From: Yiorgos Adamopoulos <>
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 1996 10:25:36 +0300 (EET DST)

Self intro:
I am an Electrical and Computer Engineer (recently graduated). 
I work as a System/Network Administrator at both the
NTUA Network Operations Center and then NTUA Knowledge and Data Base Systems

String processing experience: 
I have heavily programmed for various projects at both labs with GNU regex,
re_comp/exec, regcomp and wc_comp/exec from and (f)lex.  Also
I have engineered rapid prototyping accounting stuff using pdksh, Perl, ICI,
AWK, sed and shql (which uses egrep/sed/awk).  Most of my work is done on any
kind of UNIX and on Windows NT.

[I am not a regex specialist (especially having to implement the automata 
needed for the matching, but in one case I needed case insensitive match and
could not use the GNU regex code.  I wrote a quick (although slow) hack to 
do this with regcomp() which I have put up at
It might be of interest to seders list.]

I'd love to but have not programmed in SNOBOL-4 (yet).

-- Yiorgos Adamopoulos, <>
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