3.14.4 Exceptions and Error Handling

The parser module defines a single exception, but may also pass other built-in exceptions from other portions of the Python runtime environment. See each function for information about the exceptions it can raise.

Exception raised when a failure occurs within the parser module. This is generally produced for validation failures rather than the built in SyntaxError thrown during normal parsing. The exception argument is either a string describing the reason of the failure or a tuple containing a sequence causing the failure from a parse tree passed to sequence2ast() and an explanatory string. Calls to sequence2ast() need to be able to handle either type of exception, while calls to other functions in the module will only need to be aware of the simple string values.

Note that the functions compileast(), expr(), and suite() may throw exceptions which are normally thrown by the parsing and compilation process. These include the built in exceptions MemoryError, OverflowError, SyntaxError, and SystemError. In these cases, these exceptions carry all the meaning normally associated with them. Refer to the descriptions of each function for detailed information.

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