7.4.4 Complex Number Objects

The C structure which corresponds to the value portion of a Python complex number object. Most of the functions for dealing with complex number objects use structures of this type as input or output values, as appropriate. It is defined as:

typedef struct {
   double real;
   double imag;
} Py_complex;

This subtype of PyObject represents a Python complex number object.

PyTypeObject PyComplex_Type
This instance of PyTypeObject represents the Python complex number type.

int PyComplex_Check (PyObject *p)
Returns true if its argument is a PyComplexObject.

Py_complex _Py_c_sum (Py_complex left, Py_complex right)

Py_complex _Py_c_diff (Py_complex left, Py_complex right)

Py_complex _Py_c_neg (Py_complex complex)

Py_complex _Py_c_prod (Py_complex left, Py_complex right)

Py_complex _Py_c_quot (Py_complex dividend, Py_complex divisor)

Py_complex _Py_c_pow (Py_complex num, Py_complex exp)

PyObject* PyComplex_FromCComplex (Py_complex v)

PyObject* PyComplex_FromDoubles (double real, double imag)
Returns a new PyComplexObject object from real and imag.

double PyComplex_RealAsDouble (PyObject *op)
Returns the real part of op as a C double.

double PyComplex_ImagAsDouble (PyObject *op)
Returns the imaginary part of op as a C double.

Py_complex PyComplex_AsCComplex (PyObject *op)

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