course "c" in text based version. (You must use lower case/upper case (small and capital) letters exactly as requested. If the given name is not a valid course, all available course names will be listed and a valid one should be selected.)