7.1 FSSpec objects

The raw data from the FSSpec object, suitable for passing to other applications, for instance.

as_pathname ()
Return the full pathname of the file described by the FSSpec object.

as_tuple ()
Return the (wdRefNum, parID, name) tuple of the file described by the FSSpec object.

NewAlias ([file])
Create an Alias object pointing to the file described by this FSSpec. If the optional file parameter is present the alias will be relative to that file, otherwise it will be absolute.

NewAliasMinimal ()
Create a minimal alias pointing to this file.

GetCreatorType ()
Return the 4-character creator and type of the file.

SetCreatorType (creator, type)
Set the 4-character creator and type of the file.

GetFInfo ()
Return a FInfo object describing the finder info for the file.

SetFInfo (finfo)
Set the finder info for the file to the values given as finfo (an FInfo object).

GetDates ()
Return a tuple with three floating point values representing the creation date, modification date and backup date of the file.

SetDates (crdate, moddate, backupdate)
Set the creation, modification and backup date of the file. The values are in the standard floating point format used for times throughout Python.

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