5.11.1 shlex Objects
A shlex instance has the following methods:
- get_token ()
Return a token. If tokens have been stacked using
push_token(), pop a token off the stack. Otherwise, read one
from the input stream. If reading encounters an immediate
end-of-file, an empty string is returned.
- push_token (str)
Push the argument onto the token stack.
Instances of shlex subclasses have some public instance
variables which either control lexical analysis or can be used
for debugging:
- commenters
The string of characters that are recognized as comment beginners.
All characters from the comment beginner to end of line are ignored.
Includes just "#" by default.
- wordchars
The string of characters that will accumulate into multi-character
tokens. By default, includes all ASCII alphanumerics and
- whitespace
Characters that will be considered whitespace and skipped. Whitespace
bounds tokens. By default, includes space, tab, linefeed and
- quotes
Characters that will be considered string quotes. The token
accumulates until the same quote is encountered again (thus, different
quote types protect each other as in the shall.) By default, includes
ASCII single and double quotes.
Note that any character not declared to be a word character,
whitespace, or a quote will be returned as a single-character token.
Quote and comment characters are not recognized within words. Thus,
the bare words "ain't" and "ain#t" would be returned as single
tokens by the default parser.
- lineno
Source line number (count of newlines seen so far plus one).
- token
The token buffer. It may be useful to examine this when catching
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