From: Al Aab <>
Sent: 18 September 1996 11:49

============================ seders newsletter #7 ==============================

1. If any seder has not had a chance to introduce himself to seders, here is
   your chance. Email your self-intro/mini-autobiography to the seders
   moderator. It will be reflected to all seders around the globe.
2. At the risk of repeating myself:
   do contribute scripts, opinions, etc. Don't be shy! Don't be passive!
   This seders list is set to take off. It will make history.
   Be part of history!

al aab, seders moderator                       sed u soon
        it is not zat we do not see the  s o l u t i o n     
        it is     zat we do not sed theproblem                

======================== end of seders newsletter #7 ===========================