Script Archive

It is sometimes necessary to remove comments (preceded by #), since this is not legal syntax.

Desktop calculator
This script from sed guru Greg Ubben is a full implementation of the UNIX desktop calculator dc. dc is an arbitrary precision, multi-base, stacking calculator. Read how it's done in Greg's analysis.
Display a calendar (i)
Display a simple calendar for the current month, à la the UNIX command cal. Note that bc and date are required.
Display a calendar (ii)
Hairier version of the above. Attempts to make sed do more of the work.
Horizontal banner
Rotates the vertical output of banner to produce horizontal output. The script assumes a screen size of 80x60. This could be overcome.
This script collates a list of references to produce an index suitable for a book or magazine. A detailed description of the way it works, along with alternative versions of the script, is available on the tutorials page. The script was used by the Cornerstone magazine to create an index for a book after typesetting.
Commify numbers (i)
Formats numbers by placing commas before every 3 digits (eg: 1,200,573).
Commify numbers (ii)
A more compact script for versions of sed which recognise Extended RE's.
Commify numbers (iii)
Compare with (i). This script expects numeric input.
Add decimals
This impressive script adds a list of decimal numbers. It pulls this off by transforming successive digits in each number into an analogue format, where a=1, aa=2, aaa=3, etc, concatenating the two analogue numbers, resolving carry, and transforming the numbers back into decimal. See Greg Ubben's explanation in Adding a list of decimal numbers on the tutorials page.
Split digest
Recreates original email messages from a list digest. The author says this should work `at least for digests generated by Majordomo and #listserv, and FAQs using minimal digest format.'
Sort/delimit/number a list
A masterful script to sort, partition and number a list. A thorough analysis of this script script given by the author in A lookup-table counter on the tutorials page.
File polisher (troff)
Very comprehensive suite of filters by Robert Marks which perform a large number of beautifying operations on text files prior to processing by troff. These scripts were used to produce camera-ready output for the Australian School of Management between 1985 and 1995.
You can download a gzipped tar archive of the scripts, or individual scripts: polish0.txt, polish1.txt, polish2.txt, polish3.txt, polish4.txt, polish5.txt, polish6.txt, polish7.txt, polish8.txt, polish9.txt, or visit Robert's Web site.
Convert DOS files for UNIX
Changes DOS end-of-lines to UNIX end-of-lines.
Convert UNIX files for DOS
Changes UNIX end-of-lines to DOS end-of-lines.
Text -> HTML
Converts preformatted text to HTML ready for viewing.
Intel assembler -> UNIX assembler
Converts Intel 386 assembly (MASM) code to Unix 386 assembly (gas) code.
Strip C comments
Strips comments from C source. Beware that code following a comment is also removed. See next item...
Strip C/C++ comments
Strips comments from C/C++ source. Handles comments surrounded by code.
Beautified directory tree (UNIX)
Indents the output of ls -lR according to the depth of each directory. Makes output far easier to read.
Lowercase filenames (filter)
Uppercase filenames (filter)
Lowercase/uppercase list of filenames supplied from STDIN.
  find /mnt/zeus/docs | tolower.sed | sh -x
Lowercase filenames (application)
Uppercase filenames (application)
Lowercase/uppercase list of filenames supplied as command line arguments. This version operates on files in current directory only.
  down *.HTM *.INC *.TXT
Capitalise words (i)
Capitalises the first letter of each word.
Capitalise words (ii)
An interesting alternative approach.
Capitalise words (iii)
Another method. While simpler to follow, this one is CPU-intensive.
Reverse text
Reverses the order of characters on each line of input.
Reverse text
Longer but faster version.
Reverse file
Reverses the line order of a file, subject to the size of the hold buffer.
Join lines
Joins all input on a single line.
Un-double-space lines
Change double-spaced lines to single-spaced.
Centre lines
Centres lines for an 80-column device. Easily adapted to different widths.
Centre lines
A slightly different approach.
Number lines
A short script to display output lines preceded by line numbers. This is similar to the UNIX nl command, or cat -n.
Number lines
This version demonstrates a technique for manually calculating numbers.
Number non-empty lines
A short script to display output lines, preceding non-empty lines with a line number. Empty lines do not affect the count. This is not the same as cat -bn, which does count empty lines.
Number non-empty lines
This version demonstrates a technique for manually calculating numbers.
Increment a number
Interesting script to increment numbers.
Squeeze blank lines
Replace consecutive blank lines with one line, so that at most one empty line separates two non-empty lines. Like cat -r.
Find anagrams
Seaarch for dictionary words in a string.
Print basename of files
Remove the directory prefix from a file path, and print remaining element. Like UNIX basename. Could easily be adapted for DOS conventions.
Print path of files
Remove the filename from a file path, and print remaining elements. Like UNIX dirname. Easily adapted to DOS conventions.
Display beginning of file
Display first 10 lines of a file. Like head.
Show make targets
Extracts targets for a file from a makefile.

Updated 15 Jun 1997