7.5.2 Module Objects

There are only a few functions special to module objects.

PyObject * PyModule_New (char *name)
Return a new module object with the __name__ attribute set to name. Only the module's __doc__ and __name__ attributes are filled in; the caller is responsible for providing a __file__ attribute.

PyObject * PyModule_GetDict (PyObject *module)
Return the dictionary object that implements module's namespace; this object is the same as the __dict__ attribute of the module object. This function never fails.

char * PyModule_GetName (PyObject *module)
Return module's __name__ value. If the module does not provide one, SystemError is raised.

char * PyModule_GetFilename (PyObject *module)
Return the name of the file from which module was loaded using module's __file__ attribute. If this is not defined, raise SystemError.

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