import sys import re from optparse import OptionParser #Deprecated since version 2.6 #The commands module has been removed in Python 3. Use the subprocess module instead. #I'm still using 2.x, so fuck it lol. try: from colorama import init,Fore init() except: print "Please, install colorama module!" print "pip install colorama" #Author : B3mB4m #Title : Shellcode Helper(x86 Litle Endian Stack Converter) #Concat : #Version : v2 Final(I hope) #Supported AT&T - Intel Syntaxs #Most boring part shellcoding turning strings to stack but from now on its not ! # def helper(): print r""" ___ _ ___ | _ ) ___ _ __ | |__ ___ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ / __| | _ \/ _ \ ' \| '_ \/ -_) '_| ' \/ _` | ' \\__ \ |___/\___/_|_|_|_.__/\___|_| |_|_|_\__,_|_||_|___/ Bomberman & B3mB4m & T-Rex root~/Desktop$ python --type "AT&T" --target "MyString" or "PATH" root~/Desktop$ python --type "Intel" --target "MyString" or "PATH" """; sys.exit() class B3mB4mPusheR(object): def __init__(self, syntaxtype, target): self.generate = target self.syntaxtype = syntaxtype self.cout = 0 self.fill = "/" self.newlist = [x for x in range(len(str(self.generate)))] for i in xrange(0, len(self.generate)): self.newlist[i] = self.generate[i] self.cout += 1; if "/" in self.generate: self.calculatorifpath( self.generate) else: self.calculatorifstring( self.generate) def calculatorifstring(self, string): if len(string) == 4: if self.syntaxtype == "Intel": stack = "push 0x%s" % (string[::-1].encode('hex')) elif self.syntaxtype == "AT&T": stack = "push $0x%s" % (string[::-1].encode('hex')) print(Fore.GREEN + stack) sys.exit() elif len(string) % 4 == 0: self.splitter( string) else: dwordpart = string[0:(len(string)-len(string)%4)] wordpart = string[(len(string)-len(string)%4):len(string)] self.splitter( dwordpart) self.splitter( wordpart, "WordTime") def calculatorifpath(self, hexme): #In linux doesnt matter how many / in path. #So we can use that our purpose. #Therefore,we dont need convert to words too. if len(hexme) % 4 == 0: self.fill = self.fill if len(hexme) % 4 == 1: self.fill = self.fill * 4 elif len(hexme) % 4 == 2: self.fill = self.fill * 3 elif len(hexme) % 4 == 3: self.fill = self.fill * 2 if self.cout == 4: if self.syntaxtype == "Intel": stack = "push 0x%s" % (hexme[::-1].encode('hex')) elif self.syntaxtype == "AT&T": stack = "push $0x%s" % (hexme[::-1].encode('hex')) print(Fore.GREEN + stack) sys.exit() elif self.cout > 4: if len(hexme) % 4 == 0: self.hextime(self.fill, hexme) elif len(hexme) % 4 == 1: self.hextime(self.fill, hexme) sys.exit() elif len(hexme) % 4 == 2: self.hextime(self.fill, hexme) sys.exit() elif len(hexme) % 4 == 3: self.hextime(self.fill, hexme) sys.exit() def hextime(self, putmein, hexme): for i in xrange(0, len(hexme)): if hexme[i] == "/": self.newlist[i] = putmein fixstring = self.complie( self.newlist) self.splitter(fixstring) break; def complie(self, givemethatstring): compliestring = "" for i in givemethatstring: compliestring += i return compliestring def splitter(self, hexdump, pushword="None"): self.mylist = [] if pushword == "None": fixmesempai = re.findall('....?', hexdump) for x in fixmesempai[::-1]: self.syntaxtyper( str(x[::-1].encode("hex")), "dword") else: fixmesempai = re.findall('..?', hexdump) for x in fixmesempai[::-1]: self.syntaxtyper( str(x[::-1].encode("hex")), "word") for x in self.mylist: print (Fore.GREEN + x) def syntaxtyper(self, getstring, dwordORword): if self.syntaxtype == "Intel": if dwordORword == "dword": getstring = "push 0x%s" % getstring self.mylist.append(getstring) elif dwordORword == "word": getstring = "push word 0x%s" % getstring self.mylist.append(getstring) elif self.syntaxtype == "AT&T": if dwordORword == "dword": getstring = "push $0x%s" % getstring self.mylist.append(getstring) elif dwordORword == "word": getstring = "pushw 0x%s" % getstring self.mylist.append(getstring) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('--type', action="store") parser.add_option('--target', action="store") options, args = parser.parse_args() if options.type: B3mB4mPusheR( options.type, else: helper()